Iowa CLE - Corporate Law Courses

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  • Antitrust Primer in The Age of The Internet/Information

    What is driving the recent upsurge in competition law enforcement by the FTC, the DOJ Antitrust Division, the States and in private litigation? To address this question, this course provides an antitrust primer with background from key, foundational cases addressing single firm and joint conduct that violate the antitrust laws. We then focus on the major antitrust cases recently brought by the government targeting alleged monopolists with platform dominance in the Tech Sector. More Info

    3.25General Credits
  • Intellectual Warfare: An In-House Counsel's Guide to Bringing and Defending Against Intellectual Property Lawsuits

    In this CLE presentation, the Instructor will discuss strategies for identifying valuable intellectual property within one’s organization and how to effectively use that IP for the organization’s business goals. The Instructor will cover the types of IP that exist, the approximate costs in obtaining/maintaining each type of IP, cost analyses associated with IP acquisition, licensing, negotiation strategies, enforcement considerations, and defensive maneuvers when confronted with other... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Commercial Pace, The New Kid On The Block: The Legal Framework For A New Form Of Commercial Real Estate Financing

    Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Financing (C-PACE) is one of the newest financial tools for property owners and developers in the country. Offering lower interest and longer terms with a super-priority lien, it behaves like a muni bond but can be put into a capital stack. Find out the legal ins and outs of how this is enabled, its legal structure and status, and how you can put it to work for your clients, whether they be private owners, developers, banks, or local governmen... More Info

    1General Credit

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