North Dakota CLE - Securities Law Courses

CLE Courses Available on DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App and Live Webinars!

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    Setting Up Your Securities Clients For Success

    Often times, legal counsel preparing Exempt Offering Documents for their clients evaluates them primarily on legal grounds, rather than on grounds associated with how the Offerings could be best articulated from an underwriting standpoint. This course, and these educational materials, are designed to offer helpful strategies on approaching securities documentation from the standpoint of underwriting standards designed to allow effectiveness and consistency in the Offering documentation... More Info

    2General Credits
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    GRAT and Valuation Planning After CCA 202152018: What Practitioners Need to Know

    CCA 202152018, released on December 30, 2021 has critical impact on grantor retained annuity trusts (GRATs). The CCA addresses a common valuation challenge: what consideration should be given to a potential sale in valuing an asset? Often there is a long continuum from: no sale, to discussions with potential buyers, to a letter of intent, to a binding contract, etc. Where the business is on this continuum will affect how an appraiser evaluates the possible implications of the potenti... More Info

    1.25General Credits
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    The Regulation of Private and Foreign Funds in the Age of Cryptocurrency

    This CLE course is designed to provide an overview of the regulatory regime applicable to private and foreign (i.e., non-registered) investment funds and the issues raised by the explosive rise of cryptocurrencies in the past several years. The course begins with an overview of the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Investment Company Act, the Investment Advisers Act, the Dodd-Frank Act and the SEC and CFTC rules and regulations applying this legislative fr... More Info

    1.5General Credits
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    Defining Antitrust Markets in Platform Industries

    The effects of the Supreme Court’s landmark antitrust decision in Ohio v. American Express continue to reverberate. Platforms have occupied the antitrust spotlight for several years now, but litigation unpacking and applying Amex to platforms is still in its early stages. This CLE course is designed to update generalists, antitrust practitioners, and inside counsel alike on how lower courts are interpreting and applying Amex when defining antitrust markets involving platforms. The prog... More Info

    1.25General Credits
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    Understanding Asset Protection

    Learn what tools are available to more effectively shield yourself from the effects of any lawsuit by protecting your personal wealth. The panel will discuss the following Topics: History of asset protection in the United States and abroad Understanding which assets are/are not exempt under state and federal law Identifying and understanding different types of risk How to protect real estate and other physical assets How to protect securities and other liquid assets The differe... More Info

    1.5General Credits
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    The State Of The Art of Investment Advisor Regulations

    This CLE course explores the latest developments in Investment Adviser Regulation, focusing on practical steps for investment advisers in light of the Fifth Circuit's decision to vacate the SEC's recent Private Investment Adviser regulations. We'll examine why the SEC chose not to appeal the ruling and discuss the implications. The course will also cover emerging trends and best practices in artificial intelligence, the Marketing Rule, and other recent regulatory changes. Addit... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Compliance and Legal Trends in The Financial Industry

    Join industry leaders for an in-depth discussion on the latest legal trends, critical focus areas, and innovative strategies shaping legal and compliance functions within financial firms. This CLE session will provide valuable insights into how these changes are impacting the sector and share their approaches to navigating evolving business, regulatory, and technological landscapes. Key topics will include: Regulatory Burden: Understand the complexities and increasing demands of re... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Ask FINRA Senior Leaders

    During this CLE session, FINRA senior staff provide updates on key regulatory issues and initiatives. Panelists address questions relating to FINRA’s risk-based examination program, disciplinary actions, market regulation programs and new and anticipated rules, among other topics. This session will discuss: Modernization of FINRA Rules in a post-COVID world (RSL, Remote Inspection Pilot), the current regulatory landscape and FINRA Rulemaking, Risk Monitoring Questionnaires, Exam Moder... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Crowdfunding Capital Raises: Considerations for Broker-Dealers & Funding Portals

    This CLE session explores aspects of Regulation CF and considerations for broker-dealers and funding portals within the crowdfunding realm. Join panelists at this session to gain knowledge on emerging regulatory risks and practices broker-dealers and funding portals can implement to stay in compliance. This session will discuss: Considerations for broker-dealers engaging in Regulation Crowdfunding offerings. Considerations for funding portals engaging in Regulation Crowdfunding offe... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Crypto Assets: Trends, Regulatory Developments and Resources

    Join this session to learn about the latest cryptocurrency regulatory developments including the crypto-assets retail communications sweep and rule proposal, current trends in crypto misconduct, and resources and guidance firms can leverage. This session will discuss: • Regulatory Developments: ­ Crypto-assets retail communications sweep published in December 2023 ­ Disclosure concerns with OBAs/private securities transactions and net capital issues ­ Themes from crypto survey (reg... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Financial Crimes: Outpacing the Threats

