Nebraska CLE - Litigation Courses

This is a listing of Litigation CLE Courses for Nebraska. Please make your selection below of Nebraska CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Selective Ethics in Litigation from the Plaintiff's Perspective

    This CLE course will focus on the ethical obligations that govern counsel in litigated matters and the boundaries that must be respected to ensure compliance with professional standards. Panelists will explore the ethical rules that shape an attorney’s responsibilities when representing a client and discuss the key limitations that must be observed. They will also provide practical insights on how to navigate these requirements effectively, offering “common sense” guidance to help you stay wit... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • Winning Trial Techniques: Cross Examinations

    Effectively cross-examining an expert witness can mean the difference between simply surviving a case and seizing control of the narrative. This CLE course is designed to equip attorneys with a powerful, adaptable framework for dissecting expert testimony, exposing weaknesses, and reinforcing their own case strategy. Participants will gain practical tools for structuring an incisive cross-examination, identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in expert opinions, and avoiding common mis... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Identifying Winning Social Security Cases and Preparing for Hearings

    How do you identify potential Social Security disability clients who have the best chance of winning? And once these clients retain you, how do you increase their odds of winning at an ALJ hearing? Social Security disability claims can take two to three years from application to hearing so you need a roadmap to identify the most viable cases and a roadmap to prepare your clients to take full advantage of the 45 minutes they will have with a judge. In this CLE presentation the... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Artificial Intelligence as Evidence: Discoverability, Use, Admissibility of Algorithmic & Digital Evidence

    Recent interest in AI has been focused on how it can be used to improve productivity in your practice. This CLE looks at AI from a different perspective – as evidence that may be crucial to your trial. It will cover the legal definitions of artificial intelligence and what types of evidence fall under that definition, how to identify artificial intelligence in litigation, which discovery tools can be used to obtain it, and what rules and legal standards govern the use and admissibility... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Tax Law and Personal Injury Litigation: Representing Victims of Sexual Abuse

    This CLE presentation is designed for attorneys who litigate personal injury disputes, focusing specifically on the representation of individuals who have been the victims of sexual abuse. It outlines the general tax principles governing the taxability of recoveries for tort actions, and the development of the statutory rule that compensation for personal physical injury is non-taxable. It discusses the historical background and development of this rule, and its application to victims of s... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Federal Torts Claims Act: Personal Injury Lawsuit from Intake through Trial

    A client calls and tells you that they had to remove their shoes to pass through a TSA checkpoint. The floor was slippery and they fell and broke their knee requiring surgery. What do you do? This CLE course will take you from intake through trial in a federal tort claims act (FTCA) slip and fall lawsuit in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and the Third Circuit. The presenter will highlight cases to take and cases to turn down. FTCA cases have an unnerving number of pitfalls th... More Info

    1General Credit
  • DUI Defense: Mastering Strategies From The Experts

    This CLE course provides an intensive examination of the legal issues involved when a potential client is arrested and charged with a DUI. The course examines the elements the prosecution must prove in their case, common and uncommon DUI defenses, and global issues related to constitutional rights, such as the right to remain silent. It also addresses issues involving driver's licenses and the Department of Motor Vehicles. While the course focuses on California, many of the lessons and... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Cross-Examination of Experts in Tort Cases: The Basics Plus

    This CLE course will review the essential principles of cross-examination of defense experts in tort cases with an emphasis on personal injury and insurance bad faith actions. This will include sources of research for identifying fertile areas for cross, setting up the expert for effective cross at deposition and devising and implementing a cross-examination that effectively brings out the critical points for challenging the expert’s testimony. This is a program for those who h... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The ABCs of MSOs: How and Why to Form a Compliant Lasting and Profitable Management Services Organization

    This CLE presentation on Management Services Organizations (MSOs) provides an in-depth exploration of their critical role in healthcare. Participants will learn about the definition, purpose, and significance of MSOs, focusing on their structure and function. The course covers essential legal compliance topics, including the Corporate Practice of Medicine Doctrine and key federal and state regulations. Attendees will debunk common myths, examine real-world examples, and discover best p... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Wiretaps 101: Defending Your Client in Wiretap Cases

    This CLE course provides an introduction to wiretaps and offers essential knowledge for defending clients in cases involving wiretap evidence. Participants will explore the history of wiretaps and the development of modern caselaw to gain a better understanding of how to challenge wiretap evidence and effectively represent clients in wiretap prosecutions. The course covers key topics, including the Government’s application process for a wiretap, the execution of wiretaps by law e... More Info

    2General Credits
  • How to Prepare and Try a Car Accident Case in Front of a Jury

    This CLE course is designed to equip attorneys, particularly those with limited trial experience, with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully prepare a case for trial and present it effectively before a jury. Attendees will be guided through each stage of the trial preparation process, beginning with the inception of the case and continuing through to closing arguments. The course will explore essential strategies for organizing case materials, developing a coherent trial st... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Recent Supreme Court Decisions in Veterans Law

    This CLE course reflects a significant and evolving area of law. The Supreme Court's increased engagement with veterans law indicates its growing recognition of the importance of ensuring constitutional consistency and compliance with Congressional mandates in this specialized field. The role of decisions such as Loper-Bright—potentially referencing a landmark case impacting VA deference—deserves exploration. This shift by the Supreme Court could herald a more balanced approach in veter... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Artificial Intelligence & the Criminal Justice System

    This CLE course explores the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in criminal law, addressing its growing influence on law enforcement, judicial process, and professional ethics. Participants in this CLE program will gain practical insights into challenging AI-generated evidence, understanding bias and transparency issues, and staying current with legislative developments shaping AI’s application in the Criminal Justice System. Topics include: AI in Law Enforce... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Sentencing is Not Always the End of the Line

    Anyone who has been involved in the practice of criminal defense law for a while has had a client or two sentenced. A recent PEW Research Center Report examined federal criminal cases. There were 80,000, but only 2% went to trial, 8% were dismissed and 90% pled guilty. Of the remainder, 800 went to trial and were convicted. Sentencing is a recurring and common phenomena but there are not a lot of CLE's focused on it. This is going to be an exercise on individualizing your client fo... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Handling Sexual Abuse Claims

