Ohio CLE - Family Law Courses
This is a listing of Family Law CLE Courses for Ohio. Please make your selection below of Ohio CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
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Alimony and Spousal Maintenance: What Attorneys Need to Know
This comprehensive CLE presentation will review essential insights into spousal support analysis across jurisdictions. The first part focuses on the legal framework, covering the fundamental distinctions between alimony, support, and maintenance, while providing a detailed examination of the contrasting approaches in New York and New Jersey. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of how maintenance differs from child support, the interplay with equitable distribution, and the specific... More Info
$501General Credit -
Employment Accommodations for Women with Children in the Workplace
This CLE program will examine the principal laws protecting parents who are pregnant or with children in the workplace. There are numerous protections regarding various aspects of pregnancy and child birth. The laws covering a parents need to care for themselves and others will be discussed. And protections against discrimination based on gender, particularly in terms of pay, will be considered. The course will also cover some basic employment law principals for litigating t... More Info
$501General Credit -
Essential Estate Documents: Don't Delay Until It's Too Late
This CLE program addresses a common concern: people commonly put off or do not seriously consider necessary documents for universal eventuality: death, incapacity, or providing for others who will have to step in. This one-hour course will cover basic documents and suggested text, how and when they come into play, and often overlooked issues that should be addressed. Three basic documents will be reviewed: Will, Power of Attorney, and Advance Directive. More Info
$501General Credit -
Protecting Your Family Home Through Trusts
All too often, the senior client may find themselves in a dire predicament. Immediate long-term nursing home care is needed and they do not have private funds or long-term care insurance to pay for such care. An individual’s primary asset is often the home in which he or she resides, and there is a common misconception that in such instances, the only recourse would be to sell one’s home and to use the entire proceeds to pay for long-term care needs. This CLE course will provid... More Info
$501General Credit -
Pregnancy in the Workplace: Understanding the New Laws on Accommodations for Pregnancy and Lactation
If you thought you understood your obligations from a legal perspective of handling a pregnant employee in your workplace, think again. The rules are changing so quickly it is often hard to keep up. This CLE will answer your most important questions on this topic such as whether you even have to accommodate a pregnant employee since a normal pregnancy is not a “disability” within the meaning of the ADA/ADAAA. What laws come into play when an employee requests to be able to take more... More Info
$501General Credit -
Family Based Immigration and Naturalization
This program will provide an overview of Family-Based Green Card and Non-Immigrant Dependent visas. This CLE course will review the qualifying relationships, eligibility issues, time-frames, filing processes, and work and travel issues while waiting for the green card for certain applicants. The Instructor will discuss the pros and cons of filing Adjustment of Status and Consular Processing, among other issues. This CLE will address Conditional Permanent Residence, when Permanent Resi... More Info
$501General Credit -
Basic Estate Planning
Understand the basics of estate planning, as well as the tax ramifications of the plan to both the decedent’s estate and the beneficiaries. Topics include: The Benefits of an Estate Plan Key Tax Rules Understanding the Different Documents That Need to Be Drafted Ethical Considerations … and MORE! More Info
$1002General Credits -
Navigating The World of Sexual Abuse Allegations
A detailed look at the issues, challenges, and pitfalls facing practitioners defending sex abuse allegations on their client's behalf. From ACS child services and other similar administrative agencies through civil and criminal matters in our courthouses and beyond, the discussion will cover many topics, including jurisdiction, statute of limitations, mediation & arbitration, confusion in how these cases are charged and pled, appellate preservation, confronting expert witness testimony... More Info
$1002General Credits -
Starting Strong: Estate Planning Strategies for Premarital and Newlywed Couples
This CLE provides attorneys with essential insights into navigating the complex intersection of love, marriage, and estate maters. This CLE course delves into crucial topics such as prenuptial agreements, joint estate planning, tax implications, and legacy considerations. Attorneys will gain practical tools to help clients communicate effectively about their estates, manage shared assets, and plan for a secure future together. With a focus on fostering estate harmony, this course equip... More Info
$501General Credit -
Business Valuation for Attorneys
Determination of the value of a client’s business or business interest is often a necessary element in meeting a client’s needs. Understanding the valuation process and the potential results can make a huge difference to the outcome for the client. Divorce, estate planning, and partnership disputes, in addition to sales, purchases and other transactions, are just some of the circumstances where valuation is a critical factor. This Seminar reviews the po... More Info
$501General Credit -
Elder Law and Long Term Care Insurance Update
Hear an update on the most recent developments in elder law that you and your clients should be aware of. Discover what you need to know about your and your client’s questions, concerns and strategies regarding the subject of paying for an unexpected & unreimbursed long-term care illness. Understand when a traditional long term care Insurance policy is a better solution than one of the newer Combo/Linked plans, and vice versa. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions o... More Info
$501.25General Credits -
How to Prepare for Long-Term Care Costs
This CLE program will address the use of long-term care insurance to provide care for aging individuals and its impact on wealth transfer. The Instructors will discuss tax opportunities for business owners who want to leverage their businesses to protect themselves and their family members. Additionally, they will cover Medicaid planning and various products available to address this need. More Info
$501General Credit -
1st Amendment: Friend or Foe? The Pending 303 Creative v. Elenis Decision: Where are we Headed?