    This CLE will explore how threat actors are attempting to defraud investors through tactics including market manipulation, new account fraud, cryptocurrency and generative AI. Panelists address the most prominent threats and share effective practices and resources to help firms proactively combat criminals. This session will discuss: • Threats: ­ Microcap IPO manipulation and single stock ETFs for AML ­ Fraud and Sanctions or Manipulative Trading topics ­ New account fraud (includi... More Info

    1General Credit
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    FINRA's Disciplinary Hearing Process

    Hear from FINRA Enforcement counsel, defense counsel, and a hearing panelist as they broaden awareness about FINRA's disciplinary hearing process and highlight distinctions between self-driven hearings and administrative law judge hearings. This CLE course will discuss: The differences between FINRA hearings versus hearings by administrative law judges; The conflicts clearance process for panelists and hearing officers; The full lifecycle of a case from the pre-complaint phase throu... More Info

    1General Credit
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    The Latest in Private Placement Sales Oversight

    Learn about regulatory developments, compliance obligations and effective compliance practices related to the sales of private placements, including relevant topics such as Regulation Best Interest, communications, due diligence and conflicts of interest. This session will discuss: Review regulatory developments, compliance obligations and effective compliance practices related to private placements, including discussion about Reg BI, Communications, Due Diligence and Conflicts of I... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Developments in Remote Supervision

    This CLE course will explore the latest remote supervision developments including the remote inspection pilot program, amendments to supervision rules to cover Residential Supervisory Locations and risk-based supervision best practices. This session will discuss: Sunsetting of current COVID relief, and the implementation of Rules 3110.18 and 3110.19 How to functionally report residential locations and RSLs in Firm Gateway Remote supervision best practices and considerations FAQs fo... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Fixed Income Securities Regulatory Outlook

    This CLE session addresses the latest regulatory focuses related to both fixed income and municipal securities, including Time of Trade disclosures, SEA Rule 15c2-11, and considerations firms should keep in mind with respect to exam priorities, findings, and enforcement actions. This session will discuss: Updates to SEA Rule 15c2-11 Time of Trade Disclosures, including Municipal Fund Securities and Market Discount Transaction Reporting Municipal short closeouts/ possession and co... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Modernizing Off-Channel Communications Supervision

    Join panelists as they discuss observations from thematic reviews of off-channel communications such as text and social media platforms and effective techniques firms are using to provide oversight of their firms’ communications. This session will discuss: Communications Landscape Rule Requirements--Books and Records, Communications with the Public, and Supervision SEC and FINRA Enforcement Actions Observations from Thematic Reviews of Off-Channel Communications OSE-Facilitated Comm... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Promoting Market Integrity: FINRA’s Role in Market Structure

    Hear regulatory and industry perspectives on FINRA’s role in promoting market integrity and on the new and evolving rules such as current market structure proposals, securities lending and how transparency initiatives are shaping the market. This CLE discusses: New and emerging rules SEC market structure proposals, securities lending, and other transparency initiatives More Info

    1General Credit
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    Technology Governance: Mitigating Risk Throughout the Vendor Lifecycle

    This CLE course dives into factors firms should consider when outsourcing activities or functions to third-party providers. Hear from panelists as they discuss how to mitigate vendor risk with strong technology governance programs that encompass the lifecycle of vendor engagement, from onboarding, performing ongoing due diligence, responding to events, and offboarding. This session will discuss: Vendor Management and Due Diligence Regulatory Notice 21-29 (FINRA Reminds Firms of their... More Info

    1General Credit
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    The Progression of Regulation Best Interest and Form CRS

    During this CLE session, panelists discuss recent observations on firm adherence to Regulation Best Interest and Form CRS and share guidance on Reasonably Available Alternatives, the Care Obligation, and Conflicts of Interest. This session will discuss: Actions: ­ Recent SEC and FINRA findings in Reg BI and Form CRS Interpretation, guidance and best practices: ­ Recent SEC and FINRA findings in Reg BI and Form CRS ­ Reg Notice 23-20 ­ Form CRS FAQs ­ Reasonably Available Alter... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Conflicts of Interest in the Financial Services Industry: What Every Attorney Needs to Know

    Do you refer clients to financial advisers? Lawyers need to understand the regulatory framework that distinguishes financial advisers, particularly in light of new (2020) disclosure documents (Form CRS). In this program, we will cover how financial advisers are regulated; how standards of care differ; how to recognize potential conflicts of interest that can affect the adviser-client relationship; and most importantly, how new SEC disclosure tools make your due diligence process easie... More Info

