Hawaii CLE - Litigation Courses
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Dotting “I”s and Crossing “T”s: An Overview Guide of NYC Housing Law
New York City Housing Law litigation is strongly rooted in statutes. Failing to dot and “I” or properly crossing a “T” make prove fatal. In this course, the participant will be given an overview of many parts of housing litigation that is heavily impacted by statutory requirements. This CLE course is especially helpful if you are new to landlord-tenant litigation. If you are already a veteran the course also discusses the recent changes in housing law as codified in the Housing Stabil... More Info
$501.25General Credits -
Killer Depositions: Tactics, Tips, & Techniques That Can Make or Break Your Case
Depositions can make or break any fact-dependent case. It isn't enough to simply hope your adversary will say what you want, or hope that your own client will avoid putting his foot in his mouth. Careful planning can make a huge difference. In this lecture, Mr. Golden attempts to present a brief guide into some of the psychological and strategic issues involved in any deposition, as well as focus on some of the crucial portions of the CPLR and Uniform Rules that will help attorneys manage thei... More Info
$1002.25General Credits -
Starting a Solo Practice
One of the great things about being a lawyer is that you don’t have to spend your life working for other people: you can always “hang out your shingle” and practice on your own. When you start your own law practice, you are an entrepreneur, and will face many of the same management challenges entrepreneurs face when starting new businesses. Like any entrepreneur, you will need to create business, marketing and operations plans to ensure that your enterprise will be successful. In this ente... More Info
$1002General Credits -
Medical Malpractice: Pick Your Cases Carefully
This CLE lecture will focus on the selection and review of potential medical malpractice cases. The importance of case selection and early review has a huge impact on the outcome of a medical malpractice case and has broader implications. Medical Malpractice cases are one of the few types of cases that require a certificate of merit prior to even being filed. As the injuries from Medical Malpractice are typically severe and the verdicts and settlements derived from these cases can be significa... More Info
$501.25General Credits -
ERISA Claim Appeals
This CLE presentation will address Pre-litigation Appeals of benefit denials in ERISA cases which are generally considered mandatory. Claim appeals are also often the key to success or failure in litigation, yet they are often given insufficient attention both by claimants and plan administrators. This course will examine the origin and purpose behind claim appeals, the “rules of the road” (i.e., the Department of Labor’s regulations), and cases that have shaped how claim appeals are conducted... More Info
$501General Credit -
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Business Interruption: The Developing Rough Coverage Storm Ahead
The unprecedented challenges of COVID-19, both from social distancing and the necessity to close businesses has created a domino effect across industries. Without an end in sight, businesses are evaluating their insurance policies to determine applicable coverage. This CLE course will explain business interruption insurance, its requirements and benefits and the review first cases filed for coverage. More Info
$751.5General Credits -
The New Discovery Law: Practical Impact In Criminal Practice
Criminal discovery in New York has dramatically changed. These new laws place the burden on the prosecution to provide extensive discovery shortly after the arraignment. This lecture will provide an overview of the new discovery law, recent changes that were passed in the State Budget, examine how these changes have applied in criminal practice, and how to use this information most effectively for your clients. More Info
$501General Credit -
Estate Administration, Estate Planning and Lien Resolution Basics for Personal Injury Attorneys
This CLE program will provide the personal injury attorney with the basic understanding of the ins and outs about Estate Administration and its requirements for establishing an estate fiduciary to be able to continue with a personal injury and/or wrongful death actions. In addition, there will be insight provided as to what estate planning needs may come about as a result of the settlement of case for personal injuries and/or wrongful death. Finally, attendees will learn about the basics abou... More Info
$751.75General Credits -
Starting a Social Security Disability Practice: Mistakes to Avoid and Best Practices to Follow
This CLE course is designed for attorneys who are considering adding Social Security disability claimant representation to their practices. Presented by Jonathan Ginsberg, an experienced disability lawyer with over 25 years’ experience representing disability applicants, you will learn how to identify cases with the highest likelihood of success, cases to avoid, the three theories of disability that apply in every case and the time line for a typical case. Attorney Ginsberg also discus... More Info
$751.5General Credits -
The Whistleblower Laws: Spot a Claim, Avoid Traps for the Unwary, and Earn a Bounty for Your Clients
A whistleblower or qui tam action can provide financial rewards to individuals who have information that a company/individual has committed fraud. The primary statutes under which this relief may be sought are the federal and state False Claims Acts (“FCAs”), which are not specific to any particular type of fraud. In addition to the FCAs, there are other statutes which apply to tax fraud, securities fraud, and in California, fraud on private insurance companies. This practical Cours... More Info
$501.25General Credits