New York CLE - Specialty Credit Courses

This is a listing of Specialty Credit CLE Courses for New York. Please make your selection below of New York CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Cybersecurity, Data Protection and AI Ethics: Identifying and Avoiding Common Pitfalls

    This CLE course explores the current cybersecurity risk landscape in the context of the ABA Model Rules on maintaining competency. It examines how technology affects the security and privacy of client communications, information management, billing, and the supervision of law firm personnel. The course integrates key elements of cybersecurity, privacy, data protection, and ethics within today's evolving technological and threat environment. Additionally, it emphasizes the role of artif... More Info

  • Diversity & Inclusion: Recognizing the Damaging Effects of Implicit Bias in the Workplace

    Implicit bias, the unconscious associations that shape our thoughts and actions, is increasingly recognized as a crucial area of study. These biases often originate from our personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, societal norms, and media influences. This CLE program offers an in-depth exploration of implicit bias and its pervasive impact on the legal field and workplace dynamics. Attorneys will gain insights into how implicit biases can subtly influence behaviors and decision-maki... More Info

  • Implicit Bias and DEI Today: Challenges & Opportunities

    All human beings including lawyers have implicit biases. Indeed, such biases result from natural biochemical processes and reactions in the human brain. Knowing the science of implicit bias enhances our understanding of reactive human behavior while also providing key indicators to avoid significant liability outcomes. This CLE course, presented by Professor Bruce Adelson, will include his scholarship at Georgetown University School of Medicine and University of Pittsburgh School of L... More Info

  • The Intersection of Bias and Legal Ethics

    Although bias typically has a negative connotation, one can be biased in favor of a thing, a smell, or a person in a positive way. On the flip side, bias also plays a role in discrimination. The purpose of this CLE course is to explore bias and its role in discrimination within the practice of law and in situations where attorneys may advise clients. Additionally, suggestions for addressing bias and implementing solutions on a personal and organizational level are also considered. More Info

  • Being a DEIA Agent of Change in The Legal Workplace and Beyond

    Being a DEIA Agent of Change in the Legal Workplace and Beyond is an introductory course to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) concepts and initiatives from a legal perspective. The course begins by discussing the definition of DEIA and related concepts. The course also provides some background about the legal history of DEIA initiatives and responses in America, with a focus on the Civil War era, Civil Rights Movement, and DEIA’s recent evolution and backlash. The c... More Info

  • Artificial Intelligence “Level Setting” for Attorneys: The Essentials of AI, Responsible Use, and Privacy

    Our expert panel will lead you on a comprehensive exploration, covering AI stakeholders, capabilities, and critical considerations such as legalities, compliance, safety, and ethics. By the CLE’s conclusion, you’ll depart with a practical blueprint and hands-on experience from real-world examples and actionable takeaways. You’ll gain insights and updates on pivotal AI topics, including: Clarifying fundamental concepts: bias, responsible use, safety, deep learning, and more Understan... More Info

    2.5Total Credits
    1.5 Skills, 1 Cyber/Eth
  • Cybersecurity Risks, Insurance, Employee Conduct, AI: What Does it All Mean to Lawyering in a Cyberworld?

    For the 9th year, Program Chair Mark Rosen and an expert faculty seek to inform the legal and business communities about the latest developments in the field of cybersecurity and lawyering in a cyber world that are too important to ignore. Our all-star faculty will address the key issues, threats, and the ever changing roles and responsibilities of attorneys and firms in a constantly evolving cyberworld. Topic to be discussed include: Is AI a marketing phrase or a tool? Cyber... More Info

    7Total Credits
    2 LPM, 3 PP, 1 Ethics, 1 Cyber
  • Ethics in the Digital Era: What Attorneys Need to Know

    Law firms are facing challenges in safeguarding against and dealing with data breaches. With the introduction of Ethical Rules of Conduct, as well as your state's professional conduct regulations for lawyers, and the actual possibility of financial and other penalties, it's imperative that you recognize the risk and take necessary measures to prevent data breaches. Additionally, it's crucial to understand how to handle and reduce the impact of such breaches. This CLE session aims to pr... More Info

  • Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Data Protection Issues: Ethical Considerations and New Requirements

    A number of states are proposing mandating CLE hours with a focus on cybersecurity, privacy, and data protection. This obligation to possess technology competency is not a new concept, as many states have already adopted the American Bar Association (ABA) Model Rule's requirement. The purpose of the CLE program is to cover lawyers' ethical obligations and requirements, and its importance for other states. The program will also provide practical strategies, explain key terms to understa... More Info

  • Understanding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: How the Law Created Inequity

    The phrase “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion” words often heard and even debated - encapsulates efforts to equalize opportunity. Understanding the need or purpose for DEI efforts requires an appreciation for how the law itself embedded inequity. This CLE course will cover the myriad of laws and judicial pronouncements that have embedded inequity in our culture and economy. From the constitution to seminal cases - some taught at a superficial level at grade school and others not taught at a... More Info

  • Cyber Security and Cyber Breach: What Lawyers and Their Law Firms Need to Know Now

    This CLE program will discuss cyber security, the consequences of a cyber breach, including ethical considerations, and cyber insurance. In the U.S., we are faced with 50 state laws on data privacy and security. If your business holds personal information from a resident of a particular state, what legal and ethical obligations apply to your firm, and to your clients, under that state’s law? The FTC also watches to ensure that companies are complying with their posted privacy policies. Non-com... More Info

  • Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Obligations for Lawyers

    This CLE course will focus on cyber threats to the legal community, why hackers find lawyers to be productive targets, the costs of data breaches, and a lawyers cybersecurity obligations, including in the context of ESI. This course will include discussions on general ethical responsibilities of lawyers in the securing of data within their care, both of their clients and of sensitive information produced by opposing parties and non-parties. The course will also include discussions on t... More Info

  • The Biggest Cybersecurity Threat of All - Human Behavior: How to Build a Security First Culture to Protect Your Law Firm

    Your firm’s cybersecurity is only as strong as your weakest link: your employees. 95% of all successful cyber breaches are due to human behavior. Human behavior is the biggest threat to your firm’s cybersecurity, and this webinar will show you how to address that threat. You’ll learn how to educate and train your team so that they help rather than hurt your cybersecurity. With these strategies, you can create a security-first culture that will help your firm survive and thrive in the f... More Info

  • Preventing Your Worst Tech Nightmare: Protecting Your Firm and Clients from Cybercriminals

    No one likes to think about the worst happening, but when it comes to your firm's technology, it's always better to be safe than sorry. That's why we're here to present Preventing Your Worst Tech Nightmare: Protecting Your Firm & Clients from Cybercriminals, a course that will help you protect your business and clients from the perils of cybercrime. This CLE course covers everything from cybersecurity myths that can cripple your business to attorneys' ethical obligations to be technical... More Info

  • Diversity and Race in Jury Selection

    This course will take a historical look at diversity and race in jury selection and how “all-white juries” have led to infamous miscarriages of justice throughout the years. We will also examine how the Supreme Court has addressed racial discrimination in jury selection from the 1880s to present day, and how various courts have recently addressed this issue. Lastly, we will look at what states across the country are currently doing to limit racial discrimination in jury selecti... More Info

  • Implicit Bias: “I’m Not Like You…Except That I Am”

    This CLE program, presented by a Trial Lawyer, Mediator, and Life Coach, is designed for lawyers and will discuss the following topics: (1) Explore case studies to improve your understanding of bias in law; (2) Dovetail the elimination of bias and prejudice into that perceived need; and (3) Facilitate reframing those common “caveman-esque” reactions in a light-hearted tone with respect for all folks and trains of thought. Unlike more confrontational and/or high-conflict, stres... More Info

  • Five Steps to Protect Your Firm from Catastrophic Cyber Attacks

    In this CLE program, you will learn the 5 critical steps needed to protect your law firm and client data from malicious cyber attacks. These crucial steps will dramatically increase your overall security stance and will lessen the chances of you becoming a victim to cybercriminals. Cyber attacks are on the rise and every business is at risk. More Info

  • Privacy and Cyber Breaches: Are You Next?