    1General Credit
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    CDs, DVDs, USB Stick

    Representing the Section 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange Client

    Internal Revenue Code §1031 tax-deferred exchanges provide tremendous tax savings by allowing owners of real property to defer the capital gains normally due upon the sale of their property. This CLE program will explain how to effectively represent the needs of their clients who are contemplating an exchange. The program will discuss: The qualifications and requirements for an exchange Preparation of the sales contract, settlement statement and other closing procedures Considerati... More Info

    1.25General Credits
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    Common Issues with Navigating the Changing Landscape of Multistate Taxation of Crypto Currency & Crypto Based Companies

    State Taxation varies across every state in the United States. Specifically at a State and Local Tax (SALT) level, every jurisdiction has its own tax code and tax treatment for various applications. For example, the way California may classify revenue from a certain company is not the same as Texas will perceive the revenue. Of course, the Supreme Court of the United States has weighed in on limitations of a state’s power to tax, citing the Commerce Clause and various other constitutional cons... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Safeguarding Your Business & Investment Clients with Proactive Asset Protection & Estate Planning

    An effective Asset Protection & Estate Planning Program for Business & Investment Clients should address family and legacy considerations, complete asset protection and tax optimization simultaneously. In addition, it should be easy to use, capable of expanding through time to embrace growth in your clients’ business and investment portfolios, and it should be capable of being examined in the sunlight without legal concerns. And finally, it should be fully integrated so that all of y... More Info

    2General Credits
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    Overhaul of Regulatory Capital Requirements Proposed By US Banking Regulators

    The US federal banking regulators have jointly proposed extensive revisions to the regulatory capital requirements for [midsize and] larger US banking organizations. The revisions are lengthy and would change the requirements for credit, market, and operational risk. Some of the revisions are long-expected (e.g., re-evaluation of use of internal models), but others are novel (e.g., capital charge for operational risk) or driven in response to the recent banking crisis. Further, the rev... More Info

    1.5General Credits
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    The Case Against Tipper X

    lmagine the following: lt is the morning of a normal workday for you and millions of others who live in New York City. You go to the gym for a workout and run some errands before heading to the office. Unexpectedly, two FBI agents approach you on the sidewalk, flash their badges - in public view - and begin questioning you about activity at your job. The agents begin spitting out details about your personal life - they know where you were last weekend, they know private details about your famil... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CDs, DVDs, USB Stick

    How to Handle a Securities Regulatory Investigation

    How you handle a securities regulatory investigation is critical, and being uninformed or ill-prepared could lead to significant consequences for your client. It is also important to understand your ethical obligations before, during, and after an investigation, as representation lines may become blurred. During this CLE, our panel of experienced practitioners will discuss: the various stages of a securities regulatory investigation the initial contact demand for documents gathering... More Info

    1.25General Credits
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    Navigating the SEC and CFTC Whistleblowing Programs

    This CLE course provides an overview of the CFTC, SEC, and IRS whistleblower programs, with a focus on the basics of eligibility, anonymity, and the whistleblowing process. The course will cover the analysis of potential whistleblower claims and the necessary steps for filing a whistleblower claim with each agency. Participants will learn about the ambiguities in the whistleblower awards process and gain insight into the factors that are considered when determining the amount of an awar... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Ask FINRA Senior Staff

    During this CLE program, FINRA senior staff provide updates on key regulatory issues. Panelists address questions relating to FINRA’s risk-based examination program, disciplinary actions, market regulation programs and new and anticipated rules, among other topics. More Info

    1General Credit
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    Compliance and Legal Trends

    Join industry leaders as they discuss trends, key focus areas and strategies that are shaping the industry. Panelists share insights on how these changes will affect compliance, and how firms are evolving and responding to business, regulatory and technology issues. More Info

    1General Credit
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    Capital Formation: Current Regulatory Landscape and Challenges

    Attend this session to learn more about the regulatory landscape, potential challenges, and resources for firms as it relates to capital formation. This CLE program will discuss: Discuss current regulatory landscape Discuss challenges and obstacles from firm perspective Resources for firms More Info

    1General Credit
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    Current Issues Under Regulation Best Interest and Form CRS

    In an ongoing dialogue, regulators and industry practitioners come together to delve into a wide array of current topics and delve deep into the valuable lessons learned through their experiences with Reg BI (Regulation Best Interest) and Form CRS (Customer Relationship Summary). This collaborative discussion explores the multifaceted aspects of these regulatory frameworks, encompassing not only effective practices implemented within firms but also the examination experiences encountered along... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Hot Topics in Municipal Securities and Other Fixed Income