    This CLE course offers a primer on the confluence of the jurisprudence, legal factors and considerations that inform the proper handling of and that effect expedited, empathetic, cost-effective and compassionate resolution of sexual abuse claims. Discussion includes explanations of what constitutes actionable sexual abuse; and introduces the audience to the causes of action typically asserted and the defenses thereto. Discussion includes exposition of liability and insurance coverage i... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Legal Implications of the Baltimore Bridge Collapse

    This CLE lecture will address the legal framework regarding theories of liability which may be asserted against the owner and operator of the container ship Dali following the collision with and destruction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge on March 24 2024. The course will briefly cover the defenses available to owners and operators, including the ability to to limit their liability under Federal law, potential defenses to cargo interests under the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (COGSA),... More Info

    1General Credit
  • How to Win Your Case Without Going to Trial

    The author and lecturer, based upon over a half-century of litigation experience in the State and Federal Courts, will share his knowledge and experience on how to win cases without going to trial, while at the same time preparing you in case your case does have to go to trial. The premise of this course is that the pre-trial discovery, pre-trial court conferences and motions, especially motions for summary judgment and to dismiss, in at least 90% of litigations culminates in either an... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Anatomy of a TTAB Action

    This CLE course will walk you through an inter partes proceeding before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. These proceedings have many of the same rules as federal court litigation but tend to be more informal and can be much more cost-effective for clients. During the course, the presenter will review the typical stages of these proceedings as well as discuss possible strategies and pitfalls. More Info

    1General Credit
  • The ABC’s of the Newly Enacted Good Cause Eviction Law in New York State

    This CLE presentation will provide an overview of the newly enacted New York State Good Cause Eviction Law. This law serves as a seismic shift in how housing accommodations not otherwise subject to rent-regulation are now being regulated. However, with this new law comes numerous questions as to how the provisions of the Good Cause Eviction Law are to be implemented. This presentation will provide a thorough summary of the law, the questions it raises and possible answers. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Discovering the Lost Coin: Helping Clients Recover from Online Scams

    If you've ever had a client who was subjected to online fraud over more than $100,000, you need this course. In this CLE, we take a close look at the latest iteration of a Ponzi scheme to defraud innocent people - "Pig Slaughtering Scams". We consider how these cases come to light, the various avenues of pursuit to recover losses and litigation strategies that can be tailored to this type of case. More Info

    2General Credits
  • From Pencils to Pixels: Advocating for Comic Book Creators in the Age of AI

    This CLE course provides an expansive overview of the comic book industry. It covers the rise of digital comics, the importance of diverse representation, and the impact of AI on content creation and legal practices. Participants will delve into the implications of recent copyright and trademark rulings, such as Warner Chappell v. Nealy, which affirmed that copyright owners could seek damages for infringements regardless of when they occurred, and the Fair Use After Warhol decision, wh... More Info

    3General Credits
  • Foreclosure 101: An Overview of the Process to Recover Real Property Across the Country

    This CLE course provides a high level overview of the basic topics pertinent to practitioners interested in residential foreclosure for lenders across the nation. We will review standard documents, concepts, terms, and methods to achieve foreclosure at a high level, as well as common pitfalls and defenses that can be raised by homeowners in defending against foreclosure. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Criminal Procedure: The 4th, 5th and 6th Amendments

    This CLE lecture will cover issues such as what is a search and what is a seizure under the fourth amendment; search warrants, their issuance as well as their execution; exceptions to the search warrant requirement; stop and frisk; the exclusionary rule and exceptions to it; Miranda and the 5th amendment, and 14th amendment voluntariness of statements; as well as more briefly than other topics, the 6th amendment and the right to counsel. More Info

    2General Credits
  • An Overview of NJ Residential Eviction Practice

    Now that the COVID-19 era has passed we are returning to “normal,” albeit a new “normal.” So, what is the new “normal”? In this course we will explore basic procedural and substantive concepts of New Jersey landlord-tenant law as they currently exist in an area of law that is evolving and growing now more than ever. In particular, we will explore procedural nuances and the many impediments to eviction procedures. Presented by Kenneth W. Biedzynski, Esq., this course will canvas and disc... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Mastering Depositions: How to Command the Room with Authority and Civility

    The goal of this CLE program is to assist attorneys in honing their deposition skills so as to better control witnesses and their adversary(s), while making their own client more comfortable. By sharing proven strategies, the program will give attendees an insight into how seasoned litigators and successful trial lawyers conduct depositions. The program further aims to help attorneys maximize the opportunities often wasted at depositions and in the process, maximize their chances of su... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Traumatic Brain Injury and Necessary Experts

    In order for any litigator to pursue litigation related to traumatic brain injury, it necessary to understand how the brain functions, what are the causes and effects of TBIs and what’s and how exerts are utilized. This CLE course can also provide to any individual a useful overview of brain function and dysfunction. By understanding the brain, we can understand how we love and hate, build and structure our environment. If our brain makes us who we are, it can also limit our be... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The State Of The Art of Investment Advisor Regulations

    This CLE course explores the latest developments in Investment Adviser Regulation, focusing on practical steps for investment advisers in light of the Fifth Circuit's decision to vacate the SEC's recent Private Investment Adviser regulations. We'll examine why the SEC chose not to appeal the ruling and discuss the implications. The course will also cover emerging trends and best practices in artificial intelligence, the Marketing Rule, and other recent regulatory changes. Addit... More Info

    1General Credit
  • An Introduction to Conducting a Special Civil Trial Under 20K in Damages

    This CLE presentation is primarily focused on preparation for beginning attorneys who don’t have mentors or other senior attorneys to help them. The techniques explained will help the new attorney deal with any type of case that may walk in. These cases can range from special civil cases to temporary restraining orders and even relatively high stakes civil cases. The goal here is to help the new attorney become more flexible in their approach to cases and perhaps take on cases that one may ot... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Conducting Police Internal Affairs Investigations

