Connecticut MCLE - All Courses

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  • Free Speech, Trademarks and Parody at the Crossroads: “Jack Daniels vs Bad Spaniels”

    Is someone infringing on your trademark? How about your copyright or patent? Do you want to protect your invention with a patent? Is clearing and registering your trademark and your Copyright one of your business objectives? Are you interested in securing a licensing agreement either as a licensor or a licensee? Do you need help with your talent agreement? Do you want to know how to leverage your Intellectual Property through licensing and merchandising? Have you or your company just been ser... More Info

    2General Credits
  • DWI Investigations and Defense Basics

    This CLE course offers an overview of DUI cases from a former prosecutor’s standpoint. Covering national issues, this course explores the involvement of law enforcement in DUI investigations, including traffic stops, checkpoints, and collisions. Topics discussed include field sobriety tests, blood tests, retrograde extrapolation, and essential defense strategies. By gaining insights into these areas, participants will develop a solid foundation in defending DUI cases. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Ethical Referral Fees: A 50 State Survey

    When done correctly, fee sharing is not only ethical–it leads to better outcomes for clients. This CLE program will survey the various regulatory frameworks utilized by states concerning referral fees with the goal of providing lawyers with working understanding of how to employ this tool to benefit their clients and grow their practice. We will discuss: Common misconceptions when it comes to referral fees The ABA Model Rules What it means to be ‘jointly responsible’ What disclosure... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Beyond Westlaw and Lexis: Effective Internet Search Techniques for Attorneys

    This CLE course offers valuable insights and guidance on various subjects, such as compliance, business strategy, informal dispute resolution, and best practices. It also addresses essential aspects like the preparation of formal legal advice and court filings, including memos, pleadings, motions, and briefs. Additionally, the course covers trial preparation, encompassing business and individual backgrounds, related litigation, expert witness matters (prior cases, publications, researc... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Fair and Equitable Housing Regulations and Legal Ethics in Real Estate

    Real Estate Attorneys and Real Estate Professionals, including Realtors and Appraisers, must exercise ethical conduct towards all parties including Sellers and Purchasers of a residential real estate transaction. Our panelists will focus on the due diligence and legal ethics that should be exercised in assisting your clients to make a well informed decision to sign a residential contract and purchase a home. Given the current events, changing mortgage interest rates and shortage of home... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Building a Case to Best Serve the Client: Mediation and Arbitration of Multi-Party Construction Law Claims

    The CLE course will cover various topics related to the challenges presented in Multi-Party Construction Litigation cases. In mediation, we will discuss how best to prepare a client/carrier for mediation and strategies for use of documents. We will also examine how a well drafted mediation statement can prepare the mediator for the challenges that this particular matter presents. We will also discuss strategies in making offers of settlement, including some hybrid options for money an... More Info

    1General Credit
  • What If the Government Doesn’t Save My Client’s Bank? Preparing For the Next Bank Crisis

    Recent crisis in the banking system has resulted in several failures and a loss of confidence among depositors. While extraordinary intervention by the government and private sector protected uninsured depositors, owners and debtholders lost everything. Further, there is no expectation that the government will even protect uninsured depositors if another bank fails. In this CLE course, a regulatory partner at a prominent law firm will take a hard look at the recent trauma in the banki... More Info

    1General Credit
  • War Crimes in the Star Wars Universe: Episode VI

    The third and final installment of the Star Wars original trilogy offers a wealth of fascinating scenes for a law-of-war analysis, led by a former war crimes prosecutor. The film opens with Leia and then Luke Skywalker confronting Jabba the Hutt. Is this an act of unconventional warfare? Does the law of armed conflict even apply? When the Rebels find out about the new Death Star, they decide to target its shield generator on a moon called Endor. In the process, they convince the teddy... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Case Against Tipper X

    lmagine the following: lt is the morning of a normal workday for you and millions of others who live in New York City. You go to the gym for a workout and run some errands before heading to the office. Unexpectedly, two FBI agents approach you on the sidewalk, flash their badges - in public view - and begin questioning you about activity at your job. The agents begin spitting out details about your personal life - they know where you were last weekend, they know private details about your famil... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • How to Prepare for Long-Term Care Costs

    This CLE program will address the use of long-term care insurance to provide care for aging individuals and its impact on wealth transfer. The Instructors will discuss tax opportunities for business owners who want to leverage their businesses to protect themselves and their family members. Additionally, they will cover Medicaid planning and various products available to address this need. More Info

    1General Credit

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