General Practice Bundle - Nevada CLE

We have selected our most popular lectures and bundled them together into our General Practice Bundle. This Bundle contains 13 Credit Hours of NV CLE Lectures - Including 10 General, 2 Ethics and 1 Substance Abuse Credits. We automatically report your CLE compliance to the NV State CLE Board and pay any applicable fees.

CLE Courses Available on DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App!

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Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures
Save $355
Only $295
Save $355
Courses priced individually at $650
  • 2 Ethics
  • 1 Substance Abuse

General Practice Bundle Includes:

  • $50

    Cybersecurity, Data Protection and AI Ethics: Identifying and Avoiding Common Pitfalls

    Ethics Credits: 1

    This CLE course explores the current cybersecurity risk landscape in the context of the ABA Model Rules on maintaining competency. It examines how technology affects the security and privacy of client communications, information management, billing, and the supervision of law firm personnel. The co...

  • $50

    Ethical Mediation: Principles and Practices in Dispute Resolution

    Ethics Credits: 1

    The use of Alternative Dispute Resolution, particularly in the area of mediation, has grown dramatically in the past ten years. However, it is a process in which many counsel are unfamiliar. Judge Scheinkman will discuss the importance of ethical considerations that relate to settlement negotiation...

  • $100

    How to Win Your Case Without Going to Trial

    General Credits: 2

    The author and lecturer, based upon over a half-century of litigation experience in the State and Federal Courts, will share his knowledge and experience on how to win cases without going to trial, while at the same time preparing you in case your case does have to go to trial. The premise of th...

  • $100

    Mastering Depositions: How to Command the Room with Authority and Civility

    General Credits: 2

    The goal of this CLE program is to assist attorneys in honing their deposition skills so as to better control witnesses and their adversary(s), while making their own client more comfortable. By sharing proven strategies, the program will give attendees an insight into how seasoned litigators and s...

  • $50

    God, Gadgets, and the Law: Understanding Patents Through Faith-Based Inventions

    General Credits: 1

    In this CLE program, the instructor dives into the intersection of faith and innovation by exploring the basics of patent law, the history of patents, and the process of securing patent rights. Using fascinating examples of faith-based inventions—such as patents for rosaries, Sabbath observance...

  • $50

    The Use of Trusts in Government Benefits Planning

    General Credits: 1

    This CLE presentation will address the use of various types of trusts in government benefits planning, including revocable trusts, spousal planning using revocable trusts, long term care planning using Irrevocable Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts, Supplemental Needs Trusts, and long-term care plann...

  • $100

    Asset Protection Strategy: Advantages and Pitfalls of Using Trusts, LLC's and other Techniques

    General Credits: 2

    This CLE program will provide an overview of asset protection techniques. We will examine how various traditional estate planning techniques provide protection from creditors including the protection afforded by assets titled as tenants by the entirety; the protections provided using life insuranc...

  • $50

    Sentencing is Not Always the End of the Line

    General Credits: 1

    Anyone who has been involved in the practice of criminal defense law for a while has had a client or two sentenced. A recent PEW Research Center Report examined federal criminal cases. There were 80,000, but only 2% went to trial, 8% were dismissed and 90% pled guilty. Of the remainder, 800 went...

  • $50

    Essential Insights for Attorneys Navigating Group Lateral Moves

    General Credits: 1

    The lateral market for attorneys is ever-changing. Recently, there have been many group lateral moves in which a team of attorneys or perhaps even an entire department leaves one firm to join another firm. A group move involves additional considerations and is more complex than a singular lateral...

  • $50

    Pause, Breathe, Lead: Mindfulness for the Modern Lawyer

    Substance Abuse Credits: 1

    During this CLE, attorneys will learn what mindfulness is and what are known as the “attitudinal foundations” of mindfulness. We will explore evidence-based research which demonstrates the ways in which mindfulness can help attorneys reduce stress, and anxiety and connect more fully with the presen...

Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures

CLE Your Way, Anywhere!
DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App included at no extra charge!

Course Media Options
Only $295
Save $355
Courses priced individually at $650

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