    This CLE course is designed to provide government lawyers and others practical knowledge and sample policies on how to conduct effective police internal affairs investigations. The presenter has decades of experience representing police and local government officials in connection with internal affairs investigations, civil rights lawsuits, labor & employment disputes, policy drafting & workforce training. The course includes the following topics: The roles of solicitors,... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Litigation: Using Outcome Based Strategies to Drive Value

    Welcome to the world of outcome-based litigation strategies. Unlike Traditional Litigation, in outcome- based Litigation we are focused on what we want the results of our litigation efforts to achieve. That means, having a very clear goal in mind, in terms of value and settlement in settlement purposes. Having a clear understanding of what pressure needs to be brought to bear on the opposing side to achieve that result. We use the power of automation to leverage those things to achieve... More Info

    4General Credits
  • U.S. Trademark Essentials: A Step-by-Step Guide

    This CLE course takes you through the step-by-step process of a U.S. trademark application from beginning to end, including but not limited to, advantages of a federal trademark registration, United States Patent and Trademark Office trademark application requirements, responding to Office Actions, how to identify proper specimens. We will also have a brief overview of proceedings before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board including oppositions, cancellations, expungements, reexamina... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Understanding Medicaid: Guidelines, Applications, and Recovery Processes

    This CLE program will discuss not only the history of Medicaid, but also the features of Medicaid as to appeals and Medicaid utilization for Long term Nursing Care and state recovery and how to avoid the state from recovering all assets from an estate, This presentation will attempt to place Medicaid in its context related to the aging of America as well as the 10% poverty level in the U. S. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Ethical Issues in Pro Bono Representation

    This CLE examines the ethical issues that arise when attorneys are performing legal services on a pro bono basis. Using the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, it identifies particular rules that would apply in common pro bono scenarios, and discusses how attorneys can spot potential issues and avoid “steeping over” ethical lines while they seek to effectively represent their clients and increase access to justice through their pro bono work. Some Michigan and other state bar variations... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • In the Drone Zone: Legal Insights for Attorneys in Unmanned Aircraft Law

    This CLE course provides attorneys with a comprehensive overview of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), commonly known as drones, and the intricate legal and regulatory landscape surrounding their operation. Participants will delve into the technological advancements of drones, their diverse applications across industries, and the pivotal role of legal frameworks in governing their use. Participants will gain insights into the current legal framework governing drone operations, with a fo... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Making Them Pay: Collecting Judgments in Personal Injury Cases in Excess of Available Insurance

    Successfully prosecuting a large civil case to judgment is fantastic but can create some real headaches when your judgment exceeds the available insurance coverage. Personal injury lawyers must understand the basics of collection law, so you can finish the job, monetize the judgment and maximize your chances of getting your client (and potentially yourself) paid as much as possible. This CLE course discusses some simple (and not-so-simple) measures you can take to maximize your ability... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Navigating Legal Challenges and Issues in Telecommuting and Remote Work

    Organizations offer telecommuting options for all the right reasons - to help workers manage family care issues, medical problems and disabilities, or simply to help them reduce commute costs and add some flexibility to their schedules. But what happens when your well-intentioned plan turns into a legal nightmare? How do you protect your organization when a worker claims he’s being discriminated against because he’s not allowed to telecommute. Or when another demands that telecommuting... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Innovative Approaches to Drafting Copyright Infringement Complaints

    With the expansion of AI into creating works that may qualify for copyrightability, and the ever accelerating expansion of the Internet to every aspect of world-wide commerce, copyright protection and copyright enforcement is practically a mandatory skill for any business attorney whether you are a transactional or litigation attorney. This CLE course will go over the detailed requirements for analyzing potential copyright claims and then crafting a solid comprehensive copyright compla... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Evidentiary Issues in the Murdaugh Case

    This CLE course will review the evidentiary issues in the Alex Murdaugh case. In this case, a South Carolina jury convicted Murdaugh of murdering his wife and son. The prosecution had alleged that the defendant killed his family members for two reasons, primarily. First, the People claimed that the defendant killed his son, Paul, because Paul was the alleged wrongdoer (along with Alex, due to negligent entrustment) in litigation resulting from Paul’s driving the family boat while dru... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Capital Punishment: The Myth of Innocence

    Controversial, yet present in virtually every state's criminal code since the founding of the United States almost 250 years ago, the issue of Capital Punishment has been consistently controversial.concern if over whether the penalty itself is fair, whether it is fairly administrated in both conception, and action and over the last 70 years the controversy has concentrated on three primary concerns about the death penalty: Whether having both the letter and imposition of the ultimate puni... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Understanding Religious Accommodations After The Groff Supreme Court Decision

    Employers are required to accommodate the religious beliefs of their employees pursuant to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. However, understanding what this means and how to ensure compliance is not easy. How has the Groff Supreme Court decision changed the meaning of “undue burden” under Title VII and how can an employer ensure compliance? What does the interactive process under Title VII look like and what documentation can an employer request? The answers to these and ot... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Mastering Courtroom Success: Winning Your Trial and Appeal

    This CLE course will cover the major aspects necessary to effectively present your case to maximize the possibility of winning a successful verdict, both when you are representing the plaintiff and when you are representing the defendant. The emphasis will be upon those aspects of the trial which make the difference between winning or losing. In addition the Course will teach ways to "protect the record" so that, if you win the trial, your success will be upheld on appeal, if the other... More Info

    2General Credits
  • FLSA: New OT Rule: What You Need to Know

    This CLE program will explain the key provisions of the proposed FLSA Overtime Rule. You will learn how to prepare to comply while avoiding lawsuits and fines. What You'll Learn What will the new DOL rule change? How can you properly classify employees as exempt or non-exempt? What is the new salary level threshold? When will the new FLSA overtime rule take effect? What changes should you make in your organization to comply? Will there be court challenges to the new rule? More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Aspects of Artificial Intelligence: Navigating the Digital Frontier

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the landscape of legal practice, bringing both opportunities and challenges. This CLE course will delve into the essential aspects of AI and its implications for the legal profession while adhering to legal and ethical standards. Whether you're an AI novice or a seasoned professional, this course will provide crucial guidance on navigating the evolving AI landscape in law. More Info

