Pennsylvania CLE - On-Demand Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for Pennsylvania. Please make your selection below of Pennsylvania CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

CLE Courses Available on DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App and Live Webinars!

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  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Proving a Federal Social Security Disability Claim

    Submitting a federal social security disability claim can be an overwhelming catastrophe of paperwork and bureaucracy for the uninformed. Take this CLE course to understand how the process works and how to navigate it successfully. The course will review the protocol for submitting federal social security disability claims, how to present burden of proof, the submission of evidence, the importance of work history and specific strategies for success. A review of relevant case history wi... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    What to Reasonably Expect in the Coming Years from the Reasonable Expectations of the Insured Doctrine

    The reasonable expectations of the insured doctrine is one of the most controversial legal theories of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries and has been a frequent topic among commentators, receiving both high praise and scathing criticism. Despite the continued analysis, the REI doctrine continues to evade a universal understanding or clear definition. A few recent cases have completely rejected the REI doctrine, casting doubt on the doctrine’s continued existence. Listen as Arthur J.... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    The Cross-Examination of a Hostile Witness

    Witness testimony is perhaps one of the most unpredictable elements in any trial. The testimony from a hostile witness can be both unpredictable and risky, making the cross examination of a “cooperating” witness a treacherous, challenging adventure for even the most skilled practitioner. This CLE course will offer guidelines to master the art of an effective cross-examination of even the most hostile of witnesses, tools for structuring and conducting a cross-examination and various strategies... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Handling the DWI Case in New York: DMV Regulations

    On September 25, 2012, the Department of Motor Vehicles published new regulations that dramatically increased the penalties for people convicted of Driving While Intoxicated. They did this by creating “waiting periods” for people applying for relicensure who had served their statutory revocation. Essentially, some motorists will be required to wait an additional 5 years beyond the revocation mandated by statute, depending on how many convictions they have in the previous 25 years. Other moto... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Handling The DWI Case In New York: To Refuse Or Not To Refuse

    To refuse or not to refuse, that is the question. That is and has been an essential issue for those of us who handle DWI cases. As a result of new regulations and shifting legislation, the answer has become more elusive and the consequences of error far more dramatic. The general rule is that there are no general rules and the decision to refuse, or not to refuse is very much case specific. This CLE program will discuss the factors and situations that you must consider in answering this ques... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Handling The DWI Case: Standardized Field Sobriety Tests

    The standardized field sobriety tests are, for most police agencies, the primary means by which they establish probable cause for the arrest of your client; and as evidence of your client's intoxication. These tests, however, can be turned into a two-edged sword and used to your benefit. This CLE course deals with the cross-examination of the officer in regard to these tests. It details approaches that can be used to negate the inference of intoxication and to demonstrate your client's compreh... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Strategies for Drafting Concrete Indemnification Provisions

    In theory, anyone can write a contract. But for an agreement to be worth anything more than the paper it’s written on, it must be clear and enforceable and significantly reduce a party’s risk. This CLE course will explain these general guidelines and also offer strategies for drafting such agreements including the importance of due diligence, and an understanding of representations and warranties. The course will also explain the purpose of indemnification agreements, its benefits and... More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App

    Understanding COBRA Medical Care: A Legal Guide

    Even before ObamaCare, there was COBRA, which requires employers to offer employees continuation of their group health care coverage in the event their employment is terminated or their hours have been reduced. Learn everything there is to know about COBRA, its benefits, requirements, eligibility, restrictions, and provisions in this exciting CLE course. More Info

    1General Credit
  • On-Demand
    CDs, DVDs, USB Stick

    Federal Criminal Practice Institute

    Join judges from the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, Eastern and Southern Districts of New York, Clerks and Chief Executives of the Courts, seasoned federal criminal practitioners and academics at this program specifically designed for state criminal practitioners seeking to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to establish and develop a federal criminal practice. This program will also serve as a good refresher for federal criminal practitioners interested in hearing about the latest i... More Info

    13Total Credits
    3 Ethics
  • On-Demand
    CDs, DVDs, USB Stick

    Overview of Business Bankruptcy Law: Chapter 11

    Gain an understanding of the type of bankruptcy that most businesses and corporations file from a panel of experts. Topics include: Introduction to Chapter 11, Business Bankruptcy: Origins and Pre-Filing Committees Initial Debtor Interview Formation Meeting Leases and Case Administration Surviving a Motion to Dismiss Exit Strategy The Chapter 11 Plan Disclosure Statements More Info

    2.5General Credits

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