Michigan CLE - All Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for Michigan. Please make your selection below of Michigan CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Who Keeps the Cash? How the CARES Act Impacts Retirement Fund Distributions and Bankruptcy

    This CLE course will provide an overview of the provisions of the Cares Act that relate to individual bankruptcies, retirement fund withdrawals and loans. Will my 'stimulus' check count against me in bankruptcy? The CARES Act Provides Additional Relief to Consumer Debtors in Bankruptcy. Can I avoid all penalties when taking funds out of my retirement account? Attorney Marteal Lamb answers all these questions and more in this course to explain how the CARES Act impacts retirement f... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Vaccine Law in the Time of COVID-19

    This CLE course will give participants an overview of the main areas of law impacted by the public policy favoring vaccination, including: The regulation and administration of vaccines; Intellectual property protections for vaccines; Public and private vaccination mandates and their exemptions; Vaccination injury reporting requirements; Operation of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation System. This presentation incorporates into each segment the impact of COVID-19, including varia... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Effective and Ethical Paralegal Litigation Techniques to Enhance Your Firm's Productivity During the Pandemic and Beyond

    Join experienced litigator Kenneth Mother as he provides a very practical overview of how legal assistants can efficiently, and ethically, assist attorneys in litigation. Covering ethics to e-filing, filing documents (so you can actually find them when preparing for trial), to finding the layers of court rules, discovery -- including deposition digest -- trial preparation and trial process, this program will provide paralegals with the tools they need to help attorneys run their liti... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • Evolving Risks of COVID-19: Coverage Implications, Recent Litigation and the Legislative Landscape

    The financial losses businesses throughout the US continue to suffer as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic are unprecedented, with the true scope of loss yet to be realized. A high degree of uncertainty remains among business owners as to access to relief for COVID-19 related losses, including the availability of insurance coverage for loss of income under business interruption policies and other lines of insurance. The insurance industry has largely maintained that business interruption co... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Cybersecurity During COVID-19 and Working From Home: If You Think It’s Not Your Problem … You’re Wrong!

    Do you and your firm feel that cybersecurity issues are not pressing issues that you must concern yourself with? Maybe that used to be the case, but during the current pandemic, with so many people working from home and telecommuting, cybersecurity issues are EVERY lawyer's concern both from a practical and ethical standpoint. Questions to be addressed include: What is Cybersecurity? Whose problem is it? What are the issues lawyers and firms are facing? Why should lawyers a... More Info

    2Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • US Immigration Fundamentals Day 1: Non-Immigrants; Employment-Based: Pandemic, Politics, Confusion

    In the uncertain political climate and as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, immigration law continues to be a hot button issue and a source of uncertainty and confusion. Gain an overview of what you need to know to practice immigration law successfully under the current political climate. The first day focuses on Non-immigrant Work-related Visa Categories and Obtaining a Green Card. Day 1: Non-immigrant Categories; Labor Certification and Employment-Based Immigration -- Introductio... More Info

    2.75Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • Estate Planning and Coronavirus: Planning Considerations in a Time of Crisis

    COVID-19 has made any type of long term planning seem even more complicated than it usual is, and given the inherent complexity of estate planning, the task can seem overwhelming. This CLE course will guide you through the various aspects of estate planning that may seem the most daunting including health care proxies, power of attorney, wills, trusts and beneficiary designations. The course will also specifically focus on the impact of the Coronavirus on this area and how it has already adapt... More Info

    1General Credit
  • ERISA Claim Appeals

    This CLE presentation will address Pre-litigation Appeals of benefit denials in ERISA cases which are generally considered mandatory. Claim appeals are also often the key to success or failure in litigation, yet they are often given insufficient attention both by claimants and plan administrators. This course will examine the origin and purpose behind claim appeals, the “rules of the road” (i.e., the Department of Labor’s regulations), and cases that have shaped how claim appeals are conducted... More Info

    1General Credit
  • US Immigration Fundamentals Day 2: Family-Based Immigration; Removal Proceedings; Political Asylum and Practical Tips

    In the uncertain political climate and as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, immigration law continues to be a hot button issue and a source of uncertainty and confusion. Gain an overview of what you need to know to practice immigration law successfully under the current political climate. The first day focuses on Non-immigrant Work-related Visa Categories and Obtaining a Green Card. The second day covers Family-based Immigration, Removal Proceedings and an Overview of Asylum and offer... More Info

    2.75Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • Cannabis and the Workplace: Lessons for the Employer Regarding Hiring, Firing and Disciplinary Issues

    This CLE program will explore legal standards and best practices regarding cannabis and the workplace. Included in this program is a discussion of the potential conflicts between Federal and State law. The panel will also examine issues related to medical marijuana and non-discrimination laws, recreational cannabis laws, drug testing standards, recommended company policies, and anticipated trends. More Info

    1.5General Credits

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