    2General Credits
  • New Developments in Sports Law: A Time of Change in the Collegiate and Professional Landscape

    In the last year, college sports is seeing nothing less than a revolution. It's model of amateurism is under attack, both in antitrust litigation in the courts and at various regional offices of the National Labor Relations Board ("NLRB"). A day is coming where big-time college athletics will be professionalized, with new challenges and uncertainties for various stakeholders. In the professional sports area, team sales, an increasing fractured media rights universe and ongoing issues s... More Info

    1General Credit
  • 1st and 4th Amendment and Employment Cases: Difficult Issues and Lessons Learned

    Experienced litigators in the areas of First and Fourth Amendment Law and Employment Law share perspectives on difficult issues and lessons regarding some of the most interesting and timely issues of our day. The presenters will seek to impart lessons you may not have learned in law school or perhaps in some books so that newer and less-experienced counsel gain the competence to successfully handle these matters at the motions stage, at trial, on appeal or by settlement. Learn practica... More Info

    3.5General Credits
  • Handling Cannabis Personal Injury Lawsuits

    There is a false perception that marijuana and cannabis products such as CBD are harmless. They are not. Attorneys and the public are not used to thinking about marijuana as a cause of personal injuries. However, marijuana has proven to cause many personal injuries and attorneys should be aware of potential liability claims. Some marijuana industry defense attorneys have been warning their clients of future personal injury cannabis litigation. This webinar will help them advise their c... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Protecting Your Trademark In The Face of EU’s, GPDR and U.S. Privacy Laws- Case Study and Practical Tips

    This CLE course will demonstrate why it has become increasingly difficult to identify internet trademark infringers, the obstacles often encountered during the process of identifying trademark infringers on the world-wide web and what you need to know to secure relief from their infringement. We will discuss GDPR and U.S. Privacy laws, the obstacles they present in trying to identify infringers who only do business on the internet, and the mechanisms and practical considerations for se... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Defying Limits: Breaking the Boundaries of Adverse Possession

    Adverse possession is a phrase we all learned in law school, and then promptly forgot. But the concept has been with human society for millennia, and will likely last until the final day a person walks the earth. So long as the elements are met, adverse possession gives people the right to automatically be deemed owners of real estate that they may not have purchased – even without filing a suit for such relief. This CLE course will address the various secrets, critical elements, and... More Info

    2General Credits
  • The Plaintiff Fact Sheet (“PFS”) in a Mass Tort Setting

    The Plaintiff Fact Sheet (PFS) is a written questionnaire which takes the place of non-negotiated interrogatories, or written questions, and is typically served in Mass Tort litigation. In a Mass Tort case, the Parties negotiate the questions to be asked on the PFS questionnaires. The Defendants are entitled to ask questions in a PFS that provides both basic information about the claimant (date of birth, marital status) and specific information (date of injury, type of injury, name... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Winning Strategies for Soft Tissue Injuries

    Winning Jury Trial Strategies for Soft Tissue Injury in Car Crash cases: This program will concentrate on the most successful methods on achieving great results on soft tissue sprain/strain types of injuries in crash cases. The program will summarize these winning strategies from the starting point of Voir Dire to the ending point of Closing Argument. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Guerrilla Warfare Tactics in Federal IP Cases

    Anybody can draft and file a lawsuit. There are so many templates on the Internet or available from multiple sources, such as form books and treatises that With a little care and attention, most anyone can craft and file a brief for copyright infringement or trademark infringement or patent infringement Indeed, the entertainment industry is flooded with screenwriters and actors who with a little self-help procured from online sources or from a quick trip to a bookstore, file lawsuits of... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • How To Write a Persuasive Motion

    This CLE course is designed to explore the art of drafting persuasive legal motions. Tailored for practicing attorneys seeking to enhance their advocacy skills, this one-hour course delves into structuring compelling arguments, constructing engaging factual narratives, and navigating the stages of motion practice. From mastering citation formats to addressing ethical considerations, participants will gain practical tips essential for effective motion writing. Whether you're a seasoned... More Info

    1General Credit
  • How Magnuson-Moss and UCC Article 2 Apply to Car Warranty Claims: Dealing with Lemons

    This CLE course will teach a general practitioner the basic legal concepts needed to litigate a lemon law case. It will cover express and implied warranties, both under the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act and under state laws; state Lemon Laws; and fraud and state consumer fraud acts. After participation, attorneys will gain the basic conceptual tools to handle a lemon law case. More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Use of Investigators in Litigation Matters

    Investigations by lawyers are an essential element of most litigation matters. Lawyers investigate the opposing parties and the facts underlying the case through the use of third-party investigators, researching public records, interviewing witnesses and sometimes by conducting surveillance. Additionally, lawyers sometimes need to investigate their own clients or witnesses to a case. Lawyers may need more information about their own clients to assure themselves of the truthfulness of... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Data Privacy in Higher Education

    This CLE is designed for lawyers who want a better understanding of the unique data privacy concerns relevant to higher education. Colleges and Universities must comply with data privacy standards that can impact students, employees, alumni, donors, and the work of the institution. The course is meant to provide a general overview of the topic of data privacy as it applies to the unique needs of this industry. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Getting and Keeping Cases From The Plaintiffs Perspective: Delivering on Your Promises of Performance

    Our speakers will discuss how to realistically market your firm given your experience and firm resources. Not everyone can afford television and media advertising, so how to you get the word out. The panelists will also discuss ways to ensure your client relationships are maintained at a high level, and how your clients can contribute to your marketing efforts. This is a practical overview of the business of attracting clients and keeping them informed and responsive to your efforts.... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Terrorism On Trial: An Overview of Anti-Terrorism Litigation in Federal Courts

    This CLE course will provide an introduction to the niche world of anti-terrorism litigation, providing an overview of the most commonly-used federal anti-terrorism statutes: 28 U.S.C. 1605A (the “terrorism exception” to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act) and the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) as amended by the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA). It will also cover eligibility criteria, timelines and key hurdles to obtaining a judgment, available damages, policy implication... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Legal Research in the AI Era

