Massachusetts CLE - Business Law Courses

This is a listing of Business Law CLE Courses for Massachusetts. Please make your selection below of Massachusetts CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Resolving Real Estate Disputes Through Negotiated Settlements

    The CLE program will address the resolution of real estate disputes through negotiated settlements. The road to any negotiated settlement is often tied to pending litigation or the threat of litigation. The focus will be on real estate disputes between: individual owners as tenants in common; two estates that own as tenants in common; between corporate entities where ownership is through a jointly owned LLC; and between disputed claimants to ownership of a property where the owner is deceased.... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • What All Lawyers Need to Know about US Banking Law

    Bank regulatory issues can crop up in any lawyer’s practice, whether or not the lawyer represents a bank or has a client who is a counterparty to a bank on a transaction. This CLE program will provide an overview to general practitioners of the complexities of the US banking system and its applicable laws and regulations in order to familiarize them with subjects as who the relevant regulators are and what do they do, how banks are formed and what are they permitted to do, and transaction-rel... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Investing in the Cannabis Industry 101

    The Cannabis industry is arguably the fastest growing industry in the United States, if not globally. Opportunities abound both with respect to hemp and marijuana, but it’s critical to understand the landscape and nuances that are unique to the industry when considering investment or transactions in the space. Join Brent Johnson, CEO of Hoban Law Group (a leading global law firm dedicated exclusively to the Cannabis space), as he provides a high-level overview of the Cannabis industry, inves... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Mergers & Acquisitions in the Cannabis Industry

    The Cannabis industry is arguably the fastest growing industry in the United States, if not globally. Opportunities abound both with respect to hemp and marijuana, but it’s critical to understand the landscape and nuances that are unique to the industry when considering transactions in the space. Join Brent Johnson, CEO of Hoban Law Group (a leading global law firm dedicated exclusively to the Cannabis space), as he provides a high-level overview of the Cannabis industry, conducting mergers... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Stranger Than Fiction 2.0: True Crime Legal Issues

    The popular demand for true-crime content continues to be a sustained force in the entertainment industry. But as production companies and networks push the boundaries to distinguish themselves from the crowd, clients need advice to ensure that they don’t take on unnecessary risk while chasing the next big hit. Topics include: Tips for negotiating law enforcement access agreements What to know when obtaining materials from law enforcement Managing the risk of defamation and right of... More Info

    1General Credit
  • An Attorney’s Guide to Online Defamation & Website Removal

    This CLE lecture will provide you with a thorough overview of the developing area of internet defamation. It will focus on how an internet defamation case begins and the different strategies to resolve it. You will learn how to identify and address defamation attacks from likely perpetrators and motives. You understand how free speech online applies to individuals in defamation cases and will teach you pitfalls to avoid in your own lawsuit (if that’s the route taken). By looking at authentic cas... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Unmasking Anonymous Internet Actors Through John Doe Lawsuits

    In a world where cryptocurrency has offered online users the pinnacle of anonymity, ample software and programs have been developed to hide online users’ identities at all costs. The feeling of complete anonymity and impossibility of accountability has summoned the worst behavior in ordinary individuals, and has emboldened the worst criminal actors. The law is slow to catch up, but it’s getting there. This CLE course describes the best ways you can help your client unmask anonymous internet ac... More Info

    2General Credits
  • A Corporate Counsel Song and Dance: Keeping your Corporation in Tune and Out of Court

    Since the advent of the Internet, the use of copyrighted materials by corporations has exploded. Use of music on “hold” buttons, on websites, during holiday parties, and even at DeeJay events celebrating companies’ milestones permeates the corporate culture today. Attorneys counseling corporations - - whether in-house or outside counsel - - are nowadays regularly confronted with challenges from within their own marketing and promotion departments that they had never had to face before - - no... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Scanning Copyright: Surveying the Fundamentals

    Just about everything we use, watch, buy or sell, photograph or display, perform or copy is an outgrowth of copyright. But what is copyright and how is it defined, described, protected, exploited, and secured internationally and what are the myths surrounding its use, authorized or not; when does it come into effect, why is it established in the first place, and what are the conditions of its establishment and continued existence? If it is property, how does it differ from concrete objects... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Drafting Enforceable Non-Competition and Non-Solicitation Clauses: Important Considerations to Know

    Restrictive covenants in the form of noncompetition and nonsolicitation agreements are often used by employers . Currently, millions of employees in the United States are under some type of restrictive covenant. Courts, however, strictly construe restrictive covenants in order to ensure that they are reasonable and not restraints upon fair competition. This CLE program will provide best practices to attorneys in the drafting of restrictive covenants. Issues regarding adequate consideration,... More Info

    1.25General Credits

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