Mississippi CLE - Alternative Dispute Resolution Courses
This is a listing of Alternative Dispute Resolution CLE Courses for Mississippi. Please make your selection below of Mississippi CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
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Update in Arbitration Law
Arbitration law has undergone significant changes over the past year. This course will explain those changes, paying particular attention to staying or compelling arbitration, enforcing or vacating wards, non-party discovery and arbitration in the era of zoom. The course will present arguments against arbitration and present case studies in a variety of possible maneuvers that can be taken as well as explain the most recent considerations in arbitration law including that of non-party... More Info
$501General Credit -
Cancelling Contracts Due to Pandemics: The Jewish and American Law Views
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented shutdown of the American economy. Contractual obligations typically provide security to individuals and businesses, who rely on the obligations and benefits set forth in agreements to plan for the future. But what happens when circumstances are so unusual that everyone's expectations are completely upended? This CLE will address the issue of contractual obligations in the wake of unforeseen circumstances, such as a global pandemic, from... More Info
$501.2General Credits -
Hot Topics in Beth Din Jurisprudence
Rabbinical court arbitrators charged with resolving contemporary disputes must are often faced with the challenge of applying age old Jewish law doctrines to relatively new legal and commercial concepts. This CLE course explores the substantive Jewish and secular law regarding defamation claims and intellectual property litigation, and how batei din (rabbinical courts) navigate these areas. More Info
$501General Credit -
The Beth Din of America and Agunah Prevention
This CLE course presents a detailed Jewish law discussion of the Beth Din of America’s prenuptial agreement for prevention of agunah cases (situations where a woman remains trapped in a marriage that has functionally ended due to the husband’s unwillingness to participate in the Jewish divorce process). The course also touches upon newer similar documents promulgated by other rabbinical courts, and some of the case law that has emerged from cases involving enforcement of the Beth Din of Ameri... More Info
$501General Credit -
The Rabbinical Court in the American Legal System: Procedures & Processes
Presenting a wide range of procedural and adjudication issues that arise in arbitration before rabbinical courts (beit din), this CLE panel discussion will explain areas such as enforcement, constitutional challenges and choice of law issues. The course will explain various procedural issues, representation by counsel and by non-attorneys. More Info
$501.3General Credits -
Introduction to Divorce Actions in New Jersey
This CLE course will provide a primer and broad overview of the divorce process in New Jersey. The course is geared for new attorneys, or seasoned attorneys who have not previously practiced in the area of family law. The course will discuss both the procedural and substantive issues that arise in divorce actions. It will also touch on the availability and use of Alternate Dispute Resolution techniques. More Info
$501General Credit -
Strategies for Successful Mediations and Negotiations
In the mediation process, there are certain strategies that may be employed to maximize the likelihood of a favorable outcome. While the goal is always Win-Win, the means to get to that goal is one that is often tailored to the parties, the nature of the dispute, the relative bargaining positions of the parties, etc. In this CLE course there will be a discussion of a number of strategies that might be employed in a particular mediation. Any discussion on mediation needs to discuss posi... More Info
$751.7General Credits -
Preparing Clients for Deposition, Trial and Mediation: A Necessary Investment
All litigators know the value and essential nature of preparation of clients for major litigation events. But preparation work is frequently superficial, inefficient and not sufficiently directed to the client’s fears, anxieties and intellectual capacity. In this CLE course you will learn advanced and cutting-edge techniques to thoroughly prepare your client for deposition, trial and mediation. The course will cover how to address client anxiety, how to demystify the events themselves s... More Info
$751.5General Credits -
How Rabbinical Court Cases are Decided
In this CLE, a well known rabbinical court judge describes the relevance of secular law to proceedings in beit din (rabbinical court) under Jewish law. A rabbinical court judge and director of the Beth Din of America, a rabbinical court based in New York, walks listeners through an actual case arbitrated (and ultimately mediated) at the Beth Din of America, and concludes with a description of some of the unique procedural issues that arise in a beit din. More Info
$501.2General Credits -
Unique Divorce Issues Arising under Jewish Law
Jewish couples getting divorced face unique religious law issues with potential secular law ramifications. The ketuba, a central element of a Jewish wedding, is actually a legal document with financial implications. In order to dissolve a Jewish marriage, a Get (writ of divorce) is necessary. The Get requires the mutual participation of husband and wife, and in some cases the withholding of a Get has been threatened or utilized as a tool for negotiation leverage or simply out of spite. In... More Info
$501.2General Credits