Intellectual Property Bundle - North Carolina CLE

We have selected our most popular lectures and bundled them together into our Intellectual Property Bundle. This Bundle contains 12 Credit Hours of CLE Lectures including 2 hours of Ethics, 1 hour of Professional Well-Being and 1 hour of Technology.

CLE Courses Available Online and with iOS/Android App!

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Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures
Save $305
Only $295
Save $305
Courses priced individually at $600
  • 2 Ethics
  • 3 Technology
  • 1 Well-Being

Intellectual Property Bundle Includes:

  • $150

    From Pencils to Pixels: Advocating for Comic Book Creators in the Age of AI

    General Credits: 3

    This CLE course provides an expansive overview of the comic book industry. It covers the rise of digital comics, the importance of diverse representation, and the impact of AI on content creation and legal practices. Participants will delve into the implications of recent copyright and trademar...

  • $50

    Reel Ethics: Navigating Ethical Dilemmas Through Film and TV Scenarios

    Ethics Credits: 1

    This fun interactive CLE course will cover various ethical scenarios by analyzing ethical dilemmas presented in popular movies and television shows, and how to best navigate such issues. Real life examples will be presented, along with solutions and considerations, along with possible outcomes. A...

  • $75

    Artificial Intelligence & the Criminal Justice System

    General Credits: 1.5

    This CLE course explores the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in criminal law, addressing its growing influence on law enforcement, judicial process, and professional ethics. Participants in this CLE program will gain practical insights into challenging AI-generated evidence,...

  • $75

    Guerrilla Warfare Tactics in Federal IP Cases

    General Credits: 1.5

    Anybody can draft and file a lawsuit. There are so many templates on the Internet or available from multiple sources, such as form books and treatises that With a little care and attention, most anyone can craft and file a brief for copyright infringement or trademark infringement or patent infring...

  • $50

    The Rise of The Machines: A Lawyer's Guide to Avoiding Legal Extinction

    Tech/Gen Credits: 1

    This CLE course will introduce attorneys, across the board, to the transformative effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the legal industry. It begins with a clear-cut breakdown of AI and Machine Learning (ML), and their practical applications in law. Then, with focus on how to harness the...

  • $50

    Tell it Straight, Keep it Straight, Drink it Straight - Practicing Ethics in the Personal Injury Practice

    Ethics Credits: 1

    This CLE lecture on legal ethics explores the application of ABA Model Rules 1.4, 1.7, 1.8 and 1.15 in personal injury law, emphasizing clear communication with clients, managing conflicts of interest, and the importance of safeguarding client information and property. It offers practical strat...

  • $100

    Legal Aspects of Artificial Intelligence: Navigating the Digital Frontier

    Tech/Gen Credits: 2

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the landscape of legal practice, bringing both opportunities and challenges. This CLE course will delve into the essential aspects of AI and its implications for the legal profession while adhering to legal and ethical standards. Whether you'...

  • $50

    Pause, Breathe, Lead: Mindfulness for the Modern Lawyer

    Well-Being Credits: 1

    During this CLE, attorneys will learn what mindfulness is and what are known as the “attitudinal foundations” of mindfulness. We will explore evidence-based research which demonstrates the ways in which mindfulness can help attorneys reduce stress, and anxiety and connect more fully with the presen...

Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures

CLE Your Way, Anywhere!
Online & iOS/Android App included at no extra charge!

Course Media Options
Only $295
Save $305
Courses priced individually at $600

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