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  • Providing Expert Counsel in the Network Marketing and MLM Industry

    Network Marketing, also known as Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), is part of the direct selling industry. Accounting for over $100B in economic impact in the US, $200B globally, it is growing at a 6%+ rate annually. Almost half of that is in Asia/Pacific, with a high product concentration in Health and Wellness: Weight loss, dietary supplements, skin care, beauty. Known by their most famous incumbents, Amway, Herbalife, and Nu Skin, multi-billion dollar enterprises, some of them are public... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The State Of The Art of Investment Advisor Regulations

    This CLE course explores the latest developments in Investment Adviser Regulation, focusing on practical steps for investment advisers in light of the Fifth Circuit's decision to vacate the SEC's recent Private Investment Adviser regulations. We'll examine why the SEC chose not to appeal the ruling and discuss the implications. The course will also cover emerging trends and best practices in artificial intelligence, the Marketing Rule, and other recent regulatory changes. Addit... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Selecting the Appropriate ADR Forum for Your Case

    Initial Decisions in choosing an ADR Forum for Tort Cases are significantly important given that not every lawsuit fits each and every ADR Forum. First, identifying the choices of ADR forums (Binding ADR with high/low parameters, Non-Binding Mediation or Hybrid Non-Binding/Arbitration or Med-Arb. Consideration then should deal with the nature of the jurisdiction that you are in, the status of the case (early pre-litigation cases, cases with some degree of discovery and cases that are b... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Traumatic Brain Injury and Necessary Experts

    In order for any litigator to pursue litigation related to traumatic brain injury, it necessary to understand how the brain functions, what are the causes and effects of TBIs and what’s and how exerts are utilized. This CLE course can also provide to any individual a useful overview of brain function and dysfunction. By understanding the brain, we can understand how we love and hate, build and structure our environment. If our brain makes us who we are, it can also limit our be... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Update on Disclosure in Special Proceedings

    Disclosure is not permitted as of right in special proceedings (with the exception of a notice to admit). To obtain disclosure in a special proceeding, a party must make a motion under CPLR 408 and show “ample need” for disclosure. This test is somewhat amorphous. What do courts look for when a motion for disclosure under CPLR 408 is made? This CLE course is intended to give you a brief overview of the standards that various courts have applied to determine if disclosure will be or... More Info

    1General Credit

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