Oregon New Licensee Bundle - Oregon CLE

New Oregon admittees are required to earn 15 specialized CLE credits. This bundle includes 5 hours of “Practical Skills”, 1 hour of “Ethics” and 1 hour of mental health/substance use. Choose this bundle today!

MCLE Courses Available on DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App!

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Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures
Save $196
Only $179
Save $196
Courses priced individually at $375
  • 1.5 Ethics
  • 1 Mental Health/Abuse

Oregon New Licensee Bundle Includes:

  • $50

    You Can Handle the Truth! An Introduction to the Military Justice System for Civilian Practitioners

    General Credits: 1

    Have you always been intrigued by the concepts of military justice? This innovative CLE will provide an overview of the military justice system, geared toward civilian practitioners who are curious about how things work in military courts or want to expand their practice areas into military defens...

  • $75

    The Ten Worst Ethics Nightmares You Can Have

    Ethics Credits: 1.5

    This program will be a rapid analysis of the 10 disastrous errors you can make in the world of Legal Ethics that will give you nightmares or even derail your career. These groups of errors are not totally inclusive of the challenges that face a modern practitioner but anyone who is actively eng...

  • $50

    Corporate Transparency Act: Critical Terms and Concepts

    General Credits: 1

    The Corporate Transparency Act went into effect January 1, 2024, under which the beneficial owners of almost every entity will need to be reported to FinCEN unless a specific statutory exception applies. Existing entities will have one year to comply, while newly formed entities will have only 90...

  • $100

    Wiretaps 101: Defending Your Client in Wiretap Cases

    General Credits: 2

    This CLE course provides an introduction to wiretaps and offers essential knowledge for defending clients in cases involving wiretap evidence. Participants will explore the history of wiretaps and the development of modern caselaw to gain a better understanding of how to challenge wiretap eviden...

  • $50

    The Nuts and Bolts of Guardianships

    General Credits: 1

    This CLE course will focus on basics of what a guardianship proceeding is, sometimes called a conservatorship in some states, and how it differs from advanced directives such as health care proxies and powers of attorney. We will discuss when such a court proceeding is and what courts look for in...

  • $50

    Virtual Isolation: Is Hyperconnectivity Helping or Harming the Legal Professional?

    Mental Health/Abuse Credits: 1

    If we stop to think about what we look at most during the day, the answer would probably not be our family or friends, nor our clients or colleagues. The most feasible option would be our mobile phone. Smartphones are now our companions for work, social, leisure and even family life. However, exces...

Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures

CLE Your Way, Anywhere!
DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App included at no extra charge!

Course Media Options
Only $179
Save $196
Courses priced individually at $375

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