Winning Trial Techniques: Cross Examinations

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About This Course

Effectively cross-examining an expert witness can mean the difference between simply surviving a case and seizing control of the narrative. This CLE course is designed to equip attorneys with a powerful, adaptable framework for dissecting expert testimony, exposing weaknesses, and reinforcing their own case strategy.

Participants will gain practical tools for structuring an incisive cross-examination, identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in expert opinions, and avoiding common mistakes that can undermine their effectiveness. Through real-world examples and proven techniques, this course will help attorneys sharpen their skills and build confidence in handling expert witnesses across various disciplines.

Key topics covered include:

  • Goals of Cross-Examination: Understanding what a successful cross-examination looks like and how to align questioning with case objectives.
  • Techniques of Cross-Examination: Proven strategies to control the witness, limit damaging testimony, and maximize the impact of key admissions.
  • Gathering Your Arsenal: Preparing a comprehensive and strategic attack by leveraging depositions, prior reports, and learned treatises.
  • Pitfalls to Avoid: Common mistakes attorneys make when cross-examining experts and how to sidestep them.
  • Law, Friend, or Foe: Navigating the legal framework governing expert testimony and using it to your advantage.
  • Timing and Pacing: The art of structuring your examination for maximum effect—when to push, when to pull back, and how to maintain control.
  • PowerPoint as a Weapon: Effectively using visual aids to reinforce key points and undercut expert credibility.
  • Death by a Thousand Cuts: The incremental dismantling of an expert’s testimony through precision questioning.

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