Maryland CLE - Government and Military Courses

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  • How to Handle a Claim for Veterans Benefits

    Veterans and their dependents frequently find themselves without full benefits from the Department of Affairs, benefits which are mandated by federal laws and court cases. The only way for Veterans and their dependents to navigate this process is to obtain the assistance of a qualified attorney who is fully versed in the subject matter of Veterans Laws. This CLE course will provide the introductory basics that will enable you to provide effective legal representation to our Nation’s... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The Administrative Hearing Process Or Government Overreach

    A system of justice has evolved in the United States where a fourth branch of government develops and enforces a variety of rules governing individuals, professionals and businesses. Administrative law tribunals conduct as many as ten times the number of hearings as Article lll courts conduct trials. This CLE presentation focuses on the process of defending an action against a professional license in Washington State. The curriculum will walk a party through an overview of the deve... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Restrictive Covenants and State Governments: A Discussion on Recent State Laws Modifying the Use of Noncompetes

    This CLE program will discuss the recent trend amongst state governments to crack down on the use of non-competition agreements by businesses and employers. Recent laws have been passed by several states, and these laws differ widely in scope. The speaker will discuss how these laws modify the general standards regarding how businesses evaluate the use of restrictive covenants. More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Growing Legal Issues Facing Cannabis at the State and Local Government levels

    With over 33 states now having legalized cannabis, state and local control over medical and/or recreational marijuana has become a critical issue. Cannabis businesses, whether they be dispensaries, grow facilities or the like must consider zoning restrictions, and other regulations as part of their business planning. In this light it is important for attorneys in the area of cannabis law to be able to properly guide and counsel their clients to help them achieve their goals. The attorneys fro... More Info

    2.25General Credits
  • Starting a Social Security Disability Practice: Mistakes to Avoid and Best Practices to Follow

    This CLE course is designed for attorneys who are considering adding Social Security disability claimant representation to their practices. Presented by Jonathan Ginsberg, an experienced disability lawyer with over 25 years’ experience representing disability applicants, you will learn how to identify cases with the highest likelihood of success, cases to avoid, the three theories of disability that apply in every case and the time line for a typical case. Attorney Ginsberg also discus... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The Whistleblower Laws: Spot a Claim, Avoid Traps for the Unwary, and Earn a Bounty for Your Clients

    A whistleblower or qui tam action can provide financial rewards to individuals who have information that a company/individual has committed fraud. The primary statutes under which this relief may be sought are the federal and state False Claims Acts (“FCAs”), which are not specific to any particular type of fraud. In addition to the FCAs, there are other statutes which apply to tax fraud, securities fraud, and in California, fraud on private insurance companies. This practical Cours... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • A Primer for Education Discrimination Complaints

    An esteemed panel of presenters will discuss the complaint process before the Office for Civil Rights of the United States Department of Education. Presenters will also provide insights, strategies and reflections on filing discrimination complaints with OCR. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • FOIL Wars: The Fight for Accountability by Accessing Body Camera Footage and Other Law Enforcement Records

    The Freedom of Information Law provides a powerful tool for the public, including attorneys and the media, to access a wide variety of law enforcement and other government records. FOIL implements the legislative declaration that “government is the public's business.” FOIL expresses the State’s commitment to open government and public accountability, and all government records are presumptively open for public inspection and copying unless they fall squarely within a statutory exemption. In r... More Info

    2.25General Credits
  • What Are Mechanic’s and Construction Liens and Why Do They Matter for Your Project?

    Mechanic’s and Construction Liens are a powerful tool to secure monies due to contractors and others who provide labor and materials to improve real property. This course will provide an exhaustive discourse on the use of mechanic’s and Construction liens on both public and private improvements, as well as the steps that owners may take to respond to the liens. Brian J. Markowitz, Esq. and Max Rayetsky, Esq. will begin by discussing general principles of the Lien Law, and will proceed with an... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Recollections of the Last Surviving Prosecutor: 70 Years Since Nuremberg

    The trials at Nuremberg, where twenty two major Nazi criminals were prosecuted, was a pivotal historical event that had tremendous impact on international criminal law in the decades since. The trials, which sentenced twelve of the defendants to death, coincided with the larger global issue of how and when to prosecute crimes of aggression, who should prosecute these crimes and how to determine which crimes are actionable. This riveting CLE course, is led by none other than Benjamin Ferencz, w... More Info

    1.75General Credits

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