    This CLE program covers an assortment of key considerations surrounding fixed income securities including exam priorities, common findings and enforcement actions, fixed-income rulemaking, and an update on SEC Rule 15c2-11. This CLE program will discuss: Review of recent enforcement actions related to municipal securities (e.g., 529 Plans, municipal short positions), examination priorities, fixed income-related rulemaking and common problems uncovered during Member Supervision and Market... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Leveraging Regulatory Technology for Your Firm

    During this CLE program, panelists discuss how RegTech is impacting the securities industry as well as related benefits, risks and regulatory considerations. The session also covers different RegTech tools available to enhance compliance efforts, such as FINRA's new Machine Readable Rulebook as well as other tools involving the use of artificial intelligence and cloud computing. This session will discuss: Considerations for using Regtech tool such as those incorporating AI for regul... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Market Regulation and Transparency Services Priorities: What You Need to Know

    During this CLE session, FINRA staff discuss updates to market regulation and transparency priorities related to equities, options and fixed income compliance programs. This session will discuss: Discuss updates on market regulation and transparency priorities, including current initiatives and rulemaking FINRA panelists share thoughts on equities, options and fixed income compliance programs Include information on: Manipulative Trading Reg Notice 22-27 (TRACE) Fixed Income Fair... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Market Structure: Current Developments and Future Trends

    During this session, panelists discuss current developments in market structure, including order handling, order routing and execution quality disclosure, and other developments for fixed income and equity securities. This session will discuss: Discuss current developments and future trends in the industry, including best execution guidance, payment for order flow issues and Transparency 605/606 A notice and comment period on Market Structure will wrap up around May – discuss notice... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Redefining Communications Compliance for the Digital Age

    As we rely increasingly on mobile apps, social media, and other digital channels to communicate, how are firms addressing the compliance challenges and opportunities these media offer? Learn with industry and FINRA experts about how to navigate the increasingly complex landscape of firm communications with the public. Panelists cover lessons learned from FINRA’s ”finfluencer” targeted examinations, recent enforcement activity around off-channel communications, and how practitioners are approac... More Info

    1General Credit
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    The Evolution of Branch Office Inspections

    Join us as we delve into a thought-provoking exploration of the invaluable lessons acquired during the transformative journey towards remote branch inspections. Our esteemed panelists will engage in an enlightening discussion, unveiling a wealth of knowledge encompassing a range of crucial topics. Amidst a rapidly evolving regulatory landscape, our distinguished speakers will provide invaluable insights into the impact of FINRA inspections and other regulatory developments. Del... More Info

    1General Credit
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    The Firm Perspective on Monitoring and Protecting Against Financial Crimes

    Join panelists for a comprehensive discussion on financial crimes from the firms' perspective. This CLE session covers a variety of tactics, red flags and mitigation strategies associated with fraud, insider trading, cybersecurity and money laundering. This session will discuss: Effective practices and controls for firms in monitoring, protecting against and addressing AML, cybersecurity and fraudulent activities Provide tips to identify potential “red flags” for fraud and insider tr... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Current Trends and Threats in Financial Crimes

    In this CLE session, Deputy Director Abbate and Under Secretary Nelson discuss the latest developments in financial crimes and illicit finance risk including new and emerging threats related to money laundering, fraud, securities fraud, cyber-crime, digital assets and sanctions. More Info

    1General Credit
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    Financial Responsibility Rules and Relevant Touchpoints

    In this informative CLE course, panelists will discuss topics involving SEC and FINRA financial responsibility rules, including regulatory obligations of introducing, intermediary, carrying and clearing firms under FINRA Rule 4311; SEA Rule 17a-4; and other topics including liquidity and fully-paid lending. More Info

    1General Credit
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    Private Placements: The Latest Regulatory Developments and Compliance Considerations

    Join panelists as they perform a deep dive into private placement regulatory developments including regulatory notice 23-XX as well as compliance obligations and best practices related to Reg BI, sales materials, due diligence, conflicts of interest and more. This session will discuss: Review regulatory developments, compliance obligations and effective compliance practices related to private placements, including discussion about Reg BI, Communications, Due Diligence and Conflicts of... More Info

    1General Credit
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    The Inside Scoop on Insider Threats and Cybersecurity

