Georgia CLE - Business Law Courses

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  • Criminal Procedure for the General Practitioner: What you Need to Know when your Client’s Son Gets Arrested

    A frequent occurrence that many general practitioners will undoubtedly face during their careers is the frantic phone call from a client who has been arrested or has a family member who has been arrested. The client will have many questions about what to expect and will be looking to you for guidance. For those new to the practice of law or those who have little experience with criminal law, how do you properly advise your client about the potential legal ramifications of an arrest? What fa... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Processes and Issues Surrounding China-U.S. Foreign Direct Investment

    Investment in foreign countries may be lucrative, but must be undertaken with a thorough understanding of the legal issues involved. This CLE course will offer specific instruction on the benefits and challenges to foreign investment in China and how to navigate its complex legal system. The course will explain the myriad benefits to investment, such as China’s rising economic growth and status on the global economy, as well as the risks such as its social instability, aging population... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Advertising After Operation Full Disclosure: The FTC’s New Focus on Disclosures in Advertising

    As part of “Operation Full Disclosure,” the Federal Trade Commission recently sent warning letters to more than sixty national advertisers warning them that their television and print disclosures are not clear and conspicuous. This is second time in two years that the FTC has issued major guidance to industry on disclosures in advertising. What is Operation Full Disclosure all about? Why is the FTC so focused on disclosures – and national advertising – right now? And what should advertisers an... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Ethical Pitfalls Relating to Solo and Small Firm Practitioners

    Solo practitioners and small firms face ethical perils unique to their practices. Medium and large firm practitioners who intend to start a new law firm will face many of the same ethical problems. However, most ethical dilemmas can be avoided by simple risk management techniques and a basic understanding of common pitfalls that arise in these types of practices. The goal of the program is to help attendees avoid disciplinary complaints and legal malpractice claims by recognizing et... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • International Discovery: Handling the Complexities of Cross-Border Disputes

    As the world continues to grow and businesses globalize, creating and storing their electronically stored information (ESI) across continents, procedural issues regarding access to the information stored, maintained or that emanates from outside the United States will immeasurably impact companies and individuals. Join our panel comprised of some of the leading practitioners in the field as they discuss the cutting-edge legal issues. Get ahead of these issues that certainly will contin... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Federal Judges Panel: Avoiding “Irreversible Mistakes” in E-Discovery

    In this CLE program, learn why none of the 22 participating judges in Exterro's Federal Judges Survey “Completely Agreed" that the typical attorneys appearing before them possess the subject matter knowledge required to effectively counsel clients on e-discovery matters. Three of the judges who participated in the survey will address this and other key survey findings around e-discovery best practices and trends. The judges will also offer advice for preventing, as one respondent stat... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Representing Clients in State and Local Criminal Tax Investigations: What Every Lawyer Needs to Know

    NYS and NYC have numerous criminal penalties for deliberate tax payer fraud and misconduct that can be particularly onerous. Indeed, criminal tax enforcement in NYS has increased significantly since 2007 when the Department of Taxation and Finance decided to more aggressively use its powers to target tax fraud. Hear from a panel of experts what you need to know about NYS and NYC criminal tax enforcement and how you can advise and defend your clients when facing criminal tax investigati... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • Is That Contract Invalid? Protecting & Attacking Contractual Obligations

    While the signing of a contract may indicate a major transaction or commitment, people tend to view them as little more than pieces of paper, easily argued and voided. But the validity of a contract is dependent on myriad elements contained therein. This CLE course will explain how to assess the validity of a contract either to protect its obligations or attack and invalidate them. The course will explain what constitutes a contract and the elements in must contain, mutual intent requi... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • When to Retain a Financial Expert and How to Use them Effectively

    Learn from a panel of experts how to select, work with, and use experts to prove damages. The program will provide an overview of the law governing recovery of lost profits; the concepts for measurement and projection of lost profits; the best use of a damages expert; and how to project lost revenues. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Sieging the Castle: Preliminary Injunctions in Ownership Suits

    Complete with war stories, analogies, and quips, Yan Margolin will present the intricacies of temporary injunctive relief in a CLE course designed to be as entertaining as it is informative. The course will review the different types of reliefs as they pertain to small, medium-sized corporate, LLC and partnership litigation. The applications and legal requirements of the remedies as well as strategic and tactical considerations will also be discussed. The course will explain the situat... More Info

    1General Credit

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