    Did you know that the earliest successful Artificial Intelligence program dates back to 1951? Since then, AI programs have made noticeable, but usually small, advances in legal research. That is, until the large language model (LLM), ChatGPT, was released in November 2022. Companies are releasing products at a record pace using ChatGPT as the underpinning structure. Both Westlaw and Lexis incorporated AI-assisted research features in their newest release. This CLE program will explai... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Unusually Important Federal Tax Cases: What Attorneys Need to Know

    This CLE program covers six federal taxation cases of recent vintage that are important for tax attorneys to commit to memory. Business law attorneys, who often find themselves in federal taxation deep water, can benefit from this Program because they will gain appreciation of the way federal tax law may change through court opinions in contrast to Congressional legislation and Department of Treasury tax regulation writing. The cases together cover following taxation topics: Valuati... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Winning Motions to Suppress: Cross Examination of Police for Warrantless Vehicle Searches

    This CLE course will focus on practical methods of cross-examination of police officer witnesses where a traffic stop resulted in a warrantless vehicle search. The course will cover conducting a thorough client interview/intake form. Additionally, the course will go over common mistakes attorneys make when cross-examining police officer witnesses. And finally, this course will go over structuring your cross-examination, utilizing the information received from the client interview, and a... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Examining Strength and Identifying Ambiguity: Finding Solutions in a CA Prostitution Case

    This CLE presentation covers the basics of a California Solicitation/Prostitution charge. The presentation covers the following: Covering the basics of a California Prostitution charge Legal defenses to the charge and the structure of how to examine and break down a prostitution/solicitation matter Dealing with clients facing solicitation charges Finally, we discuss strategies and favorable dispositions. This course is good for someone who is considering taking on prostitution ma... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Another Bite of The Apple: How To Use The New Sentencing Guidelines Amendment To Help Your Client Get Out of Prison

    The United States Congress passed what many believe was one of the greatest criminal justice reform acts in recent years: The First Step Act. The First Step Act, since its passage has resulted in a number of changes to federal criminal law that may offer your client the opportunity for significant relief including resentencing and early release. This CLE will provide an overview of the First Step Act and how recent changes to the United States Sentencing Guidelines are good news for ma... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • The Importance of Registering Your Copyright in the Music World

    This CLE course will demonstrate how important it truly is to register your copyrights in the music world. Registering copyrights is the best way to both add value to creative works and protect them. We will discuss the cost-benefit analysis of registration; go through a primer on Copyright Law as it pertains to the music industry; discuss fair use, parody, and compulsory licensing; the elements of copyright infringement and how they pertain to music; the importance of the deposit copy... More Info

    2General Credits
  • You Can Handle the Truth! An Introduction to the Military Justice System for Civilian Practitioners

    Have you always been intrigued by the concepts of military justice? This innovative CLE will provide an overview of the military justice system, geared toward civilian practitioners who are curious about how things work in military courts or want to expand their practice areas into military defense. The lecture will provide an overview of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (“UCMJ”), the rights of the accused in the military, the cultural differences between the civilian and militar... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Navigating The World of Sexual Abuse Allegations

    A detailed look at the issues, challenges, and pitfalls facing practitioners defending sex abuse allegations on their client's behalf. From ACS child services and other similar administrative agencies through civil and criminal matters in our courthouses and beyond, the discussion will cover many topics, including jurisdiction, statute of limitations, mediation & arbitration, confusion in how these cases are charged and pled, appellate preservation, confronting expert witness testimony... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Mastering the Client Interview

    Earn client trust and information through an expertly guided initial interview. This CLE course starts with the importance of small talk and of defining legal terms to clients. Then, this course hones in on making sure attorneys memorialize their client’s goals (and manage expectations for those goals). Next, some candid conversation about how attorneys bill for their time. After the introduction and explanation of the forms highlighted in this course, the discussion moves to the im... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Some Lessons From The Gwyneth Paltrow Ski Collision Case

    Gwyneth Paltrow v Terry Sanderson went to trial, to determine who caused a ski crash at Deer Valley ski resort in Utah. On the surface, it appeared to be a simple ski collision case. Mr. Sanderson alleged that Ms. Paltrow skied into his back, knocking him down hard while landing on him, causing him to suffer a concussion and 4 broken ribs. The intensity of the media attention made it anything but simple. We will discuss a few of the lessons from this high profile case including the... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Constitutional Challenges to the Foreclosure Abuse Prevention Act

    The Foreclosure Abuse Prevention Act (FAPA) was enacted by the New York State Legislature to correct perceived manipulations of the statute of limitations in foreclosure actions pending in New York State. In this course, FAPA is discussed in relation to how it affects various provisions of the CPLR, the RPAPL and GOL. In addition, FAPA has been challenged as unconstitutional on various grounds: including substantive due process, contracts clause and separation of powers. These constitutio... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Franchise Law: From Contract Negotiation to Litigation

    This CLE will cover franchise agreements; from negotiation of the terms prior to signature as well as issues to address during the course of litigation and/or termination. Attendees will be guided through how to negotiate specific provisions that will affect a client’s rights, as well as which areas of the agreements are typically litigated and how to demand and get the necessary information to effectively represent clients in court. More Info

    1General Credit
  • PFAS: The Forever Chemicals

    Developed in the 1950s, PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) have been used in the manufacture of non-stick coatings, waterproofing materials, fire-suppression chemicals, and other products. Water supplies and food throughout the world have been found to contain PFAS. Studies have linked PFAS with several forms of cancer and a variety of non-cancerous ailments. Federal and state PFAS regulations have recently been promulgated. Environmental and personal injury litigation has... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Roe v Wade: Abortion Post Dobbs

    In this CLE course, the Instructor will discuss the recent Dobbs’ decision in which the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) found that there is no federal right to abortion and overruled both "Roe v. Wade" and " Planned Parenthood v. Casey". This created a sea change in federal Due Process law particularly concerning the rights of liberty and privacy. The Instructor explains the over 100—page decision in practical terms and discusses possible litigation, which could result from... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Federal Civil Procedure: Practicing Tips for Federal Litigation