    For businesses large and small, compliance with federal, state, and foreign privacy laws and regulations has become an essential business obligation. These laws govern a company’s collection, storage, use, sharing and disposal of personally identifiable information (“PII”), protected health information (“PHI”), and payment card information (“PCI”). A company’s innocent or inadvertent failure to abide by these laws, or its failure to timely and fully disclose how it performs such tasks,... More Info

  • Cyber Security Compliance Trifecta: Recent Revisions to Three Important Security & Privacy Standards

    Cybersecurity compliance concerns have emerged as a forefront issue for both large and small enterprises. Revisions of three important standards or requirements were published recently and will have far reaching cybersecurity compliance implications. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released Spec. Pub 800-53 (Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations), the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council published PCI-DSS 4.0, and... More Info

  • Cybersecurity & Real Estate Fraud: Lessons to be Learned

    This program will focus on understanding cybersecurity and its importance in preventing real estate fraud. Our expert panel will: define what cybersecurity is; what it is comprised of; how to implement it; red flags where there is a breach of cybersecurity; cyber attacks and losses; how to take preventative action; and why cybersecurity insurance is important. More Info

  • Emerging Post Pandemic Cybersecurity Issues for Lawyers

    Implementing defensible cybersecurity is now top-down law firm goal, and integrates process (technology) and policy (e.g., cybersecurity, incident response, business continuity, disaster recovery, remote work, bring-your-own-device, and backup, to name a few). The post-Pandemic challenges for attorneys working remotely, and using a variety of computing devices and methods (desktops, laptops, mobile devices, “cloud” or “virtualized” computing, etc.) have amplified an attorney’s profess... More Info

  • How to Conduct a Voir Dire

    Join us for an interactive program designed to teach you how to question potential jurors, the red-flags to look for, when you should challenge a potential juror, dismissing potential jurors for cause – all while being mindful of the need for a diverse and non-biased jury panel. The differences and similarities in the jury selection process in New York and California will also be noted. Don’t miss this highly entertaining and informative session! More Info

    3Total Credits
    2 PP, 1 Div
  • Changing the Landscape of Diversity, Inclusion & the Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession

    This CLE program will discuss the disproportionate statistics of women and minorities in partner positions at law firms, provide an analysis of the key impediments that have affected women and minorities from advancing and discuss how litigation has been used as a tool not only to combat discrimination, but also as leverage to drive diversity and inclusion efforts. The panelist's will also highlight practices that attorneys and law firms can adopt to increase diversity and inclusion ef... More Info

  • Privacy Law & Policy: Keeping Clients Out of Regulators’ Crosshairs

    In today’s evolving patchwork of privacy laws, every consumer-facing business is under growing compliance pressure as states take aim at consumer issues through general privacy laws like California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and enhanced state data breach laws. This session will provide a general overview of current and emerging federal and state privacy regulations. It will also provide strategies and best practices for identifying potential privacy gaps and advising clients on compliance... More Info

  • Luck Favors the Prepared: Successfully Preparing Your Firm to Address Questions from Clients on Data Security & Privacy

    In the current patchwork of cybersecurity and data privacy legal requirements, it can be challenging for a professional organization to create a comprehensive privacy and security program that complies with the various (and sometimes conflicting) legal requirements and contractual obligations imposed by clients. More and more, clients are viewing the law firms and accounting firms they are using as “vendors” obligating those professional organizations to respond and comply with vendor manageme... More Info

  • Justice Can Only Be Blind if the Jury Reflects Our Diverse Society

    The importance of a defendant having a jury composed of their peers is a tenet of jurisprudence. Historically, this has not always been the case for all defendants on trial. Our panelists will provide a deep dive into the importance of ensuring the impaneling of a diverse jury reflects our society and its values. More Info

