Massachusetts CLE - Tax Law Courses

This is a listing of Tax Law CLE Courses for Massachusetts. Please make your selection below of Massachusetts CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Transfer Pricing for Multinationals: Practical Insights for Attorneys

    Transfer pricing is widely considered the most contentious and expensive tax issue facing multinational companies today. However, many companies struggle to navigate the competing requirements of the IRS and international tax authorities. This CLE course will provide insights into how attorneys can identify and assess client global transfer pricing issues from a practical perspective. The course explains the requirements of Section 482, Section 6662 documentation standards, and the O... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The Patent Process for the Curious: What Lawyers Need to Know

    As trusted advisors, lawyers are often asked many questions about legal matters outside their area of practice. One area of law that most lawyers do not have any experience with is patent law, and in particular, the patent prosecution process. Patent prosecution requires a special license which in turn requires passing its own exam and an undergraduate degree in a science or engineering. Because it is such a specialized area of practice, with about only 40,000 active practitioners in the US... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Ethical Considerations for Counseling IRC Section 1031 Exchanges

    This CLE course will highlight the Rules of Professional Conduct as they may intersect with 1031 Exchanges. The presentation will include: competency, scope of representation, conflict of interest issues and selection considerations of the Qualified Intermediary. Throughout the presentation, case-studies will be discussed. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • International Joint Ventures: Problems, Solutions and Approaches

    This CLE course provides an overview of the legal aspects of cross-border joint ventures (JVs). It covers the basic “nuts-and-bolts” of JVs, such as purpose, capital contributions, governance and management, veto rights and minority protections, profit distributions, transfer restrictions, exit strategies and dispute resolution, but aims to do so specifically in the cross-border or international context. That means also addressing cultural and foreign law issues, repatriation of profit... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • New York’s Brand-New Power of Attorney

    This CLE will discuss the brand new Power of Attorney law that took effect recently. Elizabeth Forspan, Esq. will go through the major changes to the form and how attorneys and others should plan accordingly. Elizabeth will review the key items to include in new powers of attorney being prepared. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Performing Tax Research Like a Pro: What Attorneys Need to Know

    This CLE course is designed to teach the participant how to navigate through authoritative primary federal tax materials. Or as Solicitor General Erwin Griswold would have stated: “You can think great thoughts or you can look at the statute.” The quotation is an apocryphal story. One must learn how to navigate tax research software as well as legal research software. And, of course, one must learn how to write tax memoranda that is convincing and is free of ambiguities. Today’s technol... More Info

    3.5General Credits
  • Basics of IRA Taxation & Investment Rules

    This CLE course will provide a detailed review of the basic taxation rules of all IRAs, including the Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, SEP IRA, and SIMPLE IRA and will also cover the prohibited transaction and unrelated business taxable income rules as they apply to retirement accounts. The course will explore the history of the U.S. retirement system, concept of tax deferral, as well as detail the contribution, distribution, and other related tax rules regarding each specific IRA. The cours... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Key Federal & State Estate Planning Considerations and Opportunities

    An overview of the best estate-planning strategies from a state and trust situs perspective, as well as from a federal standpoint, based on possible upcoming changes in the tax laws. Estate planning strategies vary, but there are some tried and true methods that are valuable to know. This CLE course will provide an overview of the best of those strategies. The course will take both a state and trust situs perspective and will also look at the issues through a federal lens. Future potent... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Financial Planning for Lawyers

    While everyone understands the importance of financial planning, most presentations are centered around retirement planning. However, attorneys have other concerns. Right out the gate they are burdened with significant student loan debt. They start to make good money, but are paying more in taxes. As a result, their children are less likely to qualify for financial aid so they have to weigh their own retirement against their kids’ education. Depending on their comp structure, salary may be dis... More Info

    1General Credit
  • An Attorney’s Guide to IRS Practices and Procedures

    This CLE course will review the basics of IRS Practice and Procedures. We will review the significance of the Notice of Deficiency and discuss a basic approach for meeting the requirements of the audit, appeal and Tax Court process. Various strategies for successfully and effectively representing your client in this process will be discussed. More Info

    1.25General Credits

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