New Hampshire MCLE - All Courses

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  • Reverse Mortgages: Stay In Your House For The Rest Of Your Life? Not So Fast!

    This CLE Course will discuss in detail, how Reverse Mortgage holders often times file foreclosure actions without any basis to support the actions. The course will examine the problematic determinations by the Reverse Mortgage servicers of non-occupancy by Borrowers and provide guidance for attorneys to properly litigate these actions for their clients. You will be provided valuable insight as to how to effectively and powerfully handle these cases for your clients from incepti... More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • Legal Ethics: Dos and Don’ts for Attorney Advertising

    This CLE program will discuss the ethics rules as they relate to the oft-confusing issues of lawyer marketing, advertising and solicitation. What’s the right balance of advertising, social media, video and client engagement to grow your practice. What’s the difference between and advertisement and a solicitation and why does it matter? Can I practice under a Trade Name? Learn how to best comply with the rules and review the latest ethics opinions. More Info

    2Ethics Credits
  • Selling and Purchasing Real Property Through Decedents’ Estates

    Our expert panel will address how to convey good title out of a deceased individual's estate where: there are defined deed tenancy and survival recitals; there is probate of a last will and testament and death with a will; there are administration proceedings and death without a will; deeds from sole heirs with no probate or administration; and other unique cases of passing a decedent's interests More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • The Weaponization of Technology in Family Law Cases

    As our dependency and use of technology increases, we rely on electronic devices to complete many daily activities. Unfortunately, these same technologies are being seen more and more in family law cases where offenders have identified ways to exploit them in order to facilitate harm towards their victims and co-parents alike. In this CLE program, Steven Bradley will explore the risks and benefits of technology, not only for the clients we serve, but also for you in your personal and pr... More Info

    1.6General Credits
  • What Happens To Your Practice If You Die Or Become Disabled

    What happens to your practice and your family if you die or become disabled? This is a practical CLE program that focuses on the preventive steps to ethically comply with your obligations to your clients, protect your family and to recover the value of your practice. This seminar is designed to raise awareness and increase preparedness in the event of a catastrophic occurrence in your life. It is designed primarily for solo and small firms. More Info

    1.2Ethics Credits
  • Recent Important Civil Cases of The Virginia Supreme Court For All Civil Litigators

    This CLE program will review 44 written summaries of recent opinions of the Virginia Supreme Court of importance for attorneys practicing civil law in Virginia. These cases cover a wide range of topics including torts, wrongful death, civil rights, contracts, economic loss rule, family law, civil procedure, evidence, causes of action, and affirmative defenses, including immunity and resjudicata/collateral estoppel. Each summary includes an alert which all lawyers should consider from t... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Basics of Patents: Are You Protected? Fundamentals of US Patents and Inventorship

    An increasing proportion of the value of a company resides in its intellectual property. This makes protection of intellectual property of great importance to company owners, be they sole proprietors or stockholders. Learn the basic ideas of patent law and inventorship in the United States, including what is a patent claim, who should be named as the inventor, what must be disclosed in a patent support its claims, and how patent claims are used in the marketplace. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Advanced 1031 Exchange Topics: Reverse and Improvement Transactions

    The course will take a closer look at some advanced aspects of 1031 Exchanges, namely Rev. Proc. 2000-37 - Reverse Exchanges. Different forms of “parking” transactions will be discussed, including improvement exchanges. Additionally, 1031 Exchanges often give rise to Partnership issues – various strategies for consideration will be covered. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Split-Dollar Life Insurance Planning After the Levine Case

    A recent Tax Court case gave a resounding victory to the taxpayer who had pursued what some might view as an aggressive split-dollar life insurance plan to minimize estate taxes. Estate of Marion Levine v. Commr. 158 T.C. No. 2, This CLE will set the stage with a review of split-dollar planning then analyze the case. This follows prior cases that held against other taxpayers using similar techniques. Understanding what the taxpayer did right in the Levine case, and how that contrasts t... More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • Bitcoin: Time For Lawyers To Take A Byte

    The economic impact of digital evolution is a reality of our daily lives. Over the past decade, the “Internet of Things” replaced the “Internet of Information.” Today and since the emergence of blockchain technology, we are seeing a sweeping wave of the “Internet of Value” gradually taking over the web and yielding in its wake a transformation of our economic systems deeper than the first two waves combined. Open a magazine, nowadays, and you’re bound to find an article discuss... More Info

    1General Credit

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