Join NYCLA’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues in the Law Committee for a lively discussion of the impact of the First Amendment on LGBTQ rights and where we are headed. Our expert panelists will discuss 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, a pending Supreme Court case, where the Court will decide whether the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act compelling a graphic artist to speak or stay silent about her religious objections to same-sex marriage violates the Free Speech Clause of the... More Info
$501General Credit -
Pitfalls To Avoid When Real Estate and Matrimonial Issues Collide
Matrimonial law is a challenging area of practice because of how much the practitioner needs to know. It touches upon and overlaps with many other areas of law including tax, trusts and estates, immigration, contract law, criminal law, property, insurance and real estate. One complex area to understand is when matrimonial and real estate law overlap. It is common for a couple who is divorcing to also own real estate, commonly the marital residence. In some instances, the couple may o... More Info
$501General Credit -
Matrimonial Law: Four Topics Attorneys Need to Know
This CLE program will provide an introduction to the most important elements of matrimonial law: divorce, support, custody and special relief. The course will outline the important considerations in any case and some areas that may be complicated. The presenter will also emphasize the need to consider "pertinent negatives" which lie at the heart of successful handling and satisfactory conclusion of these cases. The course consists primarily of discussion of the important elements in de... More Info
$501.25General Credits -
What You Need to Know About Drafting and Funding the ILIT
The great majority of current trustees responsible for your clients’ Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts are their eldest sons and daughters acting as unskilled/amateur trustees. For the most part they are not aware of various opportunities and strategies available to them, nor are they aware of the responsibility and fiduciary liability they’ve assumed for the maintenance of their trust’s life insurance coverage. In the near future, trust planning & trustee guidance will become even mor... More Info
$501General Credit -
Business Valuation Essentials for Attorneys
Understand what factors must be considered when determining the valuation of different types of business and why these determinations are important to you and your clients, especially in businesses transactions, estate planning, divorce or separation … and more. More Info
$501General Credit -
Mandatory Abuse Reporting for Oregon Attorneys
Oregon’s elusive education requirements for child and elder abuse reporting can be met in this one, exciting, thrilling story-based CLE. So, while this will certainly be less entertaining than the latest superhero blockbuster, we will use real life examples of what elder abuse and child abuse can look like to walk through what the problem looks like and what an attorney’s reporting responsibilities are. More Info
$501General Credit -
Estate Planning: Common Issues; Practical Answers
Every practitioner in every discipline has heard this complaint about a grantor trust and likely we will all hear more of it. Grantor trusts have become the foundation of most modern estate plans. One of the many “benefits” of grantor trusts is that the settlor creating the trust pays the income tax on income earned inside the trust. That is a great way to accelerate the growth of trust assets, and continue to reduce the creator’s estate. But, as with so many things, too much of a “goo... More Info
$501General Credit -
Rules and Principles of The Division of Real Estate Between Married and Unmarried Partners
This CLE course will focus on the division of real estate among divorcing couples. We will discuss how prenuptial and midmarriage agreements can protect the spouse's interest in the property and especially if a down-payment was provided by a family member. The course will also describe the pitfalls that befall practitioners when drafting divorce or separation agreements dealing with sale and buyout of real property. Examples and practice pointers will be provided. More Info
$501General Credit -
Ethical Considerations in Matrimonial and Family Law
This fun interactive course will cover various ethical scenarios matrimonial and family court practitioners face with clients, other attorneys and within their own firm, and how to best navigate such issues. Real life examples will be presented, along with solutions and considerations, along with possible outcomes. A mock format will be utilized, with the focus being on the New York Rules of Professional Conduct. This course is designed to provide you with the skills to evaluate and ha... More Info
$501Attorney Conduct -
The Wave of Legislative Changes in Matrimonial Law
Join us as our expert faculty discusses the wave of legislative change that have affected the practice of matrimonial law, including, among others, the Child Support of Disabled Adults and the legalization of paid surrogacy. This is one program that attorneys interested in developments in matrimonial law cannot afford to miss. More Info
$751.75General Credits -
The Hidden Secrets of Constructive Trust Litigation
