New York CLE - Civil Rights Courses

This is a listing of Civil Rights CLE Courses for New York. Please make your selection below of New York CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • A Primer of Florida Defamation Law: Issues and Pitfalls

    To assist attorneys in learning the main nuances of Florida Defamation Law with a focus on identifying viable cases, value of cases and extent of work needed to overcome litigation issues that are unique to Defamation cases with a focus on Florida Law. Participants will learn about the elements of defamation, the defenses, including statute of limitations and the special media defendant as well as a contemporary case law status as to how Courts are determining the interplay between first amend... More Info

    1Prof Practice
  • Let’s Talk About Race: How to Get Potential Jurors to Talk About Race and Racism

    This CLE will address how to discuss race with jurors in jury selection. Recent events has highlighted the need for lawyers to be able to discuss issues of race with potential jurors. This CLE presentation will discuss: Why do we need to talk about race and racism with potential jurors. The law on discussing race with jurors. Tips on how to address race with potential jurors. More Info

    1Prof Practice
  • Police Liability Under Section 1983: Critical Steps for the Trial Lawyer

    Whether you are on the plaintiff’s or the defense side, you must engage in critical decision making through the life of a case. Be ready for the challenge. This practical webinar will take you through a high exposure death case and fifteen critical decisions you and your opponent will have to make, including: Case selection for the plaintiff. Discovery issues and expert retention for both sides. Timing and contents for dispositive motions Best time to talk settlement. Pretrial moti... More Info

    2Prof Practice
  • Rogue Officers, Police Reform and Hot Topics Under Section 1983

    “Police Misconduct” is the sizzling hot topic of the day. Whether you sue or defend law enforcement, or want to add a new practice area, you need to be up-to-the-minute. This course will get you covered in the latest in law enforcement liability under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. From the newest Supreme Court cases to national trends in use of deadly force; qualified immunity for individual officers; municipal liability for failures in hiring, training, supervision and discipline; First Amendme... More Info

    2Prof Practice
  • The Fundamental Issues of Traffic Stops

    This CLE course will use search and seizure models so attorneys, who are unfamiliar in the 4th Amendment, can easily understand the fundamentals of the traffic stops. The class is separated into issues related to the officers' powers over occupants and occupants' rights. The second part focuses primarily on search doctrines related to the search of the vehicle itself. More Info

    2.5Prof Practice
  • What Schools Need to Know About The New Title IX Regulations: Handling Claims of Sexual Harassment and Assault

    The Department of Education published new Title IX regulations governing how schools must handle claims of sexual harassment and assault. Our panel of experts will cover the key aspects of the new regulations and how the regulations impact Higher Education institutions and students, as viewed from varying perspectives and stakeholders. The presentation will cover: When and how are Higher Education institutions required to respond to claims of student-on-student sexual harassment and as... More Info

    1.5Skills Credits
  • Civil Rights Movements During COVID-19: What Employers Need to Know

    With COVID-19 social distancing, high unemployment rates, #DefundPolice, the Black Lives Matter movement and the upcoming presidential election, tensions in the workplace are high. How can employers effectively address these tensions in workplace before they explode into chaos? This CLE presentation will provide best practices for handling civil rights movements that spill into workplace with the hopes of keeping the workplace safe and staying out of court. More Info

    1.5Prof Practice
  • US Immigration Fundamentals Day 2: Family-Based Immigration; Removal Proceedings; Political Asylum and Practical Tips

    In the uncertain political climate and as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, immigration law continues to be a hot button issue and a source of uncertainty and confusion. Gain an overview of what you need to know to practice immigration law successfully under the current political climate. The first day focuses on Non-immigrant Work-related Visa Categories and Obtaining a Green Card. The second day covers Family-based Immigration, Removal Proceedings and an Overview of Asylum and offer... More Info

    3Total Credits
    2 PP, 1 Ethics
  • Voting Rights In The United States From Inception To The Present

    This CLE program will review voting rights in the United States focusing on Supreme Court decisions from the inception of the country to the present day. The discussion will begin when our nation was formed and continue, with respect to African Americans, through the era of slavery in the South, the Civil War, Reconstruction, and Jim Crow. It also includes restrictions placed on Native Americans including fundamental rights afforded citizens, including the right to vote and Americans of Latino... More Info

    2Prof Practice
  • The United States Supreme Court: Recent Section 1983 Case Law

    The United States Supreme Court has decided a number of Section 1983 cases recently. Many revolve around the use of force by officers. This CLE course will focus primarily on what are ostensively the three most expensive law suits: deadly force cases, non-deadly force cases, probable cause and "false arrest" type cases. More Info

    1Prof Practice

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