New York CLE - Criminal Law Courses

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  • Breathing Life Into the Dreaded Justification Defense

    The justification defense is not the go-to strategy of most criminal defense attorneys. In that it pre-supposes the client’s admission of a criminal act, most attorneys would advise their client that taking a plea is the safer route. But attorneys who ignore the great potential of the justification defense may not be acting in the best interests of their client. This CLE course presented by Jeffrey Schwartz, will explain why with a thorough explanation of the justification defense, how... More Info

    1Skills Credit
  • What’s Your Story? Defending a White Collar Client

    It is generally thought that white collar cases lack the mystery and intrigue inherent in other criminal cases. However, the strategic approach required to successfully defend a white collar case is perhaps more nuanced than those of other criminal cases. This CLE course will explain everything you need to know about defending a white collar case, including strategic approaches to pre-trial presentations, pre-trial discovery, and joint defense interaction. The course will center on... More Info

    3Total Credits
    1 PP, 2 Skills
  • Fundamentals of DUI/DWI Law: A Practical Guide

    Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs is a systemic problem that transcends socioeconomic borders and it capable of impacting anyone at any time. Police and prosecutors are ever vigilant in curtailing this dangerous practice and have numerous resources at their disposal to ensure a successful prosecution. With the advent of diversionary programs and the recent focus of rehabilitation over punishment, however, there are increasingly more and more avenues for defense attorneys to explo... More Info

    1Prof Practice
  • The Cross-Examination of a Hostile Witness

    Witness testimony is perhaps one of the most unpredictable elements in any trial. The testimony from a hostile witness can be both unpredictable and risky, making the cross examination of a “cooperating” witness a treacherous, challenging adventure for even the most skilled practitioner. This CLE course will offer guidelines to master the art of an effective cross-examination of even the most hostile of witnesses, tools for structuring and conducting a cross-examination and various strategies... More Info

    2Skills Credits
  • Handling the DWI Case in New York: DMV Regulations

    On September 25, 2012, the Department of Motor Vehicles published new regulations that dramatically increased the penalties for people convicted of Driving While Intoxicated. They did this by creating “waiting periods” for people applying for relicensure who had served their statutory revocation. Essentially, some motorists will be required to wait an additional 5 years beyond the revocation mandated by statute, depending on how many convictions they have in the previous 25 years. Other moto... More Info

    1Prof Practice
  • Handling The DWI Case In New York: To Refuse Or Not To Refuse

    To refuse or not to refuse, that is the question. That is and has been an essential issue for those of us who handle DWI cases. As a result of new regulations and shifting legislation, the answer has become more elusive and the consequences of error far more dramatic. The general rule is that there are no general rules and the decision to refuse, or not to refuse is very much case specific. This CLE program will discuss the factors and situations that you must consider in answering this ques... More Info

    1Prof Practice
  • Handling The DWI Case: Standardized Field Sobriety Tests

    The standardized field sobriety tests are, for most police agencies, the primary means by which they establish probable cause for the arrest of your client; and as evidence of your client's intoxication. These tests, however, can be turned into a two-edged sword and used to your benefit. This CLE course deals with the cross-examination of the officer in regard to these tests. It details approaches that can be used to negate the inference of intoxication and to demonstrate your client's compreh... More Info

    1Prof Practice
  • Federal Criminal Practice Institute

    Join judges from the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, Eastern and Southern Districts of New York, Clerks and Chief Executives of the Courts, seasoned federal criminal practitioners and academics at this program specifically designed for state criminal practitioners seeking to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to establish and develop a federal criminal practice. This program will also serve as a good refresher for federal criminal practitioners interested in hearing about the latest i... More Info

    15.5Total Credits
    6.5 PP, 6 Skills, 3 Ethics
  • Military Justice: A Primer

    "Military Justice is to justice what Military Music is to music.” The military justice system is often an enigma to many attorneys and, as evidenced by Groucho Marx’ quotation, subject to certain misconceptions and suspicions. However, with our Nation’s continuing military conflicts many of your clients or their family members will have served in or have ties with the military and will have some encounter with the military justice system. Therefore, a basic understanding of military justice w... More Info

    2.5Prof Practice
  • Swiss Banks, Smuggling and Other Asset Recovery Issues

    In its 2007 National Money Laundering Strategy report, the U.S. government estimated that as much as $36 billion annually from just the former Soviet Union, was being secretly transferred through U.S. bank accounts and U.S. shell companies. Besides using U.S. bank accounts and shell companies, kleptocrats, Ponzi schemers, divorcing spouses, etc., can of course conceal assets by parking them in Swiss or other foreign bank accounts. This program analyzes how bank secrecy laws, multiple jurisdic... More Info

    3Total Credits
    1 PP, 1 Skills, 1 Ethics

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