This CLE course will address the hidden secrets of constructive trust litigation. A typical example could be if one’s client has executed a deed signing away his property, with full knowledge of what he was doing. However, he had an "understanding" that he would get it back someday. Does the statute of frauds bar relief? Maybe not. The author of the new book "Litigating Constructive Trusts" reveals some critical issues that come up in constructive trust cases, and how to use those matt... More Info
$751.75General Credits -
The Secure ACT: Five Key Considerations
This CLE course will focus on five key considerations of the SECURE Act and how this law may affect your financial plan as an attorney. Some of the topics we will cover include: The new age requirements for RMDs Distribution options for beneficiaries Age limitations on traditional IRAs Flexibility around 529 plans Changes to rules around retirement distributions for births and adoptions More Info
$501General Credit -
Discovery in Surrogates Court: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Designed for those new to Surrogate’s Court practice as well as experienced estate planners and litigators who want to bring their practice to the next level, this CLE program will review the laws, rules and procedures involved in litigating matters in Surrogate’s Court from the viewpoints of both the petitioner and the respondent. This course also aims to provide some practical and time saving tips and some suggestions for must dos and absolutely don’ts. More Info
$501General Credit -
Legal Issues in Divorce Cases: Equitable Distribution, Spousal Maintenance and Child Support
The CLE course will detail how New York, somewhat patterned on New Jersey equitable distribution law, instituted and applied equitable distribution to all divorces. The course will include the current applicable statutory and recent case law. The course will also include tips on how to argue for the best possible result for your client on all financial issues. As for spousal maintenance and child support, besides reviewing the current statutes and guidelines, and recent appl... More Info
$501.25General Credits -
Intermittent FMLA: Understanding an Employer's Obligations
The FMLA is complicated enough but perhaps the most difficult part of the FMLA is understanding intermittent and reduced schedule leave. This informative CLE will provide you with tips to understand the ins and outs of taking intermittent and reduced-schedule FMLA leave and how to ensure compliance with the law. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the FMLA and what it requires to avoid legal liability for violation of the FMLA. What you will learn: Learn that FMLA can be ta... More Info
$501General Credit -
Managing FMLA Leaves of Absence
Understanding leave of absences is difficult but understanding the FMLA can be overwhelming. It is legalistic and complicated. This CLE course on leave of absences and FMLA Compliance will provide you with a step-by-step guide to understanding the requirements set forth in the FMLA relating to leave of absences. It will also provide a step-by-step plan of action for when employees are out on a leave of absence to ensure legal compliance. Just a sampling of the many practical... More Info
$501General Credit -
Long Term Care Ins and Outs: Elder Law Update
Unexpected, unreimbursed long-term care expenses, be they for cognitive or physical impairments, can have catastrophic effects on a client's personal life, as well as the lifestyle of their spouse and family. Arrangements that clients make or don't make while they are younger and healthy will determine the quality of their lives & their families lives going forward. This CLE course will discuss what you and your clients need to know about Traditional & the new Combo/Linked insurance pla... More Info
$751.5General Credits -
Understanding Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Cases
This CLE course will explain how to identify and evaluate nursing home cases, including the rules that should be applied to these cases, both federal and state related, as well as how to differentiate standard personal injury cases. The course will also present methods, tips and strategies to persuasively present nursing home cases in court. More Info
$751.5General Credits -
Custody Decisions: When God and Culture Have a Say
This CLE lecture will present an analysis of cases relating to custody matters characterized by the issues of culture and religion, as well as the difference on these issues between the two parents. It will review case law and psychological protocols that are used to understand what factors a court will consider and what weight it will attribute in the handling of these matters. More Info
$501General Credit -
The ABCs of DVSJA (Domestic Violence Survivors Justice Act)
This CLE session will provide information and strategies regarding, how, when, and for whom to use the Domestic Violence Survivors Justice Act to reduce prison time for your clients at both sentencing hearings and on appeal. The session will also provide tips for working with survivors who may be hesitant to discuss their past. More Info
$751.5General Credits -
Love and Legislation Makes a Family: The Child Parent Act 1 Year In
Despite its reputation for legislative progressiveness, prior to the passage of the Child Parent Security Act (CPSA), New York had one of the nation’s most antiquated surrogacy laws featuring a ban on enforceable compensated surrogacy arrangements. That ban, which imposed harsh penalties on those participating in compensated surrogacy arrangements, resulted from the infamous Baby M case which involved a contest between the surrogate (who had supplied the egg used in conception) and the child... More Info
$751.5General Credits -