  • Cybersecurity During a Pandemic

    This CLE course focuses on existing cybersecurity concerns that have been amplified, and new security concerns that have arisen as a consequence of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Threat-actors have recognized a unique opportunity to exploit pandemic-related vulnerabilities through social engineering attacks, business email compromise, work from home or other remoting. This results in increased risk and occurrence of ransomware attacks and data breaches that can disrupt or totally compromise cl... More Info

  • How Microaggressions Can Dismantle an Organization’s Professional Development & Diversity & Inclusion Goals

    The random comments that we make, the pronouns that we use, the jokes that we share, and the assumptions that we “innocently” state are slowly and cumulatively making our co-workers and clients very uncomfortable. Moreover, this behavior is likely causing professional development, economic, and reputational harm as injured parties silently leave our organizations. This dynamic CLE session utilizes social science, and current events to provide participants with a greater awareness of i... More Info

  • Cybersecurity During COVID-19 and Working From Home: If You Think It’s Not Your Problem … You’re Wrong!

    Do you and your firm feel that cybersecurity issues are not pressing issues that you must concern yourself with? Maybe that used to be the case, but during the current pandemic, with so many people working from home and telecommuting, cybersecurity issues are EVERY lawyer's concern both from a practical and ethical standpoint. Questions to be addressed include: What is Cybersecurity? Whose problem is it? What are the issues lawyers and firms are facing? Why should lawyers a... More Info

    2Total Credits
    1 Ethics, 1 Cyber
  • Cyberthreats to the Legal Profession: How Lawyers and Clients Can Protect their Data

    Cybersecurity is now top of mind for many lawyers, law firms, and government agencies as increased numbers of lawyers and staff members are working from home and more services are being provided remotely due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Our speakers will discuss the threats that lawyers face, what you need to know about the reasonable security requirement in the NY SHIELD Act, and the cybersecurity related obligations of lawyers. They will also outline steps you can take to improve your cyberse... More Info

  • Everything You Wanted to Know About Diversity In The Legal Profession, But Were Afraid to Ask

    Diversity and inclusion are difficult topics to avoid, especially as they apply to workplace hiring. This CLE course will deal specifically with the legal profession and offer a frank discussion on the real reasons why diversity in the legal workplace is so uncommon. The course will also delve into the issue of the harm this causes both in general and to the legal profession and how to implement changes that will better serve the public at large. More Info

  • Implicit Bias and Micro-Aggressions: Their Effect on Law Firm Culture and Success

    In the current legal landscape, the long term success of a law firm no longer solely depends on client relationships and big wins. Diversity and Inclusion are essential. Diverse attorneys are needed to attract, retain, and service an increasingly diverse client base. This CLE presentation provides information on implicit bias, the automatic associations individuals make between groups of people and stereotypes about those groups; and micro-aggressions, the external expressions of those associa... More Info

  • Diversity in the Legal Profession Law Departments, Firms and the Courts

    Although ABA Resolution 113 urged "all providers of legal services, including law firms and corporations, to expand and create opportunities at all levels of responsibility for diverse attorneys," the legal profession still has not achieved its goal of having a workforce comprised of people of diverse cultures, backgrounds and experiences. Our panel of judges, corporate counsel and law firm attorneys will discuss the importance of a diverse, inclusive and bias free workplace. The panel... More Info

    2Total Credits
    1 Ethics, 1 Div
  • Female Testimony in Beit Din: An Untold Story of Halachic Justice

    Contemporary rabbinical courts accept testimony even from classes of individuals who are barred from testifying under Biblical law. In this fascinating discussion about how Jewish justice operates in the sphere of rabbinical court decision making, an expert in religious arbitration law from Pepperdine University School of Law describes the interplay between religious law and societal norms. More Info

