Pennsylvania CLE - On-Demand Courses
This is a listing of CLE Courses for Pennsylvania. Please make your selection below of Pennsylvania CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
CLE Courses Available on DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App and Live Webinars!

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On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
How Leadership Can Create Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession
The increased focus on workplace discrimination, bias and harassment has raised awareness and management of these issues tremendously. But what happens when the behavior stays just above the threshold of legal acceptability? This CLE course will review all the ways, big and small, that prejudicial attitudes or implicit bias may adversely impact the legal profession, particularly for vulnerable employees. The course will explore the legal, sociological, psychological and organizational aspects... More Info
$751.5Ethics Credits -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Recent Developments in Legal Funding
Legal Funding is now one of the hottest topics when it comes to client, attorney and case financing. It seems like every state in the country is legislating and preparing guidelines to address this controversial form of lending. In this CLE lecture, Jeffrey Rubin, Esq. address the origins of legal funding and how various states are addressing the often boilerplate contracts, high interest and ethical conflicts. The lecture emphasizes New York State, Maine, Ohio and Minnesota but also delves i... More Info
$501General Credit -
On-DemandCDs, DVDs, USB Stick
Ethics and Social Responsibility in the Fashion Industry
The fashion industry has come under scrutiny in recent times on the subject of corporate social responsibility. Global retailers strive to ensure their global corporate standards for labor, safety, sustainability and quality are uniformly adhered to throughout their supply chain. The difficulty of achieving this goal is frayed with hurdles as global brands struggle to operate across different national governance, cultural differences and language variations. Our distinguished panel w... More Info
$751.5Ethics Credits -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
The Emerging Environmental Crisis
This CLE course addresses an interesting new area of environmental law: emerging contaminants in our drinking water. The course will primarily discuss the federal environmental statute that seeks to protect our drinking water supplies, the Safe Drinking Water Act. While there are many contaminants that are regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act, there are new contaminants, called “emerging contaminants” that remain unregulated and are impacting the safety and quality of drinking water sup... More Info
$1002General Credits -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Federal Criminal Practice 101
The potential for long-term incarceration and stiff penalties make federal criminal trials a high stakes game. A well-thought out strategy and extensive preparation are needed to successfully navigate the federal criminal process, and that can only be achieved by practice and experience. This CLE program, presented by Alex Spiro and Kayla Feld of Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP, will help new attorneys learn to navigate the process and parts of a federal criminal trial as well as pro... More Info
$501General Credit -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Business Alternative Dispute Resolution
Business Arbitration and Business Mediation have a number of advantages relative to litigating commercial cases in court. There also are some disadvantages. Unless you’re intimately familiar with the Alternative Dispute Resolution processes, how will you know how best to represent your client? The speaker is an experienced business dispute resolution lawyer, commercial arbitrator and mediator, trainer of new and experienced neutrals, ADR law consultant, author, and speaker who will review the... More Info
$751.5General Credits -
On-DemandCDs, DVDs, USB Stick
Arts & Crafts in Litigation
Hear from the experts what you need to know about creating, filing and presenting your litigation product. Topics include: Sanctions judges have imposed for poorly formatted, constructed, compiled, or bound submissions Reasons to convert-to-PDF, rather than print-to-PDF, better than scan-to-PDF Hidden properties in word documents that transfer over to the ECF/NYSCEF filed PDF documents, including author and file name (so don't name it in word "document stupid judge made me file" -... More Info
$751.5General Credits -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Advertising Law in Russia
Advertising has become a global endeavor, marketing to consumers far beyond national borders via the web and social media. As a result, companies need to be well-versed in rules governing global advertising. This CLE course will provide a comprehensive review of these rules and regulations. Co-sponsored by the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance, the course will specifically address advertising and marketing to consumers in Russia. More Info
$501General Credit -
On-DemandCDs, DVDs, USB Stick
Should Online Legal Referral Services be Regulated?
In many ways we are becoming more and more dependent on our digital devices for both business and personal endeavors, Yet in other ways the business environment has not really changed - businesses are still trying to reach as broad a potential market as possible and counterbalancing potential regulatory and consumer protection issues are still being raised by their products. In the legal arena, on-line attorney referral services have become an attractive way for attorneys to generate n... More Info
$1753.5Total Credits2.5 Ethics -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Diversity & Inclusion: The #MeToo Movement’s Impact on the Legal Profession
In the era of #MeToo and #TimesUp, all individuals, organizations and professions need to evaluate their understanding of and policies towards issues of gender discrimination and gender diversity. The legal profession is no exception. This timely CLE course will review issues of sexual harassment, pay equity and diversity in law firms. Practical tips and strategies for increasing diversity and avoiding inappropriate sexual conduct in the workplace whether by individuals or by company culture w... More Info
$501Ethics Credit