New York CLE - Family Law Courses

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  • Family Based Immigration

    One of the most common ways for people to get a permanent resident status is through a family member. U.S. citizens and green card holders can help certain family members immigrate to the United States. This is a several-step process. The U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident files a family visa petition, then foreign national relative files an application to become a permanent resident. Each step involves different legal and factual issues that I will discuss today. More Info

    1Prof Practice
  • Nuts and Bolts of Family Immigration Petitions

    A simplistic approach to understanding the intricacies of family based petition. This CLE Presentation will address the following: Who can sponsor whom; The process as it applies to different categories of sponsorship; Cost; and Timing. A discussion of various types of forms used, and when to use each form based on individual eligibility. These forms will be accompanied by the Instructions to guide you through the Family Immigration Petitions. More Info

    1.5Prof Practice
  • How to Conduct a Comprehensive Client Consultation and Intake for your Matrimonial or Family Law Client

    This fun interactive course will go through what questions to ask, what answers to give and how to issue spot and strategize with a prospective client through a mock client consultation. A client consultation is an attorney’s chance to set him or herself apart from other attorneys to not only win the client, but also gathering the information an attorney needs to strategize and effectively represent the individual. Family Law issues are often emotionally charged and this course will address... More Info

    1.5Prof Practice
  • Whistleblower Litigation: Tips for Avoiding Traps for the Unwary

    After a general reintroduction to the whistleblowing laws, this webinar will provide an in depth discussion of some of the “traps” for the unwary. If you are dipping you toe into representing whistleblowers this webinar could save you some heartache. The CLE discussion will include issues related to bankruptcy, divorce, severance agreements, public disclosure issues and FOIA requests, counterclaims, managing parallel employment litigation, co-relator issues, and more. More Info

    1Prof Practice
  • Children Aren’t Widgets: Child Custody and Child Support in New York

    This CLE course will review child custody and child support case law and statutes in New York. The course will include descriptions of differences between Sole Custody, Joint Custody and Shared Custody. It will also include some negotiation techniques with regards to child custody and child support. More Info

    1.5Prof Practice
  • Cryptocurrency, How to Find and Track it in Divorce Litigation

    While spouses hiding assets from divorce court is nothing new, cryptocurrencies are changing the game. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can be purchased for cash, held electronically without the help of a third party, and transferred nearly anonymously. This CLE course will start by providing attorneys with a basic understanding of cryptocurrency, how it works, and how it is held by an owner. The course will then provide practical tips on how attorneys and their clients can gather more in... More Info

    1Prof Practice
  • Stepping Up: Representing Parents with Minor Children

    This session will include a very short video recording and a couple of polls in the chat to encourage reflection and participation. The presenter will introduce practical considerations for increasing advocacy for parents facing incarceration or incarcerated parents in criminal and dependency cases. The primary focus will be on meaningful parent engagement in their defense, with their child(ren), and in court. More Info

    1Prof Practice
  • Youth Court: Entering a New Era of Juvenile Justice

    Recently, New York State enacted legislation raising the age of automatic criminal responsibility from 16 to 18. Prior to the signing, New York was one of only two states that charged all youth as adults once they reached the age of 16. Despite the change in the law, children as young as 13 still may be charged as Juvenile Offenders (JOs) and youth ages 16 and 17 can be charged under a newly created category, Adolescent Offender (AO). JOs and AOs may have their cases adjudicated in... More Info

    1.5Prof Practice
  • The Art and Law of Surveillance

    This CLE will explore the laws surrounding surveillance in the context of civil litigation, family law and investigations. This will include an examination of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, Social Media Ethical Rules, Video Surveillance, the Stored Communications Act, GPS Tracking Statutes, Facial and License Plate Recognition Technology. The course will look at both the law and practicality of surveillance and how to best “use” findings in litigation as fact finding tools.... More Info

    2.5Prof Practice
  • New York’s Brand-New Power of Attorney

    This CLE will discuss the brand new Power of Attorney law that took effect recently. Elizabeth Forspan, Esq. will go through the major changes to the form and how attorneys and others should plan accordingly. Elizabeth will review the key items to include in new powers of attorney being prepared. More Info

    1Prof Practice

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