  • Diversity and Inclusion: The Concept of Implicit Bias

    Implicit bias is a phenomenon that is under increasing study. It is unconscious bias formed by associations in the brain that link two ideas together, and is formed by experiences, cultural affirmations, society, media and other influences. This CLE program will address how implicit bias can affect a workplace, and how companies can incorporate best practices and measures to address bias and promote morale. More Info

  • How Leadership Can Create Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession

    The increased focus on workplace discrimination, bias and harassment has raised awareness and management of these issues tremendously. But what happens when the behavior stays just above the threshold of legal acceptability? This CLE course will review all the ways, big and small, that prejudicial attitudes or implicit bias may adversely impact the legal profession, particularly for vulnerable employees. The course will explore the legal, sociological, psychological and organizational aspects... More Info

  • Should Online Legal Referral Services be Regulated?

    In many ways we are becoming more and more dependent on our digital devices for both business and personal endeavors, Yet in other ways the business environment has not really changed - businesses are still trying to reach as broad a potential market as possible and counterbalancing potential regulatory and consumer protection issues are still being raised by their products. In the legal arena, on-line attorney referral services have become an attractive way for attorneys to generate n... More Info

    4Total Credits
    3 Ethics, 1 Div
  • Diversity & Inclusion: The #MeToo Movement’s Impact on the Legal Profession

    In the era of #MeToo and #TimesUp, all individuals, organizations and professions need to evaluate their understanding of and policies towards issues of gender discrimination and gender diversity. The legal profession is no exception. This timely CLE course will review issues of sexual harassment, pay equity and diversity in law firms. Practical tips and strategies for increasing diversity and avoiding inappropriate sexual conduct in the workplace whether by individuals or by company culture w... More Info

  • Sexual Harassment: Workplace Investigations and Litigation in the #MeToo Era

    As a result of the #MeToo Movement Era, it seems that that there has been an uptick in complaints of alleged sexual harassment in for-profit and non-profit companies. Thus, it is now more important than ever that companies and other organizations proactively deal with sexual harassment allegations. Thus companies must: Promptly investigate the allegations; Thoroughly protect the victims against retaliation; Take proper action when wrongful conduct is found; and Take steps to try and... More Info

    2Total Credits
    1 Skills, 1 Div
  • Voir Dire: The Differences between Civil and Criminal Litigation

    Understand how to select a jury from the perspective of the plaintiff/prosecutor and the defendant in a civil and a criminal case. The different considerations that arise when selecting a jury for a criminal and a civil case will be discussed, as well as how to identify implicit bias on the part of jurors or counsel, and how to deal with it when bias does occur. More Info

    3.5Total Credits
    2.5 Skills, 1 Div
  • Recognizing and Removing Bias from the Legal Profession

    Have you been hearing about implicit bias and wondering what that means and if it affects you? Do you question whether the legal profession truly upholds justice and fairness for all? Maybe you’re just wondering what all the hullabaloo is about. In any case, this CLE is for you. Together we will explore the origins of bias, define implicit and explicit bias, look at ways that bias has impacted the legal profession, and define the causes of action arising from bias. More Info

  • Cybersecurity Compliance Issues: What You Need to Do and How You Can Do It

    Cybersecurity is a leading concern – if not the number one concern – for general counsel and compliance officers. This CLE program is presented by Tannenbaum Helpern’s Andre R. Jaglom and David R. Lallouz and Baker Tilly’s Russell J. Sommers. They will discuss the regulatory environment for businesses in the financial services sector versus other industries, examine industry cybersecurity standards, discuss how to conduct cybersecurity audits, address lawyers' ethical responsibilities for info... More Info

  • Bias in the Legal Profession

    Learn how to make sure that you and your firm makes employment decisions in an unbiased manner. This CLE course will teach how bias can translate into legal causes of action and show how these lawsuits have affected certain law firms. Learn what to avoid, what actions to take, and how to make sure that our profession creates a fair and just playing field for all. More Info


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