    This highly informative CLE session will delve into the multifaceted nature of insider and related cyber threats. In an increasingly interconnected digital landscape, it is vital for organizations to comprehend the compounding risks posed by these threats, understand where they can manifest, and proactively develop strategies to detect and mitigate insider activity. Throughout the session, our expert panelists will illuminate the evolving landscape of cyber threats, shedding light on th... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Antitrust Merger Enforcement: Significant Regulatory Developments and Issues Explored

    This CLE course provides an in-depth overview of the US merger control process, antitrust agency priorities, forthcoming revisions to the US merger guidelines, and highlights of recent merger challenges. The course is designed to give attorneys a comprehensive understanding of the current state of antitrust regulations in the US and the role of antitrust agencies in reviewing and challenging mergers. The course will begin by exploring the fundamentals of US merger control process, inclu... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Cyber Security and Cyber Breach: What Lawyers and Their Law Firms Need to Know Now

    This CLE program will discuss cyber security, the consequences of a cyber breach, including ethical considerations, and cyber insurance. In the U.S., we are faced with 50 state laws on data privacy and security. If your business holds personal information from a resident of a particular state, what legal and ethical obligations apply to your firm, and to your clients, under that state’s law? The FTC also watches to ensure that companies are complying with their posted privacy policies. Non-com... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Skip Tracing for Lawyers

    Attorneys in most areas of practice, especially trust and estates, personal injury, malpractice, debt collection and real estate law occasionally encounter situations requiring the location of missing people. This includes heirs, beneficiaries, witnesses, shareholders and debtors. In many instances, with the proper knowledge, resources and creativity, lawyers may be able to locate these absentees without having to retain the services of private investigators or skip tracers. This conti... More Info

    1.25General Credits
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    Form CRS: Practical Considerations for Attorneys

    Every attorney who is in the position of referring a client to a financial professional or firm needs to be aware of the firm's CRS, a new 2- to 4-page disclosure document that SEC-regulated firms must deliver to their clients. The CRS was adopted to help investors understand the different standards of care that apply to their financial professionals (investment advisers vs. broker-dealers vs. dual registrants), as well as conflicts of interest embedded in the firm's way of doing busi... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CDs, DVDs, USB Stick

    Evaluating Corporate Governance and Ethics Issues: Incorporating a Business Perspective in the Litigation Process

    Using actual case studies, our expert panel will explore the value of incorporating a business perspective into the litigation process. While the fundamental focus is the litigation and settlement processes, often times the business issues developed and set forth exert a powerful impact on the settlement achieved or trial outcome. The business issues discussed frequently involve governance and ethical considerations, which will be a major focus of our panelists’ discussions. Top... More Info

    2General Credits
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    Oh How the Mighty Have Fallen: Crypto and the Federal Securities and Commodities Laws

    This CLE program covers the basics of the intersection between “cryptocurrencies” and the federal securities and commodities laws. The title of this program comes from Samuel 2, 1:19. Why this title is apt should be obvious to anyone knowing of recent events in the world of crypto. The program discusses the allegations against Samuel Bankman-Fried, the former CEO of a group of companies known as “FTX,” by the U.S. Department of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Com... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Due Diligence Under The 33 Act: Avoid Disasters in the Middle of an IPO

    From due diligence to closing there are traps and pitfalls that can be anticipated. Attend this CLE course and learn from the lawyers and bankers what they confront and worry about during the marketing and distribution of initial public offerings. The panelists will provide real life examples of challenges that could have jeopardized the success of the IPO’s. Avoid the disasters and help assure your clients’ successful underwriting. More Info

    1.5General Credits
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    Back to the Future in Fixed Income Investing? Navigating a Changing Landscape in Municipal and Fixed Income Securities

    This panel will discuss common content standards between FINRA Rule 2210 and MSRB Rule G-21 and describe some key differences. Attendees will hear tips on creating compliant municipal securities communications and considerations for more complex debt instruments. Attendees will gain knowledge of how FINRA’s Fixed Income Regulation Staff works with MSRB on municipal securities matters. Topics Discussed: Comply with the common content standards of FINRA Rule 2210 and MSRB Rule G-21 an... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Digital Communications and Social Media

    In the rapidly developing world of digital marketing, how can firms stay in compliance? Can firms communicate relevant, meaningful information in the digital age? Attend this session to experience how industry and regulatory experts are grappling with these challenges. The panel covers current topics including how firms engage technology to address their compliance obligations and creative ways to use effective disclosure. More Info

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    Variable Products & Retirement Planning

