Nevada CLE - Ethics and Professionalism Courses

This is a listing of Ethics and Professionalism CLE Courses for Nevada. Please make your selection below of Nevada CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Attorney Professionalism: Staying Calm, Cool, and Collected

    How do I develop my professional persona? This CLE course will discuss practical tips for maintaining your cool, including effective communication verbal, and non-verbal during in-person interactions, Zoom hearings, other camera-ready events, and social media. Professionalism and respectful behavior are always required, whether you are addressing the Court, opposing counsel, Court personnel, or your clients. You only have one time to make an impression. Your reputation is key to a succe... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Ethics: Lawyer and Client Relationship

    This CLE presentation addresses the contours of what constitutes the unauthorized practice of law (UPL) starting with an introduction based on an article I had written that chronicled LegalZoom’s travails as it encountered and overcame a series of UPL challenges from various jurisdictions into which it entered during its expansion into a nationwide provider of legal services focused on individuals and small businesses. It then describes and applies through various hypothetical and act... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Ethical Considerations in Matrimonial and Family Law

    This fun interactive course will cover various ethical scenarios matrimonial and family court practitioners face with clients, other attorneys and within their own firm, and how to best navigate such issues. Real life examples will be presented, along with solutions and considerations, along with possible outcomes. A mock format will be utilized, with the focus being on the New York Rules of Professional Conduct. This course is designed to provide you with the skills to evaluate and ha... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Weaponizing Rule 1.7 Against Insurance Defense Counsel

    Hundreds of thousands of times per year in all American jurisdictions, liability insurers agree to defend their policyholders against liability disputes and hires pre-approved panel of defense counsel to do two things: protect the insurer’s interests as potential indemnitor and represent the policyholder as a party to a liability dispute. Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 1.7 imposes on panel counsel six prongs of ethical prohibitions and permissions, each of which must be investigated and a... More Info

    2Ethics Credits
  • Attorney Discipline, the First Amendment and YOU!

    Rudolph Giuliani, Kenneth Chesebro, Sidney Powell, L. Lin Wood, Kenneth Kubrowski and a number of other attorneys who sought to overturn the 2020 Presidential Election are now confronted with potential professional discipline for making false out of court statements. Were such statements protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments? Are there exceptions to the constitutional rights of lawyers to make such statements even if false? What are the implications of such efforts to discip... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • Legal Ethics and the Mediation Process

    The use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), particularly in the area of mediation, has grown dramatically in the past ten years. However, it is a process that many counsel lack familiarity with. Judge Scheinkman will discuss the importance of ethical considerations that relate to settlement negotiations. Given the nature of mediation, it is important that the parties negotiate in an ethical fashion which translates into good faith. While trust of an adversary is a relative concep... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Mediation Ethics for Mediators and Mediation Advocates

    This CLE course is designed for mediation advocates and third-party neutrals to fully inform and assist in understanding and working with the ethical rules that apply in mediation. A review of the Model Standards promulgated jointly and recommended by the ABA (American Bar Association), the AAA (American Arbitration Association), and the ACR (Association for Conflict Resolution) along with an example of how this works in a state which has adopted the model standards, in addition to rel... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • Legal Ethics: Confidentiality and Taking Remedial Measures

    Confidentiality is one of the three main fiduciary duties a lawyer owes to their client. Without strict confidentiality, clients may not feel free to discuss sensitive matters with their lawyer. This can sometimes clash with the lawyer’s obligations of candor to the tribunal when evidence that has already been offered turns out to be false. There are significant variations among the jurisdictions on how to deal with evidence that the lawyer discovers is false. Two of the largest st... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Ethical Concerns for Vehicle and Traffic Law Matters

    How do you respond when a Judge asks you to provide potentially damaging information about your client? This CLE course attempts to address strategies to navigate potentially perilous ethical concerns with regard to Vehicle and Traffic Law matters. I will discuss ways you can be an effective advocate for your client while remaining compliant with your ethical responsibilities. This includes plea negotiations with the prosecutor on DWIs and moving violations, dealing with plea restri... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Social Media Ethics and Trends for Employment Lawyers

    Join Marty Gandelman and Committee Chair Lauren Paxton for a program sponsored by NYCLA’s Labor and Employment Committee. The evening will open with a CLE presentation exploring how the Rules of Professional Conduct apply to attorneys' use of various social media platforms and how to navigate potential ethical issues related to marketing, evidence gathering, ex parte communications, and jurors. The presentation will also highlight social media issues that may arise in the workp... More Info

    0.5General Credit

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