Discovering the Lost Coin: Helping Clients Recover from Online Scams
General Credits: 2
If you've ever had a client who was subjected to online fraud over more than $100,000, you need this course. In this CLE, we take a close look at the latest iteration of a Ponzi scheme to defraud innocent people - "Pig Slaughtering Scams". We consider how these cases come to light, the various...
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Conducting Police Internal Affairs Investigations
General Credits: 1.5
This CLE course is designed to provide government lawyers and others practical knowledge and sample policies on how to conduct effective police internal affairs investigations. The presenter has decades of experience representing police and local government officials in connection with interna...
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Capital Punishment: The Myth of Innocence
General Credits: 1.25
Controversial, yet present in virtually every state's criminal code since the founding of the United States almost 250 years ago, the issue of Capital Punishment has been consistently controversial.concern if over whether the penalty itself is fair, whether it is fairly administrated in both concep...
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Terrorism On Trial: An Overview of Anti-Terrorism Litigation in Federal Courts
General Credits: 1.25
This CLE course will provide an introduction to the niche world of anti-terrorism litigation, providing an overview of the most commonly-used federal anti-terrorism statutes: 28 U.S.C. 1605A (the “terrorism exception” to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act) and the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) as amen...
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You Can Handle the Truth! An Introduction to the Military Justice System for Civilian Practitioners
General Credits: 1
Have you always been intrigued by the concepts of military justice? This innovative CLE will provide an overview of the military justice system, geared toward civilian practitioners who are curious about how things work in military courts or want to expand their practice areas into military defens...
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ABA Model Rules Of Professional Conduct and AI Ethics: Key Highlights of the New Challenges Facing Attorney Compliance
Attorney Conduct Credits: 1.5
Every rule of the ABA’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct has been impacted by the presence of artificial intelligence. During this CLE, we will examine key concerns arising under the ABA Model Rules when juxtaposed against the realities and challenges imposed when practicing law alongside the le...
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Another Bite of The Apple: How To Use The New Sentencing Guidelines Amendment To Help Your Client Get Out of Prison
General Credits: 1.25
The United States Congress passed what many believe was one of the greatest criminal justice reform acts in recent years: The First Step Act. The First Step Act, since its passage has resulted in a number of changes to federal criminal law that may offer your client the opportunity for significant...
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Winning Motions to Suppress: Cross Examination of Police for Warrantless Vehicle Searches
General Credits: 1
This CLE course will focus on practical methods of cross-examination of police officer witnesses where a traffic stop resulted in a warrantless vehicle search. The course will cover conducting a thorough client interview/intake form. Additionally, the course will go over common mistakes attorneys m...
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The Rise of The Machines: A Lawyer's Guide to Avoiding Legal Extinction
General Credits: 1
This CLE course will introduce attorneys, across the board, to the transformative effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the legal industry. It begins with a clear-cut breakdown of AI and Machine Learning (ML), and their practical applications in law. Then, with focus on how to harness the...
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Campus Civil Rights: The Tension Between The First Amendment and Hostile Environment Proscriptions
General Credits: 1
Free expression or the exchange of ideas has been a hallmark of American education. Yet, whether protection of free expression is obligated by the Constitution is a more complicated question and the answer may vary from public to private institution or programs within each institution. But eve...
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Ethical Issues in Pro Bono Representation
Attorney Conduct Credits: 1.5
This CLE examines the ethical issues that arise when attorneys are performing legal services on a pro bono basis. Using the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, it identifies particular rules that would apply in common pro bono scenarios, and discusses how attorneys can spot potential issues a...
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Telling Them What They Don’t Want to Hear: Maintaining Your Ethics and Your Client Relationships
Attorney Conduct Credits: 1.25
This CLE course covers the interplay of (1) ethical issues and (2) relationship issues in talking with clients about things they don’t necessarily want to hear. These things include talking with them about (a) when things don’t go the way you’ve planned; (b) when you’ve made a mistake; (c) when the...
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Prosecutors and Restitution: Navigating Ethical Challenges
Attorney Conduct Credits: 1
In many criminal cases, crime victims are desperately injured and dramatically inconvenienced in a long, confusing, and challenging legal process. The road to recovery physically, legally, emotionally, and personally can be hard. In those exact same cases, criminal defendants face their own serie...
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Navigating The World of Sexual Abuse Allegations
General Credits: 2
A detailed look at the issues, challenges, and pitfalls facing practitioners defending sex abuse allegations on their client's behalf. From ACS child services and other similar administrative agencies through civil and criminal matters in our courthouses and beyond, the discussion will cover ma...
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Evidentiary Issues in the Murdaugh Case
General Credits: 1.5
This CLE course will review the evidentiary issues in the Alex Murdaugh case. In this case, a South Carolina jury convicted Murdaugh of murdering his wife and son. The prosecution had alleged that the defendant killed his family members for two reasons, primarily. First, the People claimed th...
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Utilizing Body Cam Footage in a DUI Case
General Credits: 1
In the last several years, body worn cameras have become all but universally employed by law enforcement across the country. This has had a dramatic impact on DUI prosecutions. For extreme cases (patent impairment and/or no impairment cases) body worn cameras can help resolve cases early on....
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No Mercy: Presenting a Successful Justification Defense
General Credits: 1
This innovative CLE takes you through the concepts and practice of presenting the defense of self-defense, or justification, at trial. Whether you are advanced practitioner looking to hone your skills, or just trying to learn basics, this lecture will cover all the steps involved in a successful ju...
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Criminal Procedure: The 4th, 5th and 6th Amendments
General Credits: 2
This CLE lecture will cover issues such as what is a search and what is a seizure under the fourth amendment; search warrants, their issuance as well as their execution; exceptions to the search warrant requirement; stop and frisk; the exclusionary rule and exceptions to it; Miranda and the 5th ame...
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