    Join FINRA staff and industry practitioners as they discuss variable and retirement planning productions. The panelists also explore frequently asked questions and discuss regulatory challenges. Topics Discussed: Summarize how to create a variable product communication with respect to content and performance. Address selected topics, such as supplemental hypothetical illustrations, comparisons and complexity of contracts and investment options. Understand the legal perspective on th... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Ad Review Workshop: Part 1

    During this highly interactive and dynamic session, attendees apply FINRA advertising rules to several mock advertisements and uncover the hidden concerns. Attendees work in small groups and present their findings to fellow participants, while moderators present the regulatory perspective, clarify any misperceptions and answer questions. More Info

    1General Credit
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    Advertising Compliance Bootcamp: Select Topics

    This panel will discuss examples of content violations, disclosure and performance standards of SEC Rules, standards for variable insurance product communications, guidance with respect to options communications, presentation of rankings, the core concepts of social media and digital communications, and a list of basic “do’s” and “don’ts.” By the end of the session, you will be able to: Comply with the content standards of FINRA Rule 2210. Apply the: SEC Rules to investment company... More Info

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    Advertising Compliance: Fundamentals of FINRA Rule 2210

    This CLE course is designed for attorneys who are new to FINRA’s advertising rules or experienced practitioners interested in a refresher. A panel of FINRA professionals provides an overview of FINRA’s Communications With the Public rule, including filing requirements, internal approval and supervision, and content standards. Panelists answer questions about how to apply the rules to financial services communications and marketing materials. More Info

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    Current Communications with the Public Regulatory Issues

    Join FINRA staff and industry panelists for an in-depth conversation on current advertising regulatory issues, including the new Investment Advisers Act Marketing Rule. Topics Discussed: Learn about recent communications rule changes and proposals. Understand how the new IA Marketing Rule will impact firm communications. More Info

    1.5General Credits
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    Exempt Offerings

    This CLE program focuses on industry and regulatory developments related to Reg D and Reg A+ offerings. During the session, panelists discuss common concerns and recent regulatory findings. Speakers provide practical information and effective practices for firms offering these products to retail investors and discuss Regulatory Notices 20-21 and 21-26. More Info

    1General Credit
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    Fintech Firms: Communications Compliance Topics

    Join FINRA staff and industry panelists as they share insights on challenges and effective practices related to communications compliance for Fintech focused firms. The panel covers topical issues such as digital engagement practices, mobile applications, integrated product offerings, and crypto assets. Panelists answer questions and provide tips on the use of technology to help navigate this quickly evolving area. More Info

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    Investment Companies Current Topics

    Join FINRA staff and industry panelists as they discuss topical advertising compliance issues concerning registered investment companies, including mutual funds, ETFs and closed-end funds. Panelists cover the compliance challenges associated with complex products such as single stock ETFs, crypto futures funds, non-transparent ETFs and ESG focused investments. The panel also includes discussions regarding regulatory interpretations and compliance tips. More Info

    1General Credit
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    Managing Your Client’s Series A Offering of Securities: A Step by Step Guide

    A startup or early-stage company goes through a number of informal financing rounds involving company founders, friends and family members, and local angel investors. But if the company’s business plan is successful, it will be ready for its first round of venture capital, known as the “Series A Round” or “Series A Offering”. In this fast-paced, entertaining CLE presentation, you will learn the steps involving in managing a Series A offering of securities, including: reviewi... More Info

    1.5General Credits
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    Cryptomorphing The Legal Profession: Musings From A Stacker In The Rye

    The goal of this presentation is to expose lawyers to the rabbit hole of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, and the effects and potential effects on the legal profession. We will discuss topics ranging from the acceptance of cryptocurrency as payment for legal services to the impact of blockchain technology and cryptcurrency projects on payment systems security transactions, smart contracts, and public record filings. The presentation will be successful if at the end a p... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Cryptocurrency and the Blockchain: Understanding the Landscape of Legal Issues and Offerings

    There is much confusion regarding the many cryptocurrencies available and even more about blockchain technology; particularly in light of recent market upheavals. Global observers are keen to determine whether cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology are taking us in a new currency direction, or whether crypto is a fading fad. The answers to these questions may lie in the legal analysis. What are the legal challenges and do the challenges doom the blockchain? Or can ou... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Metaverse Law: Intro to ARVR, Issues, IP Ownerships, Monetization, Cyber Currency, and Licensing

    With apologies to the Beatles, tech is flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup, it slithers unregulated across the Metaverse. From AltCoin to Web 3.0, this course addresses the breadth of tech law in the Metaverse. The lecturer will review some of the basic terminology (in plain English!) before discussing the application of regulatory and statutory law to the Metaverse, how the Metaverse polices itself, and how the Metaverse is monetized. Specific topics will... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Brokers With a Significant History of Misconduct

