Georgia CLE - Trial Skills Courses

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  • Managing Client Expectations Throughout the Litigation Process

    You haven’t been paid. You’re upset and you seek legal help in collecting every penny due you. However, it is important to understand what’s involved in the litigation process and how it might affect your decisions regarding settlement of the case. Learn how your professional, personal and psychological skills must all come into play in order for both lawyer and client to move forward in a positive and constructive way towards a satisfying resolution. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Depositions in Motor Vehicle Crashes

    In this CLE course, you will learn how to conduct depositions across the country and leverage the defendant as a free expert witness to secure victory in your motor vehicle crash case. You will also discover how to establish the defendant's negligence using the "Holy Trinity" of motor vehicle crashes, and gain access to readily available legal precedents to support your claims in Motor Vehicle crash litigation. This course is taught by an accomplished attorney who has a track record of... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Is There Any Evidence For This Evidence: What Experienced Trial Lawyers Must Know About The Evidence Code

    This CLE program provides practical application of the Evidence Code under Federal Rules of Evidence (with reference to some state codes), including sections on Scope (when rules apply, preliminary questions, limitations on admissibility, etc.). Judicial Notice (when courts can assume the truth of commonly known things); Presumptions (regarding burdens, inferences and presumptions);Relevance (what kinds of evidence is deemed relevant and admissible or when such relevant evidence may no... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Holding The Marijuana Industry Legally Accountable

    Today’s marijuana is high in potency and can reach 99% pure delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The THC in marijuana causes the “high,” and leads to addiction, mental illness, violence, crime, traffic deaths, and many health and social problems. Voters were not adequately informed when marijuana legalization was put on ballots. Marijuana use causes a variety of harms not anticipated by the voters. The marijuana industry victimizes people and causes massive damage as did the tobacco and... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Truck Accident Litigation In a Nutshell

    This CLE program will provide an overview into important aspects and issues involved in the practice area known as truck accident litigation. These would include: The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, statutory employment, liabilities and defenses in accident cases involving driver and trucking company conduct, loading and unloading, underride collisions, intermodal transportation, negligent hiring, forklift operations, truck driver fatigue, FAAAA preemption, logb... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Advance Depositions: Strategies for Taking Depositions in Insurance Bad Faith Cases

    This CLE program will focus on effective techniques for taking depositions in insurance bad faith cases with an emphasis from the plaintiff/insured’s perspective. Whose depositions do you take and when do you not take the deposition of a witness. What questions do you ask for key insurance witnesses and what do you leave for trial. How do you set up insurance company witnesses for cross-examination at trial. Our panel of experienced and highly regarded lawyers will give you insights... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Pre-Trial Preparation for Success at Trial

    This CLE lecture is offered to assist the trial attorney in how to prepare for trial. It will provide you with tried and tested methods to gather information and store it in a way that will permit you to utilize it in the courtroom to aid you in securing a jury verdict in favor of your client. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Representing the Personal Injury Plaintiff: How The Sausage is Made

    This engaging CLE lecture is packed with useful information. You will learn how to best represent a plaintiff in a personal injury case, what traps to watch out for and – most importantly how to explain the process in a way that most clients can understand. Specifically, the course will go into detail on how to make the financial aspects of the case work in your client’s favor, how to set proper expectations and how to deal with the hard business of obtaining money from insurance compa... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • Broker Lien Rights: What Attorneys Need to Know

    This CLE course offers an overview of commercial real estate broker lien rights in 34 states, taught by a 46 year attorney who authored or lobbied on behalf of roughly half of those statutes. Topics addressed include the scope of commission claims which are protected, legislative history, the prerequisites for the lien claim, timing, and key tips on enforcement. Hear from the author of these statutes and his 31 years of lien practice in multiple states, from drafting the lien, assertin... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Veterans Update: What's New from Congress, The Courts and The VA

    For over three decades, the United States has been at war. Conflicts in Kuwait, the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and other areas throughout the world have left many Americans with physical and mental disabilities that affect them for the rest of their lives. The Department of Veterans Affairs was established to care for those veterans who have borne the burden of military service and their survivors. Navigating the myriad of VA regulations and procedures can be a nig... More Info

    1.5General Credits

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