    Step into the federal courtroom with confidence. This CLE course is designed to demystify the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and arm attorneys with the essential knowledge needed to navigate federal civil litigation. Whether you are an occasional federal practitioner or looking to brush up on the FRCP, this course offers a focused overview of the critical stages of federal litigation—from removal and jurisdiction, pleadings, and discovery, evidentiary issues, and pretrial issues. Gain... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Survival Of The Fit in Criminal Lit

    Unlock the keys to litigation success with this CLE course, led by a seasoned attorney with a 40 years of invaluable real-world experience. This course is designed to provide participants with practical insights, strategies, and actionable steps to navigate the criminal litigation. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Representing Patent Owners and Inventors in Litigation: Challenges, Insights and Strategies

    Patent owners and inventors play an important role in our society. Based in the Constitution, the monopoly power of a patent is a powerful thing that should be exercised responsibly. This course is designed to provide inside and outside counsel representing the interests of patent owners and inventors with tools to help understand the responsibilities, practices, and risks associated with the assertion of patent rights in litigation. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Intellectual Warfare: An In-House Counsel's Guide to Bringing and Defending Against Intellectual Property Lawsuits

    In this CLE presentation, the Instructor will discuss strategies for identifying valuable intellectual property within one’s organization and how to effectively use that IP for the organization’s business goals. The Instructor will cover the types of IP that exist, the approximate costs in obtaining/maintaining each type of IP, cost analyses associated with IP acquisition, licensing, negotiation strategies, enforcement considerations, and defensive maneuvers when confronted with other... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Medical Malpractice: Complex, High Stakes Medical Negligence Litigation

    This CLE course will evaluate the state of medical negligence lawsuits in the current environment. The course will provide a brief overview of the rights of medical negligence victims throughout the country, focusing on disparate care that is offered to different groups of people. This course will provide the participant an opportunity to examine medical negligence as an issue that needs to be addressed at the roots – and find ways to work together to advocate for a fair justice system... More Info

    1General Credit
  • ON STRIKE! The Law of Labor Conflict

    Union organizing and strikes are on the rise. While the federal law governing labor-management relations has changed little in decades, recent decisions of the National Labor Relations Board and evolving methods of workplace protest are changing the landscape of traditional union activity. This course examines the fundamental provisions of the National Labor Relations Act and its amendments relating to labor strikes, picketing, boycotts, and other protest activities, in both union an... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Yellow Brick Road of a PERM Case

    The road map of a PERM case is complicated and full of hazards. A typo can sink your case. This CLE course will review the long process to fulfill the regulatory standards and build the required evidence for a successful PERM case. We’ll go through the many PERM case steps, from developing the case strategy, to obtaining verification of qualifications, securing a Prevailing Wage Determination, taking the case through recruitment, and filing the PERM case. More Info

    1General Credit
  • ChatGPT and Related Products: The Legal Ramifications

    This CLE presentation is intended to help practicing attorneys better understand the legal consequences of current-day (ex. ChatGPT) artificial intelligence (AI) products. This begins with a discussion of current AI products, their operation, and fundamentally what they are and are not. This factual basis informs several legal topics, including copyrights, patents, trade secrets, confidential information, contracts, etc. Finally, some example, practical, “best practices” and recommenda... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Municipal Law: General Civil Overview

    Many may be unaware, but municipal law has an impact on our daily lives. Municipal lawyers provide service to municipal clients, including cities, towns, boroughs, counties, and special districts. Municipal attorneys will often find themselves handling a full range of legal issues, from advising the governing authority, to defending suits brought against the municipality to drafting ordinances and contacting for purchases and development. This broad field can involve land acquisition,... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Negotiating the Serious and Catastrophic Injury Case

    Our panelists, highly experienced trial and litigation specialists, will discuss the negotiation, and preparation for such, of catastrophic injury cases. These cases require a more sophisticated and organized work up. How do you use the medical personnel who worked on the case, and what do you need from them to help you in negotiating the case? What additional experts do you need to flesh out the damages claim? How do you prepare to negotiate the claim for future damages including me... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Avoiding Liability Under The FDCPA

    The material presented in this seminar is intended to provide the audience with an overview of some of the key areas of compliance regarding a third-party debt collector’s use of debt collection communications via the telephone and in writing. Recently, the collection industry has been confronted by increasing regulatory oversight and enforcement actions by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”), as well as an awaking of the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) and Federal Comm... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Effective Tips for Using a Private Investigator in Your Practice

    This CLE course will address effective tips for using private investigators in your practice including selecting and retaining your investigator, setting up a relationship and preserving privilege, game planning your investigation, unique issues of evidence, and creating a long term relationship with an investigator. Learn from an Instructor who is not only a practicing trial lawyer, but an Investigator for the past 25 years as well More Info

    1General Credit
  • Insurance Coverage Issues Involving General Liability

    This CLE course will provide a comprehensive nuts and bolts overview of Insurance Coverage Litigation. It will cover the key steps and processes that should be followed/taken by both the insurer and the insured when faced with a claim that has matured into a declaratory judgement action. Topics will include a discussion of litigation considerations from the onset of coverage litigation and initial phases. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Jury Selection: Mastering the Challenges and Pitfalls

    This CLE course will address the art of jury selection. It will show how to get the jury to share important information as well as how to pick the right juror for the case you are trying. The following Jury Selection topics will be discussed Who is eligible to serve as a juror Questions that will yield insightful facts to aid in the decision making process How to bond with the jury; how to get them to open up, helping make an educated decision about who to keep/strike How to util... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Trial of a Police Liability Case Under Section 1983

    Master the trial of a police liability case under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 – whether yours is a high- frequency or high-exposure case, and whether you represent the plaintiff or the defense. Using examples, this practical CLE program will cover the pretrial and settlement conference and preparation of your witnesses. It then goes to the trial itself: jury selection for your side, opening statements, effective examination and cross-examination of plaintiff’s and defense witnesses on both liabil... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Learning The Basics of Conducting a Social Security Disability Case

    In this CLE course you will learn about the different disability programs that exist, who can apply for the benefits and what the application process is like. You will learn how the Social Security Administration defines disability and how to determine what kind of application to file if it is an initial application. Or does the potential client need to file an appeal because the initial application was not approved? We will explore what is involved in the appeal process and how to de... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • What Attorneys Need to Know about Comic Book Publishing: A Test Drive