    This CLE program will discuss the new rules concerning brokers with significant history of misconduct. Panelists review the implications of retaining or hiring brokers with such a history. After attending this session, you will be able to: Understand changes to rule 9200 and 9556 Discuss heightened supervisory procedures for statutory disqualified associated persons Review written request requirement process through the Membership Application Group (MAP) More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Challenges Facing Firms in Monitoring AML and Protecting Against Fraudulent Activities

    This CLE program reviews challenges facing firms in monitoring and protecting against fraudulent activities. Join FINRA staff and industry panelists as they provide examples of effective controls their firms have put into place to address AML risks. After attending this session, you will be able to: Review AML and Fraud Protection Red Flags and Effective Practices Discuss monitoring for high-risk suspicious activities Discuss policies, procedures, controls, and education that bridg... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Communications Compliance: Current Developments

    This CLE program will discuss current communications compliance and marketing practices. Topics include recent guidance on how FINRA’s communications rules apply in a virtual environment, and how firms can communicate compliantly about ESG and other current investment trends. Panelists will also talk about the regulatory implications of complex products and services such as crypto assets and emerging technologies in the marketing compliance space. After attending this session, you... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Conflicts of Interest in Capital Markets and Investment Banking

    This CLE program will discuss helpful tips and tools for managing conflicts of interest in capital markets and investment banking firms. Panelists will discuss practices that raise conflict of interest concerns and how to remedy these issues. After attending this session, you will be able to: Understand how some firms identify and mitigate risks associated with conflicts of interest Apply practical compliance approaches to mitigate and monitor for conflicts of interest Know of and... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Considerations and Practices for Supervising Independent Contractors

    This CLE program addresses common challenges in supervising independent contractors. The session offers examples and suggestions for firms to use in their everyday supervision and compliance efforts. The panel also discusses existing rules and related guidance and shares effective industry practices. After attending this session, you will be able to: Understand the challenges associated with supervising independent contractors Identify effective practices for supervision and o... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Consolidated Audit Trail

    During this session, panelists discuss how to prepare for compliance with the consolidated audit trail (CAT), including firm obligations, deadlines and resources. After attending this session, you will be able to: Discuss upcoming key dates How to prepare and resources available More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Gamification, Mobile Apps and Digital Engagement

    Panelists share insights into the developing world of digital engagement practices, including gamification, in broker dealers’ mobile apps, marketing, and online platforms. Attend this session to hear how compliance and regulatory experts are responding to the rapidly developing use of data analytics to drive digital communications. Panelists discuss risks and benefits of digital engagement features and how to supervise them effectively. After attending this session, you will be... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Hot Topics in Municipal Securities and Other Fixed Income

    FINRA and MSRB staff discuss recent enforcement actions related to municipal securities (e.g., 529 Plans, municipal short positions), examination priorities, fixed income-related rulemaking, and common problems uncovered during Member Supervision and Market Regulation reviews. After attending this session, you will be able to: Review recent enforcement actions on 529s and muni shorts Discuss topics related to municipal securities Discuss recent and ongoing regulatory initiatives More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Market Structure: What Factors Are Driving Changes

    During this session, FINRA staff and industry practitioners discuss current developments and future trends in the industry, including best execution guidance and payment for order flow issues. After attending this session, you will be able to: Understand Best Execution guidance Discuss effective practices for reviewing and documenting best execution Discuss technology available to process trades More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Options Markets: Recent Regulatory Issues

    Join FINRA staff and industry panelists as they discuss regulatory issues impacting options markets. After attending this session, you will be able to: Discuss recent and ongoing regulatory initiatives Discuss supervision of options trading in customer accounts Identify effective controls, procedures, and technology processes More Info

    0.75General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Remote Supervision

    Join FINRA staff and industry panelists as they discuss what they have learned from working remotely. During the session, panelists discuss effective controls, procedures, and processes that member firms are incorporating to address supervision in a remote work environment. After attending this session, you will be able to: Identify controls, procedures, and processes that member firms are incorporating to address supervision in a remote work environment Review lessons learned and... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Restricted Firm Obligations: What You Need to Know

    Join FINRA staff as they discuss Rule 4111 (Restricted Firm Obligations). During the session, panelists review the new obligation and criteria for identification. After attending this session, you will be able to: Review new obligations Identify controls, procedures, and processes that member firms are incorporating to address these obligations Review identification metrics thresholds Discuss restricted deposit accounts More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Vendor Management: Due Diligence and Oversight

