Mississippi CLE - Contract Law Courses

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  • Advising Clients on Contractual Concessions Leveraging Force Majeure for COVID-19

    This CLE session will highlight the use of force majeure clauses to obtain concessions for clients facing performance hardships due to COVID-19 and governmental mitigation measures. We will discuss the legal precedents addressing virus-related performance excuses and other analogous situations where courts have examined application of force majeure and similar defenses. You will leave with an arsenal of tools to weld in your negotiations on behalf of clients facing contractual termination or... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Cancelling Contracts Due to Pandemics: The Jewish and American Law Views

    The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented shutdown of the American economy. Contractual obligations typically provide security to individuals and businesses, who rely on the obligations and benefits set forth in agreements to plan for the future. But what happens when circumstances are so unusual that everyone's expectations are completely upended? This CLE will address the issue of contractual obligations in the wake of unforeseen circumstances, such as a global pandemic, from... More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • Advanced Construction Law for Attorneys: Beyond the Basics

    Over 40 years of practice in the area of Construction Law have shown that there is a lot more to being a Construction Lawyer than handling contract claims. This CLE Course is designed to discuss various areas of the law that Construction Lawyers need to know in order to best serve their Clients and Companies. This CLE Presentation will take a quick look at handling of Claims and go into some of the nuances. Primarily, we will review other areas of the law, other than Labor Law, and g... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Is a Contract Worth the Paper It’s Written On? Maximizing Protections by Drafting Great Contract Provisions

    This CLE seminar helps the advanced lawyer identify and improve critical contract provisions in contracts. While this seminar utilizes the example of a Purchase and Sale Agreement, many of the contract provisions are capable of utilization in almost any contract. In this session, we discuss pre-contract negotiations (Nondisclosure Agreements or “NDAs,” Letters of Intent or “LOIs,” Term Sheets, etc.), and the common terms found in them, which terms necessarily overlap into the actual... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • Tips and Pointers for Reviewing Contracts

    This CLE course provides a basic overview of contract review. Often times, the most critical clauses are omitted from contracts because of oversight, sloppiness or simple ignorance of their existence. This course will discuss those basic clauses, teach you how to use them and provide sample language that you may want to incorporate into your own contracts. More Info

    1General Credit
  • More Than Just Force Majeure: The Legal Aspects of Sports During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic

    This CLE course will provide a broad overview of the significant legal aspects of sports business affected both during and in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, analyzing legal, contractual, risk and economic challenges faced by principally North American sports leagues, teams, unions, and players and contracts. The course will begin its focus on how the Covid-19 pandemic affected sports- looking at the different approaches leagues and governing entities have taken in postponing games an... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Business Purchase Agreements: Drill Down Deep Into The Three Main Purchase Agreement Types

    This CLE program will explore the three types of main purchase agreements that a business attorney needs to prepare or review in connection with the purchase or sale of all business assets, some business assets, or an ownership interest in a business. The three types are: (1) Asset Purchase Agreements; (2) Membership Interest Purchase Agreements and (3) Stock Purchase Agreements. In this program we will examine in great depth the following agreements from three transactions handled by the pres... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • Representing Applicants before State Liquor Authorities and the TTB

    In this course, Arielle Albert and Keven Danow explain how the “noble experiment” of prohibition resulted in the current three tier system for the manufacture, distribution and sale of beverage alcohol in the United States. They explain the various regulatory schemes adopted by states to address pre-prohibition evils, which include states that took control over the sale of alcohol, states that elected a licensing scheme and states that remained dry or partially dry. Franchise rights are... More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • New York’s Brand-New Power of Attorney

    This CLE will discuss the brand new Power of Attorney law that took effect recently. Elizabeth Forspan, Esq. will go through the major changes to the form and how attorneys and others should plan accordingly. Elizabeth will review the key items to include in new powers of attorney being prepared. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Trade Practice and the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau

    In this course, Arielle Albert and Keven Danow review the trade practice laws set forth in the Federal Alcohol Administration Act and the Code of Federal Regulations as administered by the U.S. Department of Treasury, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (“TTB”). They will explain how the current three tier system applies to the manufacture and distribution of beverage alcohol. In addition, they will provide an overview of how the trade practice regulations keep suppliers from exe... More Info

    1General Credit

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