Connecticut MCLE - All Courses
This is a listing of CLE Courses for Connecticut. Please make your selection below of Connecticut CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
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The Biden Administration Environmental Agenda
On his first day in office President Biden ordered many changes to the Trump environmental rules and pledged sweeping changes to the federal environmental and natural resources regulations. These initiatives will cover many areas particularly climate change. We will review the most significant items including climate change, other Clean Air Act initiatives and new directions for Clean Water Act, waste management and Endangered Species Act regulations. More Info
$501General Credit -
New Developments in Federal and New Jersey Landlord-Tenant Law in the Covid Era
We just passed the one year mark in dealing with the difficulties brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s obvious that every area of the law has been hit hard. However, the law is not static and it is constantly moving forward and clearly, one of the areas under great scrutiny is housing and landlord-tenant law. Regardless of what side of the coin you are on (landlord or tenant, commercial or residential), the ground is literally shifting under our feet. The question is which way is it sh... More Info
$751.5General Credits -
Beyond Storytelling: Using a Story Lens to Improve Fact Investigation, Case Theory, Evidentiary Arguments & Preservation
As trial lawyers, storytelling is our most powerfully persuasive advocacy tool. Stories connect us to one another, help us to understand events, and solve problems. The instinct to communicate through story is so deeply and universally ingrained in the human condition that it seems encoded in our DNA. Yet we sometimes miss opportunities to communicate persuasively because we get lost in the weeds of facts, evidence and legal issues. Storytelling can be used at every stage of your rep... More Info
$501General Credit -
25 is the New 18: Protecting Emerging Adult Clients
This CLE presentation will share the innovations in Maryland to protect emerging adult clients. The Maryland Office of the Public Defender has begun a pilot project to create a specialized unit representing “emerging adult” clients. Emerging adult clients are 18-25 years old and are over-represented in our criminal legal system and prisons despite the science indicating they are less culpable, more capable of growth and change, and still maturing neurologically. Recent research shows t... More Info
$501General Credit -
Attorney Relationships and Challenges with Them
Andrea Lyon and Ashley Nunn speak from their perspectives of lawyer and investigator and discuss ways that attorneys and investigators can improve their working relationship for the benefit of their client. Topics addressed include: having a team that brings diversity of perspectives, humility and awareness of blind spots and an intentional willingness to learn and understand the client’s perspective the importance of regular, timely, clear and open communication among the team me... More Info
$501General Credit -
Batson v. Kentucky and the Continuing Challenge of Racial Discrimination in Jury Selection
Prosecutors continue to strike people of color in jury selection, resulting in all-white juries even in jurisdictions with diverse populations that include many people of color. Prosecutors give trivial reasons for their strikes, often reading them off lists of “approved race-neutral reasons.” Judges routinely approve the reasons. There is a growing recognition that Batson has completely failed to prevent discrimination. Some states have adopted other approaches to prevent discriminati... More Info
$501General Credit -
COVID-19 and Due Process
This CLE program will focus on due process issues related to litigating cases during the COVID pandemic. Topics can include issues with jury selection, public access to courts, witness testimony, use of remote/video testimony, speedy trial, and best health practices in offices and in court. The presentation is designed to be modular and specific areas can be expanded or removed based on other presentations. More Info
$350.75General Credit -
How to Protect Your Law License: Reading from Below the Bottom Line
Join us for a two-part session designed to keep you in compliance with your ethical and business obligations. The first part of the session will focus on strategies for staying in compliance in such matters as: Client Relations: evaluating potential clients; avoiding conflicts; when to terminate relationships Communicating with Clients: informed consent; material risks Tax Compliance IRS and State Audit Steps Avoiding Criminal Tax Investigations More Info
$1002.25Total Credits1 Ethics -
Plan Your Escape: Leaving the Law Firm for Public Sector Law
In this CLE course, presenter Mark J. Wuellner discusses how attorneys can make the transition from the law firm into a fulfilling public sector legal career. He guides you through discovering your purpose for the move and why public sector law may – or may not – be for you. Then he shares tips and tricks for interviewing and securing a public sector legal position learned from his own experience on both sides of the interview table. He busts myths about what to expect in a public s... More Info
$751.75General Credits -
Writing and Editing Tips
This highly practical presentation is designed to immediately help participants improve the quality of their legal writing. Marilena David-Martin takes us through practices designed to improve the readability, credibility and clarity of written expression by providing tips on how to make good choices on formatting issues, language choices, sequence, and analysis. She also provides great suggestions for improving the quality of the editing process. More Info
$501General Credit