Delaware CLE - Personal Injury Courses

This is a listing of Personal Injury CLE Courses for Delaware. Please make your selection below of Delaware CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Litigation: Using Outcome Based Strategies to Drive Value

    Welcome to the world of outcome-based litigation strategies. Unlike Traditional Litigation, in outcome- based Litigation we are focused on what we want the results of our litigation efforts to achieve. That means, having a very clear goal in mind, in terms of value and settlement in settlement purposes. Having a clear understanding of what pressure needs to be brought to bear on the opposing side to achieve that result. We use the power of automation to leverage those things to achieve... More Info

    4.1General Credits
  • The Plaintiff Fact Sheet (“PFS”) in a Mass Tort Setting

    The Plaintiff Fact Sheet (PFS) is a written questionnaire which takes the place of non-negotiated interrogatories, or written questions, and is typically served in Mass Tort litigation. In a Mass Tort case, the Parties negotiate the questions to be asked on the PFS questionnaires. The Defendants are entitled to ask questions in a PFS that provides both basic information about the claimant (date of birth, marital status) and specific information (date of injury, type of injury, name... More Info

    1.2General Credits

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