Selling and Purchasing Real Property Through Decedents’ Estates
Our expert panel will address how to convey good title out of a deceased individual's estate where: there are defined deed tenancy and survival recitals; there is probate of a last will and testament and death with a will; there are administration proceedings and death without a will; deeds from sole heirs with no probate or administration; and other unique cases of passing a decedent's interests More Info
$501.25General Credits -
The Weaponization of Technology in Family Law Cases
As our dependency and use of technology increases, we rely on electronic devices to complete many daily activities. Unfortunately, these same technologies are being seen more and more in family law cases where offenders have identified ways to exploit them in order to facilitate harm towards their victims and co-parents alike. In this CLE program, Steven Bradley will explore the risks and benefits of technology, not only for the clients we serve, but also for you in your personal and pr... More Info
$751.75General Credits -
Recent Important Civil Cases of The Virginia Supreme Court For All Civil Litigators
This CLE program will review 44 written summaries of recent opinions of the Virginia Supreme Court of importance for attorneys practicing civil law in Virginia. These cases cover a wide range of topics including torts, wrongful death, civil rights, contracts, economic loss rule, family law, civil procedure, evidence, causes of action, and affirmative defenses, including immunity and resjudicata/collateral estoppel. Each summary includes an alert which all lawyers should consider from t... More Info
$1002General Credits -
Split-Dollar Life Insurance Planning After the Levine Case
A recent Tax Court case gave a resounding victory to the taxpayer who had pursued what some might view as an aggressive split-dollar life insurance plan to minimize estate taxes. Estate of Marion Levine v. Commr. 158 T.C. No. 2, This CLE will set the stage with a review of split-dollar planning then analyze the case. This follows prior cases that held against other taxpayers using similar techniques. Understanding what the taxpayer did right in the Levine case, and how that contrasts t... More Info
$501.25General Credits -
Are You Up To It? Handling High Conflict Custody and Divorce Matters
This CLE course is designed to help the practitioner who handles divorce and custody matters be prepared for, accept and successfully represent clients in cases that fall toward the extreme end of the spectrum from corroborative to adversarial. When cases are the most adversarial, they require special skill in everything from management of case related costs, locating and retaining effective and relevant experts to working with the client’s stated and reasonable objectives and expectat... More Info
$751.5General Credits -
Guardianships Across Jurisdictions: Basic Considerations For the Attorney Practitioner
The Uniform Laws Commission (ULC) aimed to make the guardianship process easier to understand for both attorneys and those that need to comply with the rules. 46 out of 50 states have adopted most, if not all, of the rules. The ULC updated provisions including, inter alia, (1) property management protections, (2) provisions related to minors subject to guardianship, (3) improvements to compliance for limited guardianships, (4) new protections to prevent exploitation, (5) rights to vi... More Info
$751.5General Credits -
Spy Torts: When the Other Side Overreaches
This CLE course will review statutory and common law causes of action for invasion of privacy, wiretapping, tracking devices, trap and trace methods, and video/non-video surveillance. Special emphasis is placed on understanding the wide variety of invasion of privacy case law and how that can affect claims in family law, employment and civil litigation. More Info
$751.5General Credits -
The Interplay Between Ethics, Estates, Fiduciaries and Guardianships
Estate and Elder Law Practitioners face a variety of unique ethical questions in their daily work. The law concerning fiduciary duties goes back centuries, if not more, and is enshrined in the common law. Whether it is the executor, agent of a power of attorney, trustee, or guardian ad litem, the obligations of loyalty, good faith, fair dealing and honesty must be adhered to. Challenging and novel questions arise in this field very often. This program will explore who can ser... More Info
$751.5Attorney Conduct -
What Every Family Law Attorney Needs To Know About Debt Collection And Bankruptcy
In the practice of family law there are many factors to consider, including the issues facing the family as one household becomes two. The issues regarding the debts the family has, how each member of the household will be impacted by the debt and what their options are during or after the dissolution of marriage, including bankruptcy are things every Family Law practitioner should know to help their client’s make informed decisions. More Info
$751.5General Credits -
The Anatomy of a Criminal Law Case
This CLE course deals with the nuts and bolts of dealing with the practice of criminal law. This seminar is purely practical in nature and presentation. You will learn how to go from the initial phone call to your office for a new arrest to the courthouse. We will deal with all the real world issues in how to deal with the client, the client’s family, the assistant district attorney, court staff, setting fees, grand jury issues, plea negotiations, cooperation agreements, motion prac... More Info
$501.25General Credits