North Carolina CLE - Trial Skills Courses

This is a listing of Trial Skills CLE Courses for North Carolina. Please make your selection below of North Carolina CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Cross-Examination of Experts in Tort Cases: The Basics Plus

    This CLE course will review the essential principles of cross-examination of defense experts in tort cases with an emphasis on personal injury and insurance bad faith actions. This will include sources of research for identifying fertile areas for cross, setting up the expert for effective cross at deposition and devising and implementing a cross-examination that effectively brings out the critical points for challenging the expert’s testimony. This is a program for those who h... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Wiretaps 101: Defending Your Client in Wiretap Cases

    This CLE course provides an introduction to wiretaps and offers essential knowledge for defending clients in cases involving wiretap evidence. Participants will explore the history of wiretaps and the development of modern caselaw to gain a better understanding of how to challenge wiretap evidence and effectively represent clients in wiretap prosecutions. The course covers key topics, including the Government’s application process for a wiretap, the execution of wiretaps by law e... More Info

    2General Credits
  • How to Prepare and Try a Car Accident Case in Front of a Jury

    This CLE course is designed to equip attorneys, particularly those with limited trial experience, with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully prepare a case for trial and present it effectively before a jury. Attendees will be guided through each stage of the trial preparation process, beginning with the inception of the case and continuing through to closing arguments. The course will explore essential strategies for organizing case materials, developing a coherent trial st... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Artificial Intelligence & the Criminal Justice System

    This CLE course explores the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in criminal law, addressing its growing influence on law enforcement, judicial process, and professional ethics. Participants in this CLE program will gain practical insights into challenging AI-generated evidence, understanding bias and transparency issues, and staying current with legislative developments shaping AI’s application in the Criminal Justice System. Topics include: AI in Law Enforce... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Sentencing is Not Always the End of the Line

    Anyone who has been involved in the practice of criminal defense law for a while has had a client or two sentenced. A recent PEW Research Center Report examined federal criminal cases. There were 80,000, but only 2% went to trial, 8% were dismissed and 90% pled guilty. Of the remainder, 800 went to trial and were convicted. Sentencing is a recurring and common phenomena but there are not a lot of CLE's focused on it. This is going to be an exercise on individualizing your client fo... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Handling Sexual Abuse Claims

    This CLE course offers a primer on the confluence of the jurisprudence, legal factors and considerations that inform the proper handling of and that effect expedited, empathetic, cost-effective and compassionate resolution of sexual abuse claims. Discussion includes explanations of what constitutes actionable sexual abuse; and introduces the audience to the causes of action typically asserted and the defenses thereto. Discussion includes exposition of liability and insurance coverage i... More Info

    2General Credits
  • A Lawyers Guide to Dealing with the Media

    This CLE course equips trial lawyers with the skills and strategies necessary to effectively engage with the media while safeguarding their clients' interests and maintaining professional ethics. Participants will learn how to craft clear and compelling messages, manage press interactions, and respond to challenging questions in high-profile cases. The course covers topics such as media law, courtroom publicity, and the impact of media coverage on jury perception and case outcomes. Thr... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Criminal Procedure: The 4th, 5th and 6th Amendments

    This CLE lecture will cover issues such as what is a search and what is a seizure under the fourth amendment; search warrants, their issuance as well as their execution; exceptions to the search warrant requirement; stop and frisk; the exclusionary rule and exceptions to it; Miranda and the 5th amendment, and 14th amendment voluntariness of statements; as well as more briefly than other topics, the 6th amendment and the right to counsel. More Info

    2General Credits
  • Traumatic Brain Injury and Necessary Experts

    In order for any litigator to pursue litigation related to traumatic brain injury, it necessary to understand how the brain functions, what are the causes and effects of TBIs and what’s and how exerts are utilized. This CLE course can also provide to any individual a useful overview of brain function and dysfunction. By understanding the brain, we can understand how we love and hate, build and structure our environment. If our brain makes us who we are, it can also limit our be... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Litigation: Using Outcome Based Strategies to Drive Value

    Welcome to the world of outcome-based litigation strategies. Unlike Traditional Litigation, in outcome- based Litigation we are focused on what we want the results of our litigation efforts to achieve. That means, having a very clear goal in mind, in terms of value and settlement in settlement purposes. Having a clear understanding of what pressure needs to be brought to bear on the opposing side to achieve that result. We use the power of automation to leverage those things to achieve... More Info

    4General Credits

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