    Prepare to break into the comic book publishing industry in just two action-packed hours! Under the guidance of seasoned comic book publishing attorneys, you will draft a rough outline of crucial contract provisions, hone your client interview skills that are tailored for this sector, and engage in mock negotiations. You will get the chance to identify potential problems within publishing contracts and discover how to resolve them. Get ready to slip behind the wheel for a test-drive of comic b... More Info

    2General Credits
  • How to Find the “Smoking Gun” to Win Your Case

    In almost every case there is a “smoking gun” that arises during a case that tips the scales toward a win. This CLE will show you how to uncover them and use them to your advantage. The lecturer will give you techniques to use (and inspiration) to uncover "smoking guns" using examples from his own , trip & fall, slip and fall premises cases, staircase accidents, auto collisions, products liability and med mal cases, which will provide a roadmap to finding the hidden "smoking guns" t... More Info

    1General Credit
  • AI, Fair Use, and Representing Comic Book Creators and Publishers

    This CLE course dives deep into the comic book industry, unveiling the past year of explosive growth and seismic legal changes. We’ll give you a understanding of the pros and cons of AI-generated artwork and suggested approaches for contract drafting to avoid critical IP-pitfalls; discuss the impact of fair use in visual arts following the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith decision; and give you a “chef’s tour” of representing the comic book client today. In th... More Info

    3General Credits
  • The Five Rules: How to Prepare Your Client for Deposition

    Your client's deposition is a critical day in any case. The Instructors "Five Rule" system can make any client a strong witness. He has used it for 25 years to prepare clients ranging from executives to professional athletes to children. Nervous clients will relax. "Clever" clients will stick to the truth. The Instructor relates his Five Rules in an entertaining and memorable way that will have you using the Five Rules system the very next day. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Employment Law Issues in Telework Environments

    The COVID-19 virus ushered in a new age of remote work all over the world. Since then, the battle between employees wanting to maintain work-from-home status and employers trying to find ways to bring employees back to the office has remained fierce. This CLE course will outline the employment law issues that arise for employers who allow employees to telework on either a full-time or hybrid basis. The course will identify trends, unique problems associated with telework, and best prac... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Sexual Harassment, “Me Too” Allegations, and Settlement Agreements: A Necessary Perspective for Counsel

    This interactive CLE session will identify the issues that counsel must recognize and understand to effectively advise clients on the need for a policy against sexual harassment and employee training, the difference between company policy and what constitutes sexual harassment under federal law, the merits of a claim of sexual harassment and assessing potential costs and the risk of litigation. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Equity & Inclusion Confusion: Discrimination and Other Trending Employment Law Topics for Non-Employment Lawyers

    This CLE will introduce non-employment lawyers to employment law, beginning with the unusually challenging question of employee vs. independent contractor and the implications of worker classification. We will summarize federal laws governing the employment relationship including Title VII, The Americans with Disabilities Act, The Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, and the new Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, among others. We will also outline the... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Beginners Guide to Motion Practice

    This CLE presentation is primarily focused on Civil and Special Civil motion practice for attorneys beginning in these areas. We will focus on the three most common types of motions, Summary Judgment Motions, Various Discovery Motions, Motions to dismiss/Post judgment motions. Implementing a motion practice strategy is the second phase of preparing your trial notebook (the First being a Discovery Plan). The motion practice strategy provides the attorney with the direction and purpose o... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Ethics in Debt Collection Law

    The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) can subject lawyers to ethical and liability traps for those collecting and prosecuting consumer debts. This CLE course will break down the particular and common rules of professional responsibility that also cause liability under the FDCPA. The seminar will provide insight on avoiding these pitfalls from defense counsel with 30 years of experience defending law firms against FDCPA allegations. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Discovery, Evidence, and Motion Practice Under Section 1983 Police Liability

    This practical CLE will cover three main topic areas that are at the core of any successful police misconduct practice under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. First, discovery: what law enforcement files are kept, which ones the plaintiff should request and how the defense can protect them, including incident reports and investigations, officer personnel files, and Monell custom and policy related files; and a checklist of discovery the defense should obtain from the plaintiff. Second, evidenc... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Negotiating and Settling Tort Cases: Reaching a Solution

    This CLE course presented by highly experienced attorneys and negotiators of settlements, will discuss the important principles of negotiating civil injury and insurance cases. They will outline the 10 most important points for getting “top dollar” for your cases, and also the 10 Reasons Cases Do Not Settle! Our panelists will also discuss how to improve your skills with their thoughts on how to approach negotiations and start the process at the right time. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Drafting the Bullet Proof Civil RICO Complaint

    Civil RICO Complaints are very powerful weapons when prosecuting civil actions in Federal Court where the defendants have engaged in criminal or quasi-criminal conduct. However, many Federal judges are wary of Civil RICO cases and set up automatic check-lists or automatically set up OSC hearings to make sure that the RICO claims are legitimate and properly pled. This CLE course will analyze how to set up a RICO complaint that passes muster under Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Pro... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Analyzing the Right and Ethical Way to Prepare Witnesses in Criminal Cases

    Both prosecutors and criminal defense lawyers have professional and ethical obligations to zealously represent their clients. However, they must also comply with rules of professional conduct address candor and honesty with the tribunal. How can these lawyers serve both of these masters when it comes to preparing witnesses for trial? On the one hand, these lawyers are obligated to professionally structure their preparation to maximize success as defined by their client’s best interests. On... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Navigating the Future: Embracing AI's Impact on the Legal Profession for Lawyers with a Strategic Mindset

    It has been several months since the release of ChatGPT and its passage of the Uniform Bar Exam with flying colors. Experts everywhere are projecting how generative AI is going to replace many lawyers in the next few years. Is generative AI going to change the way lawyers do business? “Yes.” Will lawyers lose their jobs to generative AI applications? “Maybe.” The true answer here depends on a lawyer’s mindset and preparation. Let’s be clear, lawyers do not need to learn to code... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Establishing Clear Standards for Compliant Pharmaceutical Marketing to Limit Liability for Off-Label Promotion

