Connecticut MCLE - Alternative Dispute Resolution Courses

This is a listing of Alternative Dispute Resolution CLE Courses for Connecticut. Please make your selection below of Connecticut CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Dispute Resolution in the NY/Metropolitan Area

    The Public Religion Research Institute has reported that seventy-five percent (75%) of New Yorkers are religiously affiliated. This means that if you, as an attorney or dispute resolution professional, are actively serving New Yorkers, it is practically impossible to avoid religious beliefs, considerations, and values as part of your practice. Join us and our panelists, three masters of Christian, Islamic, and Jewish dispute resolution, as they discuss faith-based dispute resolution pro... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • Introduction to Divorce Actions in New Jersey

    This CLE course will provide a primer and broad overview of the divorce process in New Jersey. The course is geared for new attorneys, or seasoned attorneys who have not previously practiced in the area of family law. The course will discuss both the procedural and substantive issues that arise in divorce actions. It will also touch on the availability and use of Alternate Dispute Resolution techniques. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Strategies for Successful Mediations and Negotiations

    In the mediation process, there are certain strategies that may be employed to maximize the likelihood of a favorable outcome. While the goal is always Win-Win, the means to get to that goal is one that is often tailored to the parties, the nature of the dispute, the relative bargaining positions of the parties, etc. In this CLE course there will be a discussion of a number of strategies that might be employed in a particular mediation. Any discussion on mediation needs to discuss posi... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Preparing Clients for Deposition, Trial and Mediation: A Necessary Investment

    All litigators know the value and essential nature of preparation of clients for major litigation events. But preparation work is frequently superficial, inefficient and not sufficiently directed to the client’s fears, anxieties and intellectual capacity. In this CLE course you will learn advanced and cutting-edge techniques to thoroughly prepare your client for deposition, trial and mediation. The course will cover how to address client anxiety, how to demystify the events themselves s... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • How Rabbinical Court Cases are Decided

    In this CLE, a well known rabbinical court judge describes the relevance of secular law to proceedings in beit din (rabbinical court) under Jewish law. A rabbinical court judge and director of the Beth Din of America, a rabbinical court based in New York, walks listeners through an actual case arbitrated (and ultimately mediated) at the Beth Din of America, and concludes with a description of some of the unique procedural issues that arise in a beit din. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Unique Divorce Issues Arising under Jewish Law

    Jewish couples getting divorced face unique religious law issues with potential secular law ramifications. The ketuba, a central element of a Jewish wedding, is actually a legal document with financial implications. In order to dissolve a Jewish marriage, a Get (writ of divorce) is necessary. The Get requires the mutual participation of husband and wife, and in some cases the withholding of a Get has been threatened or utilized as a tool for negotiation leverage or simply out of spite. In... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Beth Din As a Preferred Forum

    Jewish law prefers dispute resolution among Jews to take place through mediation or arbitration in a beit din (lit. house of law), a rabbinical forum for dispute resolution. In this CLE, an expert on Jewish law discusses some of the more intricate rules regarding the issue of selecting a forum for dispute resolution, and the director of the Beth Din of America, a rabbinical court based in New York, explains the rabbinical court process, and how decisions are reached, by describing an actual c... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Beth Din Jurisprudence

    When contemporary business cases are decided through rabbinical court arbitration, procedural and substantive law is determined by utilizing ancient and modern Jewish law texts. But Jewish law recognizes that in the business arena parties enter deals with an expectation that local law and custom will govern their dealings. In addition, the modern day arbitration forum presents interesting procedural issues for a Jewish court. In this CLE, an arbitrator at, and the administrative attorney of... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Female Testimony in Beit Din: An Untold Story of Halachic Justice

    Contemporary rabbinical courts accept testimony even from classes of individuals who are barred from testifying under Biblical law. In this fascinating discussion about how Jewish justice operates in the sphere of rabbinical court decision making, an expert in religious arbitration law from Pepperdine University School of Law describes the interplay between religious law and societal norms. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Business Alternative Dispute Resolution

    Business Arbitration and Business Mediation have a number of advantages relative to litigating commercial cases in court. There also are some disadvantages. Unless you’re intimately familiar with the Alternative Dispute Resolution processes, how will you know how best to represent your client? The speaker is an experienced business dispute resolution lawyer, commercial arbitrator and mediator, trainer of new and experienced neutrals, ADR law consultant, author, and speaker who will review the... More Info

    1.75General Credits

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