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  • Quid Pro Quo for Charitable Gifts

    A quid pro quo (QPQ) gift is a payment made partly as a contribution and partly in consideration for goods or services provided to the donor by the charity (for example, a fundraising banquet, when a donor’s payment to when a donor’s payment to a charity exceeds the cost of the meal). Special rules apply regarding deductions for QPQ gifts. Speakers will take you through the requirements so you can keep your clients out of trouble and help them get a charitable deduction. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Planning for Tangibles

    What is tangible property in general and what are the high level challenges when trying to plan for it? This CLE course will offer an overview of tangible property, how it is defined and what it includes and the planning strategies you need to know. Speakers will discuss a variety of topics such as emotional issues, testamentary plan structure, titling considerations and lifetime gifting issues. More Info

    1General Credit
  • An Introduction to Private Investment Funds

    An overview of the legal and practical considerations when establishing a private equity fund, real estate fund, or hedge fund. We will review the relevant sections of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “40 Act”), the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (the “Advisers Act”), and the rules promulgated thereunder, including the most commonly used exceptions to registration under the 40 Act and Advisers Act. We will also review relevant provisions of the Securities Act of 1933 (the “33... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Selling a Family Business

    More and more families are thinking about selling their businesses. Taking this raises issues involving family dynamics as well as tax considerations. Our speakers will discuss best practices for dealing with these issues. Family businesses are notoriously complicated, both from the personal and economic perspective. Today, more and more families are thinking about selling their businesses, raising issues including family upheaval and tax issues that need to be considered. This CLE cou... More Info

    1General Credit
  • 10 Clauses Fiduciaries Hate

    Practitioners who draft trust documents don’t always consider that certain terms or language can make it very hard for the fiduciaries who are trying to enforce the grantor’s wishes. The panel will discuss these clauses and offer some ideas for fixes that can be incorporated into these problem provisions. Trust documents need to be comprehensive and clear. The use of certain terms or confusing language can make it nearly impossible for fiduciaries to enforce a grantor’s wishes. How terms are de... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Immigration Court Practice, Litigation, and Procedure

    Today's immigration law, deportation and removal defense litigation is rife with pitfalls, hidden and strategic tactics that only a 20 year veteran of the field, through 4 different Presidential administrations both conservative and liberal, can teach you. Attorney Rahul Manchanda of the famed Wall Street law firm Manchanda Law Office PLLC takes you inside the super sub-specialty of Immigration and Deportation Defense Litigation and Trials where your Opposing Counsel is the well-fund... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Commercial Leasing and Bankruptcy in the Era of COVID

    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a major disruption to both large and small businesses as well as to commercial landlords, whose tenants cannot meet their existing rental obligations. Join our panel of experts as they discuss the implications of bankruptcy filings on commercial leases, how commercial leases are treated in bankruptcy, using the Bankruptcy Code to maximize the financial interests of landlords and tenants, the implications of restructuring,, the effects of COVID -- and more. More Info

    2General Credits
  • New York State Establishes Post-Mortem Right of Publicity and Other New Protections

    Governor Cuomo signed legislation extending New York State protections for the right of publicity. This establishes, for the first time in New York, a right of publicity after death, and also extends protections against the use of digitally created replicas of performers as well as against unauthorized depictions of sexually explicit conduct. In this CLE, we will explore: What has changed (and what remains the same) in New York’s Right of Publicity Law? Who is protected by the newly... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • What is Special Education Law and is it for Me?

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 afford strong federal legal entitlements and protections to school-aged children with disabilities. However, the statutes themselves and the cases which interpret them are complicated, and the process of enforcing these laws complex. Moreover, the field comes with its own benefits and pitfalls. If your clients occasionally have questions in this area and you don't know how to answer the... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Homeowners and Condominium Associations: Elections and Dispute Resolutions

    This CLE course will review the statutory and documentary sources for how the elections in a condominium and/or homeowners’ association are conducted from nomination through recall. The course will offer a detailed explanation of the process and manner in which elections should be conducted. The course will also discuss the methods for challenging the manner in which elections are conducted or the election outcome. The course will offer a detailed explanation of the process and manner... More Info

    2General Credits

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