    Developments over the past several years have produced momentous changes affecting the research-based pharmaceutical and biotech industries. These include the rise of digital-based health technologies, the utilization of real-world experience (RWE) and real-world data (RWD) in the drug approval process, and dissemination of evolving medical information to an expanding audience. At the same time, regulatory and compliance concerns over industry promotional practices and activities continue.... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Case Against Tipper X

    lmagine the following: lt is the morning of a normal workday for you and millions of others who live in New York City. You go to the gym for a workout and run some errands before heading to the office. Unexpectedly, two FBI agents approach you on the sidewalk, flash their badges - in public view - and begin questioning you about activity at your job. The agents begin spitting out details about your personal life - they know where you were last weekend, they know private details about your fam... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Building a Case to Best Serve the Client: Mediation and Arbitration of Multi-Party Construction Law Claims

    The CLE course will cover various topics related to the challenges presented in Multi-Party Construction Litigation cases. In mediation, we will discuss how best to prepare a client/carrier for mediation and strategies for use of documents. We will also examine how a well drafted mediation statement can prepare the mediator for the challenges that this particular matter presents. We will also discuss strategies in making offers of settlement, including some hybrid options for money an... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Free Speech, Trademarks and Parody at the Crossroads: “Jack Daniels vs Bad Spaniels”

    Is someone infringing on your trademark? How about your copyright or patent? Do you want to protect your invention with a patent? Is clearing and registering your trademark and your Copyright one of your business objectives? Are you interested in securing a licensing agreement either as a licensor or a licensee? Do you need help with your talent agreement? Do you want to know how to leverage your Intellectual Property through licensing and merchandising? Have you or your company just been ser... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Expertly Examining the Expert Witness: Depositions, Hearings and Trials

    This CLE program is designed to help you prepare for and best examine the expert witness. You will learn about how to gather information in preparation for the deposition of (or trial testimony for) the expert, and how to shape a thorough inquiry for the complete examination of the expert witness, including but not limited to: inquiring about the background of the expert and the typical areas in which they have been approved to render expert opinions, the relative bias of the expert;... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • You Won! Now What? Collecting Civil Judgments Under Illinois Law

    Successfully prosecuting a civil case to judgment is great, but clients typically expect money at the end of the case. This is especially important for lawyers who work on a contingent fee basis. If the judgment debtor has no available insurance – or if the judgment in question exceeds those limits, you need to understand the mechanics of collection law, so you can finish the job, monetize the judgment and get your client (and potentially yourself) paid. This course discusses the nuts a... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Navigating the SEC and CFTC Whistleblowing Programs

    This CLE course provides an overview of the CFTC, SEC, and IRS whistleblower programs, with a focus on the basics of eligibility, anonymity, and the whistleblowing process. The course will cover the analysis of potential whistleblower claims and the necessary steps for filing a whistleblower claim with each agency. Participants will learn about the ambiguities in the whistleblower awards process and gain insight into the factors that are considered when determining the amount of an awar... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Veterans Update: What's New from Congress, The Courts and The VA

    For over three decades, the United States has been at war. Conflicts in Kuwait, the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and other areas throughout the world have left many Americans with physical and mental disabilities that affect them for the rest of their lives. The Department of Veterans Affairs was established to care for those veterans who have borne the burden of military service and their survivors. Navigating the myriad of VA regulations and procedures can be a nig... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The Firm Perspective on Monitoring and Protecting Against Financial Crimes

    Join panelists for a comprehensive discussion on financial crimes from the firms' perspective. This CLE session covers a variety of tactics, red flags and mitigation strategies associated with fraud, insider trading, cybersecurity and money laundering. This session will discuss: Effective practices and controls for firms in monitoring, protecting against and addressing AML, cybersecurity and fraudulent activities Provide tips to identify potential “red flags” for fraud and insider tr... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Broker Lien Rights: What Attorneys Need to Know

    This CLE course offers an overview of commercial real estate broker lien rights in 34 states, taught by a 46 year attorney who authored or lobbied on behalf of roughly half of those statutes. Topics addressed include the scope of commission claims which are protected, legislative history, the prerequisites for the lien claim, timing, and key tips on enforcement. Hear from the author of these statutes and his 31 years of lien practice in multiple states, from drafting the lien, assertin... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Current Trends and Threats in Financial Crimes

    In this CLE session, Deputy Director Abbate and Under Secretary Nelson discuss the latest developments in financial crimes and illicit finance risk including new and emerging threats related to money laundering, fraud, securities fraud, cyber-crime, digital assets and sanctions. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Handling Nonprofit Board Disputes

    Most nonprofit Board members have never served on a nonprofit Board before and do not understand their legal responsibilities. This CLE program will discuss Board responsibilities and fiduciary duty, common disputes between Board Members, Founder Syndrome, and what to do if everyone quits. This program will benefit outside counsel and any attorney asked to advise Boards regarding their disputes and difficulties, as well as in-house counsel who need to understand when to call for help.... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Conducting Sexual Harassment Investigations at Law Firms

    Internal investigations are always complex, and even more so when investigating sexual harassment within your firm. This CLE course will guide you through the various legal issues and requirements and offer a step-by-step guide for conducting investigations in accordance with current statutes. The course will address internal communications, contractual obligations, validity and enforceability, and attorney client privilege. Relevant case law will be presented. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Representing the Personal Injury Plaintiff: How The Sausage is Made

    This engaging CLE lecture is packed with useful information. You will learn how to best represent a plaintiff in a personal injury case, what traps to watch out for and – most importantly how to explain the process in a way that most clients can understand. Specifically, the course will go into detail on how to make the financial aspects of the case work in your client’s favor, how to set proper expectations and how to deal with the hard business of obtaining money from insurance compa... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • Pre-Trial Preparation for Success at Trial

    This CLE lecture is offered to assist the trial attorney in how to prepare for trial. It will provide you with tried and tested methods to gather information and store it in a way that will permit you to utilize it in the courtroom to aid you in securing a jury verdict in favor of your client. More Info

    1General Credit

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