Total MCLE Requirements Bundle - Massachusetts CLE

We have selected our most popular lectures and bundled them together into our Total MCLE Requirements Bundle. This Bundle contains 12 Credit Hours of MA CLE Lectures - Including 10 General Credits and 2 Ethics Credits.

CLE Courses Available on DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App!

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Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures
Save $305
Only $295
Save $305
Courses priced individually at $600
  • Includes 2 Ethics

Total MCLE Requirements Bundle Includes:

  • $50

    Ethical Considerations in Representing Multiple and Corporate Clients

    Ethics Credits: 1

    The foundation of any attorney-client relationship is the client. However, it isn’t always obvious to a lay person who your client is. It is imperative for clients to understand who we represent, the subtleties of organizational representation and joint representation, as well as the contours of at...

  • $50

    How to Build Your Firm into a Sellable Asset

    General Credits: 1

    Running a law firm is much like running any other business — it requires effective management, efficiency, and profitability. While law school teaches us the ins and outs of legal practice, it doesn't prepare us to lead and grow a business. Yet, these fundamental principles are just as critical to...

  • $50

    Immigration 101: Overview of U.S. Immigration Law

    General Credits: 1

    This CLE program offers an essential overview of U.S. immigration law, providing participants with a solid foundation to understand this dynamic legal field. The course will cover key aspects of immigration law, starting with nonimmigrant (temporary) visas, including their various categories, eligi...

  • $100

    Wiretaps 101: Defending Your Client in Wiretap Cases

    General Credits: 2

    This CLE course provides an introduction to wiretaps and offers essential knowledge for defending clients in cases involving wiretap evidence. Participants will explore the history of wiretaps and the development of modern caselaw to gain a better understanding of how to challenge wiretap eviden...

  • $75

    Updates on Hot Topics in Environmental Law

    General Credits: 1.5

    This CLE course will discuss updates in three hot topics in environmental law. First, it will discuss updates in the regulation of PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals”, including details of ongoing litigation and newly promulgated regulations. Second, it will discuss the concept of the 6th M...

  • $50

    10 Mistakes to Avoid When Working with Asset Protection Trusts

    General Credits: 1

    10 Mistakes to Avoid When Working with Asset Protection Trusts,' is designed to help you understand domestic and offshore trust planning. It provides tips and tricks to minimize risks and protect your assets while avoiding common mistakes. The presenter covers essential aspects, such as selecti...

  • $75

    Wetlands Law & Policy: From the Federal Clean Water Act to Local Administration

    General Credits: 1.5

    Wetlands Science and Law became a very important part of general environmental law, primarily beginning with the Industrial Revolution of the 1700s. Wetlands has paramount importance from the mushy area behind a residential backyard to mitigating Global Climate Change. Topics will include, but i...

  • $50

    Sentencing is Not Always the End of the Line

    General Credits: 1

    Anyone who has been involved in the practice of criminal defense law for a while has had a client or two sentenced. A recent PEW Research Center Report examined federal criminal cases. There were 80,000, but only 2% went to trial, 8% were dismissed and 90% pled guilty. Of the remainder, 800 went...

  • $50

    The Nonprofit Legal Compliance Checklist: What Attorneys Need to Know

    General Credits: 1

    This CLE course is a practical and engaging session designed to help nonprofit leaders, attorneys, and compliance officers navigate the basic legal requirements of nonprofit organizations. This lecture provides a shallow overview of the key legal, tax, and governance obligations nonprofits must...

  • $50

    Ethical Considerations Regarding Hourly Billing and More

    Ethics Credits: 1

    This CLE program offers a comprehensive overview of essential billing practices for attorneys. The course is designed to equip participants with a thorough understanding of fundamental billing procedures, the governing rules and regulations related to billing in the legal field, and practical time-...

Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures

CLE Your Way, Anywhere!
DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App included at no extra charge!

Course Media Options
Only $295
Save $305
Courses priced individually at $600

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