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Dedicated CLE Manager
Online, iOS/Android, CD/DVD/USB, Webinars
Free Customized CLE Tracker
Accreditation and CLE Rules for Missouri
Missouri attorneys may earn all 15 credits from the National Academy of Continuing Legal Education.
Missouri attorneys are required to take 15 credit hours every year including 3 credit hours of Ethics, 1 of which must be in Elimination of Bias. Missouri attorneys may earn up to 6 hours of "self study" credit. At least 9 credit hours must be taken in a live interactive format. Please Note that ethics and elimination of bias requirements may not be satisfied with self-study credit. The compliance cycle is from July 1st through June 30th and each member must certify compliance by July 30th.
Missouri attorneys can earn all 15 CLE credit hours including 3 credit hours of Ethics and 1 credit hour of Elimination of Bias using our DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online, iOS/Android App, and Live Webinar courses.
Missouri attorneys can carry over excess live credits earned, including Ethics, into the next reporting year. Self-study courses cannot be carried over.
The Missouri Bar
326 Monroe Street
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(t) 573-635-4128
(f) 573-635-2811
Mastering Field Sobriety Tests: Legal, Scientific, and Practical Considerations
MCLE Courses Available on DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App and Live Webinars!
General Credits
About This Course
This CLE course will focus on the three standardized field sobriety tests. We will be exploring some of the main issues to focus on when cross-examining a police officer. This program will help lawyers better understand the proper administration of the field sobriety tests along with the grading system.
The presenter will provide cross-examination techniques that can be used at pre-trial hearings along with trials. The goal is to help assist lawyers better understand the field sobriety tests to effectively represent their clients.
General Credits
Spend less and get more
Get the courses that you need and the forms completed in days — not weeks or months.
Dedicated CLE Manager
Quality help from a responsive CLE expert dedicated to assisting you.
Riveting Content & an Exceptional Library
Experience outstanding presenters.
Free Customized CLE Tracker
Keep crystal clear records of your courses and credits.
Online, Audio CD, DVD, iOS/Android App, USB Stick, Live Webinars
Learn at your pace, in the format that you prefer.