Minnesota CLE - All Courses

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  • Establishing Clear Standards for Compliant Pharmaceutical Marketing to Limit Liability for Off-Label Promotion

    Developments over the past several years have produced momentous changes affecting the research-based pharmaceutical and biotech industries. These include the rise of digital-based health technologies, the utilization of real-world experience (RWE) and real-world data (RWD) in the drug approval process, and dissemination of evolving medical information to an expanding audience. At the same time, regulatory and compliance concerns over industry promotional practices and activities continue.... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Basics of Federal Employment Law: A Quick Drone Flyover of Title VII

    This CLE is an introduction and overview of federal anti-discrimination law, specifically Title V II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. It will review the basics of these major pieces of legislation, their scope of coverage, their remedies provided as well as the requirements for filing a complaint of discrimination. Major Supreme Court cases will be discussed. Included in the seminar will be a summary... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The Case Against Tipper X

    lmagine the following: lt is the morning of a normal workday for you and millions of others who live in New York City. You go to the gym for a workout and run some errands before heading to the office. Unexpectedly, two FBI agents approach you on the sidewalk, flash their badges - in public view - and begin questioning you about activity at your job. The agents begin spitting out details about your personal life - they know where you were last weekend, they know private details about your fam... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • What If the Government Doesn’t Save My Client’s Bank? Preparing For the Next Bank Crisis

    Recent crisis in the banking system has resulted in several failures and a loss of confidence among depositors. While extraordinary intervention by the government and private sector protected uninsured depositors, owners and debtholders lost everything. Further, there is no expectation that the government will even protect uninsured depositors if another bank fails. In this CLE course, a regulatory partner at a prominent law firm will take a hard look at the recent trauma in the banki... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Ethical Referral Fees: A 50 State Survey

    When done correctly, fee sharing is not only ethical–it leads to better outcomes for clients. This CLE program will survey the various regulatory frameworks utilized by states concerning referral fees with the goal of providing lawyers with working understanding of how to employ this tool to benefit their clients and grow their practice. We will discuss: Common misconceptions when it comes to referral fees The ABA Model Rules What it means to be ‘jointly responsible’ What disclosure... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • DWI Investigations and Defense Basics

    This CLE course offers an overview of DUI cases from a former prosecutor’s standpoint. Covering national issues, this course explores the involvement of law enforcement in DUI investigations, including traffic stops, checkpoints, and collisions. Topics discussed include field sobriety tests, blood tests, retrograde extrapolation, and essential defense strategies. By gaining insights into these areas, participants will develop a solid foundation in defending DUI cases. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Free Speech, Trademarks and Parody at the Crossroads: “Jack Daniels vs Bad Spaniels”

    Is someone infringing on your trademark? How about your copyright or patent? Do you want to protect your invention with a patent? Is clearing and registering your trademark and your Copyright one of your business objectives? Are you interested in securing a licensing agreement either as a licensor or a licensee? Do you need help with your talent agreement? Do you want to know how to leverage your Intellectual Property through licensing and merchandising? Have you or your company just been ser... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Workplace Conflict Resolution Through Mediation and Arbitration

    Conflict in the workplace is natural and can be constructive when communicating different points of view and perspectives in a healthy manner. Frequently, that conflict may trigger reactions and become an unhealthy conflict that cannot be resolved without the intervention of a neutral party. The use of mediation as a voluntary means of resolving employment disputes is rapidly gaining acceptance. If agreed to early on, it may save the significant costs of litigation yet allow the partie... More Info

    1General Credit
  • War Crimes in The Star Wars Universe Episode V: Conflicts, Disputes and More

    In Episode V, we consider what international law and the law of armed conflict have to say about the legality of Darth Vader's droid program and its parallels to modern-day drone programs; the Battle of Hoth; the complex role that military contractors like Boba Fett play in the law of war; the potential war crime involved in Lando Calrissian's trickery of Luke Skywalker and friends; Vader's very questionable treatment of his detainees; and the legality of Luke's doomed refusal to surrender to... More Info

    1General Credit
  • BIZ BUZZ: Starting, Buying and Selling Small Businesses

    Big Buzz covers five different ways small entities enter into or leave small businesses. Starting, buying, selling or franchising a business involves numerous steps, analyses and understandings of the legalities and the realities. The lecturer approaches these multifaceted issues from the standpoint of an attorney handling more than 30 biz closings per year, from the standpoint of an investor in a number of small businesses, and from the standpoint of someone who has owned successful a... More Info

    2General Credits

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