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  • How Covid-19 Legislation has Impacted Commercial Landlord-Tenant Litigation

    The past seventeen months dramatically changed the commercial Landlord-Tenant practice. This CLE course will introduce key legislation and executive orders which impacted a landlord’s ability to collect rent, a tenant’s ability to delay paying rent and a guarantor’s ability to avoid personal liability and practical consideration and suggestions. More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • The Humanity Of The Mediation Process

    Mediation is a process by which a third-party neutral, the mediator, tries to guide the parties in the dispute to a resolution known as Win-Win. Those who practice mediation can attest to the dignity and deep humanity of this process. I have tried to capture some of this grandeur in describing some of the traits that are willy-nilly imposed on both mediators and those who engage in the process. In preparing this lecture, I have divided mediation process into four distinct categories. Th... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Making Adverse Witnesses a Free Expert Witness

    In every case, the plaintiff claims that the defendant breached a duty of care owed. The most effective way to prove that the defendant was negligent is through the mouth of the defendant itself; do it's employees possess the requisite knowledge and are they doing what they should do? This CLE class teaches you how to effectively question the defendants to make them expert witnesses on behalf of the plaintiff; even a janitor is an expert in the custodial sciences! More Info

    2General Credits
  • The Supreme Court Opens a New World of College Athletics

    After a 7-year saga, the Supreme Court issued its ruling in one of the most significant sports law cases of our time. In a 9-0 opinion, the justices in NCAA v. Alston rejected the NCAA's argument that educational compensation restrictions were entitled to antitrust deference and upheld both the district court and 9th Circuit Court of Appeals injunction that concluded that educational compensation restrictions violated Section 1 of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. This seminar will examine t... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Overview of FinTech Regulation and Compliance

    A very high-level overview of some of the issues and challenges facing attorneys representing companies that are utilizing new technology to improve and automate the delivery of financial services (FinTech). Overview of the core principles and regulatory regimes in the United States governing key aspects of financial services including banking, securities, funds, money transmission, commodities, and anti-money laundering, and how these affect the operations of FinTech companies.... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Changing the Landscape of Diversity, Inclusion & the Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession

    This CLE program will discuss the disproportionate statistics of women and minorities in partner positions at law firms, provide an analysis of the key impediments that have affected women and minorities from advancing and discuss how litigation has been used as a tool not only to combat discrimination, but also as leverage to drive diversity and inclusion efforts. The panelist's will also highlight practices that attorneys and law firms can adopt to increase diversity and inclusion ef... More Info

    1General Credit
  • So You Really Want To Mediate?

    When asking for money damages in civil actions, there are certainly good reasons and appropriate times to look for potential resolutions of litigation before going to trial. There are many beneficial and useful ADR forums, such as Mediation or Binding Arbitration, that can be used to obtain a fair and cost-friendly resolution. This course will explore not only the benefits of a Non-Binding Mediation and other similar Mediation options, some of which are unique and even “out of the box”... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Effective Use of Expert Witnesses in Your Case

    Experts need to work hand-in-hand with the client’s legal counsel to ensure that all parties are on the same page with regard to the scope of services given the nature of the particular case concerning the issues, quality and quantity of documentation available, theories of liability, causation and damages and the ability to convey “the good, the bad and the ugly” regarding the likelihood of success so that legal counsel and the client can go forward in the best interest of the client.... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Do I Stay or Do I Go: Figuring out the Bankruptcy Means Test

    Do you want to know if your client really 'passes' the Chapter 7 means test or not? Are you concerned that you might be crossing the line into a 13? Do you have questions about the deductions or income allowed in the means test? This CLE course will review the means test, go over allowed deductions and the Trustee's past opinion on the listed means test deductions. The means test is the gateway to bankruptcy for most debtors - let's get it right! More Info

    3General Credits
  • Increasing Revenue for Your Clients and Yourself Through Franchising

    The purpose of this CLE course is to show you how you can increase the revenue of both your client and yourself through franchising. The lecture describes the advantages of franchising, the success of franchising in the United States, the types of businesses that can be franchised, what is involved in establishing a franchise system, the registration requirements of various states, the Franchise Disclosure Document, your duties as a franchise attorney and your options as a franchise a... More Info

    1.5General Credits

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