    During this session FINRA staff and industry practitioners walk through various important considerations when choosing new vendors. Panelists discuss finding a technical solution that is a good fit for your firm, tips on performing an efficient due diligence review, contract issues, and advice on implementing the new software. After attending this session, you will be able to: Understand the limitations and risks of technology to find the right solution for your business needs Develop... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Alternative Investments and Complex Products

    This CLE program addresses developments related to alternative investments and complex products. The session emphasizes the importance of understanding product features, characteristics, and their supervisory challenges. After attending this session, you will be able to: Understand the latest regulatory developments related to alternative investments and complex products Discuss due diligence requirements and industry practices when recommending private placement and REIT securities... More Info

    0.75General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Hot Topics in FinTech

    Join FINRA staff and industry practitioners as they discuss the growing area of FinTech (Financial Technology). The session includes a discussion on new and innovative ways firms are integrating fintech into their business models and the importance of a strong compliance structure to address regulatory obligations. After attending this session, you will be able to: Gain a perspective on how “FinTech” is defined by various industry stakeholders Discuss the supervisory challenges of t... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Senior and At-Risk Investors

    Join FINRA staff and industry experts as they discuss how FINRA rules and state requirements related to Senior and Vulnerable Adult clients can help firms service this growing client base and how to ensure your organization is protected. After attending this session, you will be able to: Review FINRA Rules 2165 & 4512 Discuss elder abuse prevention and protection act Review State Report and hold laws More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Social Media and the Rise of the Finfluencers

    Human behavior has evolved as a result of the pandemic. For the financial services industry, the rapid acceleration of digital adoption has dramatically changed the way we engage with each other and our clients. Join FINRA staff and industry panelists as they discuss how social media and social media influencer are affecting the industry. Panelists discuss new developments, effective compliance practices, and how their firms are managing social media obligations. After attending t... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Building a Successful Solo Mergers and Acquisitions Practice

    This CLE program will focus on the tools needed to add a successful mergers and acquisition practice in your firm.. Take a step-by-step look at key issues including: what is an M&A practice, flowcharts, checklists, practice tips, software suggestions and client management hints. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Cyber Security Compliance Trifecta: Recent Revisions to Three Important Security & Privacy Standards

    Cybersecurity compliance concerns have emerged as a forefront issue for both large and small enterprises. Revisions of three important standards or requirements were published recently and will have far reaching cybersecurity compliance implications. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released Spec. Pub 800-53 (Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations), the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council published PCI-DSS 4.0, and... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Basics of Patents: Are You Protected? Fundamentals of US Patents and Inventorship

    An increasing proportion of the value of a company resides in its intellectual property. This makes protection of intellectual property of great importance to company owners, be they sole proprietors or stockholders. Learn the basic ideas of patent law and inventorship in the United States, including what is a patent claim, who should be named as the inventor, what must be disclosed in a patent support its claims, and how patent claims are used in the marketplace. More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Bitcoin: Time For Lawyers To Take A Byte

    The economic impact of digital evolution is a reality of our daily lives. Over the past decade, the “Internet of Things” replaced the “Internet of Information.” Today and since the emergence of blockchain technology, we are seeing a sweeping wave of the “Internet of Value” gradually taking over the web and yielding in its wake a transformation of our economic systems deeper than the first two waves combined. Open a magazine, nowadays, and you’re bound to find an article discuss... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CDs, DVDs, USB Stick

    So You’re Interested in a Career in Securities Law

    Join NYCLA’s Securities and Exchanges Committee as a panel of securities attorneys from different aspects of practice discuss how to prepare for a securities law career, including the skill sets that need to be developed, possible challenges to be confronted, career paths, work-life balance, the different aspects of practice … and more! More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Asset Protection for Cryptocurrency

    Asset Protection is in high demand in our increasingly litigious world. Cryptocurrency is well regarded as the currency of the future. Cryptocurrency is increasingly becoming a targeted asset in many lawsuits. Blockchain technology can make it easy to see the amount of cryptocurrency an individual owns. This course will teach the various strategies for protecting cryptocurrency from being lost due to a lawsuit. More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CDs, DVDs, USB Stick

    Governance and Ethics Update: The Increased Focus on Director Responsibilities

    Join our expert panel as it shares case studies regarding the increased focus on, and the evolving nature of, director responsibilities. The panelists will also discuss how modified governance and ethics practices may significantly alter director exposure. Topics include: Current Governance and Ethics Examples Thought Leadership: Evolving Governance and Ethics Practices Case Studies: Governance and Ethics Issues More Info

    2.25Total Credits
    1.25 Ethics

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