Indiana CLE - Bankruptcy and Creditors Rights Courses

This is a listing of Bankruptcy and Creditors Rights CLE Courses for Indiana. Please make your selection below of Indiana CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • So Your Commercial Borrower Is In Default? Protecting your Security Interest

    Banks, commercial lenders, private investors and loan holders are confronted with a number of important decisions when business owners default on their loan obligations and/or fall behind on their mortgage payments for their commercial property. New Jersey has seen an influx of foreclosures over the recent years. One way that lenders can protect their security interests in their respective properties is by instituting foreclosure proceedings to recover the properties at issue and engage in var... More Info

    2.3General Credits
  • Breaking Up the Home Without Losing the House: Intersection of Foreclosure and Divorce

    It took two people to get the house, now that they are breaking up, how does one of them keep it? How do you keep one from sabotaging the other? What happens when one has to decide between the kids and the mortgage? All too often a foreclosure case involves a divorce, or a divorce involves a foreclosure. Major changes to divorce law took effect recently and more of these changes are relevant to a foreclosure action than one would think. This CLE program will review what divorce practi... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • Identifying Bankruptcy Red Flags

    For anyone forced to declare bankruptcy, the experience is emotionally and psychologically devastating. And while many bankruptcy clients end up in financial straits because of irresponsible behavior or faulty business decisions, there are an equal number who are simply confronted with situations they do not have the means to deal with such as illness or unemployment. Bankruptcy attorneys must be attuned to their clients states, both financial and emotional, in order to develop a productive,... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Bankruptcy Law for Family Attorneys

    This CLE course is designed to explain bankruptcy, the process and issues for the Family Law Practitioner. It is an essential beginner course for anyone who wants to learn about bankruptcy law and in particular how it relates to Family cases. The course includes a description of the various chapters, how to file a bankruptcy, the issues and a detailed account of bankruptcy petition and how it affects a divorce case. The course also provides strategies to use Bankruptcy law to benefit their cl... More Info

    2.1General Credits
  • Bankruptcy Issues for an Insurance Carrier When an Insured Files for Bankruptcy

    This CLE Program is intended for insurance practitioners involved with underwriting, coverage or claims adjusting who seek guidance concerning the affect of an insured’s bankruptcy. Issues addressed include: Underwriting: Insurers’ credit risks for unpaid premium, self-insured retention, and/or voidable transfers such as preference claims or fraudulent transfer claims. Coverage: The impact of a bankruptcy filing, and the potential impact of a plan of reorganization, which can alter po... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Commercial Collections Primer

    Commercial collections litigation is a volume practice with pitfalls to snare the unwary. Carol G. Morokoff is a 29 year litigator with 23 years of experience negotiating the vagaries of this practice. This CLE lecture provides much practical advice on how to prepare and execute an effective strategy for a successful practice, as well as examples of how things can go wrong. More Info

    1.3General Credits

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