Illinois MCLE - Ethics Credit Courses
This is a listing of Ethics Credit CLE Courses for Illinois. Please make your selection below of Illinois CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
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The Ethics of Social Media and Attorney Competency
Join us for a CLE program exploring the requirements for ethically using social media to build your referral network and the interplay of Rules of Professional Conduct on advertising, solicitation and attorney communications. This program will cover the Rules of Professional Conduct related to advertising and marketing on the internet, and how the ethics rules have not yet caught up with new technology. More Info
$501Ethics Credit -
Legal Ethics: Dos and Don’ts for Attorney Advertising
This CLE program will discuss the ethics rules as they relate to the oft-confusing issues of lawyer marketing, advertising and solicitation. What’s the right balance of advertising, social media, video and client engagement to grow your practice. What’s the difference between and advertisement and a solicitation and why does it matter? Can I practice under a Trade Name? Learn how to best comply with the rules and review the latest ethics opinions. More Info
$1002Ethics Credits -
What Happens To Your Practice If You Die Or Become Disabled
What happens to your practice and your family if you die or become disabled? This is a practical CLE program that focuses on the preventive steps to ethically comply with your obligations to your clients, protect your family and to recover the value of your practice. This seminar is designed to raise awareness and increase preparedness in the event of a catastrophic occurrence in your life. It is designed primarily for solo and small firms. More Info
$501.25Ethics Credits -
Ethics “Gotchas” That Every Estate Planners Must Know
In today’s fast-paced environment, with ever changing estate and tax laws, estate attorneys have plenty “on their plate” to know and understand. One important area that every estate planning attorney must know about is their duties to their clients under the Rules of Professional Responsibility. Failure to understand conflicts and the ethical issues in estate planning can lead to expensive and time-consuming ethics investigations, not to mention possible loss of licensure.... More Info
$501.25Ethics Credits -
The Ethics of Law Firm Management: Now More Than Ever
So you want to hang out your own shingle and open your own law practice? Or do you want to join with another lawyer or several lawyers and open a law firm? Do you think running a law practice is easy? Opening is easy, managing and running the practice is more difficult. This course will go over the Rules of Professional Conduct and the ethical considerations you must follow to be a lawyer and to run a law practice. Lawyers are held to a higher standard than a regular business-person, y... More Info
$501Ethics Credit -
E-Discovery’s Emerging Ethical Challenges
As the need to produce and examine ESI grows, attorneys will be expected to be technologically educated and sophisticated. This presentation will review the challenges of preserving and gathering this ESI, dealing with the clients use of social media, and the ethical pitfalls that need to be avoided. This CLE will address the ABA's Model Rule 1.1 and the obligation on the part of attorneys. More Info
$501Ethics Credit -
Ethics of Legal Writing
This CLE course will look at five areas where attorneys sometimes get into ethical trouble through legal writing: frivolous writing, failure to cite adverse authority, incivility in legal writing, ghostwriting and plagiarism. In each of these areas, an attorney can help a client by knowing what the line is between ethical and unethical writing. The goal of the course is to help clarify how to figure out whether certain conduct is appropriate advocacy, or whether the conduct crosses the... More Info
$501Ethics Credit -
An Ethical Guide to Expert Witness Reports & Testimony
Although the procedures for litigating a construction lawsuit is, on its face, an adversarial process, the American Bar Association has established Model Rules of Professional Conduct to provide guidance for lawyer conduct to follow while “seek[ing] a result advantageous to its client but consistent with requirements of honest dealings with others.” These ethics standards apply not only to the interaction between counsel and the representation of their client, but also the retention an... More Info
$501Ethics Credit -
Home is Where The License Is: Ethical Considerations for Lawyer Relocation During and After the Pandemic
Many lawyers relocated during the pandemic, either to escape perceived risk or simply because they could due to remote working. This CLE program will assess the legal and ethical ramifications of relocation to states beyond where one is licensed, addressing both authorization to practice, jurisdiction, and choice of rules. More Info
$501Ethics Credit -
Ethical Attorney's Fees, Referral Fees, and Billing Practices
As we know, lawyers are required to comply with the ethics rules; however, many lawyers may not fully understand the ethics rules and ethical considerations regarding the types of permitted lawyer fees, requirements for referral fees and fee sharing, non-refundable fees, and the ethical requirements related to fees, costs, settlement funds pursuant to the lawyer Trust Account Rules. This presentation will address those topics and provide valuable tips and information to ensure that la... More Info
$501Ethics Credit