Michigan CLE - All Courses
This is a listing of CLE Courses for Michigan. Please make your selection below of Michigan CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
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Ninth Annual Art Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice Institute
For the 9th consecutive year, join us for this special program which brings together a diverse roster of speakers ranging from artists, art consultants, appraisers, members of the bench, bar, museums, art galleries, auction houses, to government officials and members of non-profit organizations as they discuss the most relevant legal issues affecting the art world today. Immigration and the Arts Money Power Beauty: Framing the Value Issue In Fine Art and Collectible Losses The Art is... More Info
$2506.5Total Credits1.5 Ethics -
How to Handle Elevator and Escalator Accident Cases
Somebody may come to you one day and say "A friend of mine got hurt in an elevator. Is this a case?" Learn from a personal injury expert how to litigate an elevator case. Topics include elevator technical lingo, spotting issues, elevator safety rules and handling of the case from start to finish: discovery, depositions, pleadings, cross-claims, expert testimonies and more. More Info
$751.5General Credits -
How to Avoid Legal Malpractice
Learn from an expert about what constitutes legal malpractice and how best to avoid it. The program will cover such claims as breach of fiduciary duty, professional misconduct, conflicts, the scope of the attorney-client relationship, determining legal competency and more. In addition, materials will cover initiation of legal malpractice lawsuit, defenses to legal malpractice, champerty, unauthorized practice of law, attorneys’ fees, calculations and justification for charges, as well as fee d... More Info
$501Ethics Credit -
Workers’ Comp: Its Synthesis and How to Run a Successful Boutique Comp Practice
Workers’ compensation is widely underestimated in its complexity. In fact, at the foundation of the law is not a lawsuit as many believe, but rather an administrative, no fault claims process. Its importance lies in that it remains an employees’ exclusive remedy against an employer for indemnity and medical benefits resulting from a work-related injury. This CLE course will explain New York Workers’ Compensation Law and the different case types, client management styles and an evaluati... More Info
$501.25General Credits -
Understanding IP and Attorneys’ Use of Technology
This CLE course will introduce the key parts of Intellectual Property (patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets) to the audience. Attorney Greg Popowitz will go through what Intellectual Property Protection will provide, the process, international protection, general considerations, and common mistakes/misconceptions. Greg will also introduce the recent passage of the Defend Trade Secrets Act, the first federal civil cause of action for trade secrets. The second part of the cou... More Info
$751.75General Credits -
Special Board Committees
Panel 1: Special Committees for Investigations and Litigation The panel will discuss the roles of special committees in investigations and litigation; defining the scope and delegation of authority; demands on boards, conflicts, independence; extent of inquiry; legal standard for adequacy of investigation; reports to the board, special committee reports to boards—written or oral; and waiver of privilege. Panel 2: Special Committees for Evaluating Transactions Our panelists... More Info
$1002.25Total Credits1 Ethics -
The New York City Zoning Resolution at 100: Land Use Controls In New York City Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
This CLE course will examine the origins of the Zoning Resolution, recent zoning initiatives adopted by the City Planning Commission and City Council, and current City Planning Department plans and studies. The program will include discussion of the evolution of the paths to development under zoning. The program also will include discussion of the recent Mandatory Inclusionary Housing and Zoning for Quality and Affordability text amendments, as well as adoption of the East New York Community P... More Info
$1002General Credits -
Impact of the Supreme Court’s Decision in U.S. v. Salman on the Law of Insider Trading
The Dec 6, 2016 court ruling in US v Salman clarifies the “personal benefit” requirement and eases the government’s burden of proving insider trading cases. But how does this impact other decisions such as US v Newman and the prosecution of future insider trading cases? While the government need not show that the tipper has received something of tangible value, it raises the question of when the relationship between tipper and tippee reaches the level which would satisfy this lesser “personal... More Info
$501General Credit -
How to Open a Law Practice
Join a panel of seasoned practitioners as they share their tips and techniques for opening a law practice, with an emphasis on matrimonial practice. Some of the topics to be addressed include: How to compose a biography; Client intakes; establishing fees; setting up escrow accounts; deciding whether to take a case, or not to take a case; websites, social media and ethical advertisement; other ethical considerations .. and much more! More Info
$1252.5Total Credits1 Ethics -
The Corporate Representative Deposition in Illinois Under Supreme Court Rule 206 (a)(1)
One of the most useful discovery tools one can use is the "Representative Deposition," codified in the Illinois Supreme Court Rules under 206 (a)(1) and in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure as Rule 30(b)(6). Under this rule, by notice an opposing corporation, partnership or association or by subpoena a third party must disclose and present a witness to testify on it's behalf on the subject of certain topics listed in the deposition notice/subpoena. The major difference betwe... More Info
$501General Credit