Pennsylvania CLE - On-Demand Courses
This is a listing of CLE Courses for Pennsylvania. Please make your selection below of Pennsylvania CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
CLE Courses Available on DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App and Live Webinars!

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On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Foreign Investment in U.S. Residential Property: Tax Pitfalls and Structuring Solutions
The United States has become a haven for foreigners who wish to invest their assets in real estate. However, while many invest in US real estate, very few are aware of the draconian tax consequences that can result without advance planning. Eli Akhavan will discuss the tax pitfalls that can result from owning real estate in the United States and will discuss different planning structures that can be used to avoid adverse tax consequences. Additionally, Eli will discuss reporting requirements s... More Info
$501General Credit -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Land Use and Zoning
This CLE course provides an introduction to the zoning and land use regulations that govern real estate development in New York City. It provides a summary of basic due diligence to consider when acquiring a property, an understanding of the various agencies and stakeholders who control discretionary land use relief, and an introduction to land use mechanisms that can add value to both existing properties and new developments. More Info
$751.5General Credits -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Sports Marketing & Media's Top Legal Issues: Analyzing the Past and Preparing for the Future
Sports are a powerful part of many marketing and media planning arsenals. Yet recent cases show that even the most experienced marketers and properties can fall into legal traps when marketing around sports events. Misunderstanding governing body rules, local practices, and evolving intellectual property law can crater deals, strain relationships and lead to expensive disputes. With so much at stake, brands, agencies, properties, and athletes need to know when they are exposing themselves to t... More Info
$501General Credit -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
The Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act: Procedural Changes to Statewide NY Landlord-Tenant Law
In the first of three lectures on New York’s Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act (HSTPA), renowned commentator and lecturer Dov Treiman examined the changes made to the substantive law of landlord-tenant relations, effective throughout New York State, applicable to both residential and commercial tenancies. This second lecture deals with HSTPA’s procedural changes. The third lecture deals with HSTPA’s changes to rent regulation and just what it means that under HSTPA, rent reg... More Info
$501General Credit -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
The Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act: Regulatory Changes to Statewide NY Landlord-Tenant Law
In the first of three lectures on New York’s Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act (HSTPA), renowned commentator and lecturer Dov Treiman examined the changes made to the substantive law of landlord-tenant relations, effective throughout New York State, applicable to both residential and commercial tenancies. The second lecture dealt with HSTPA’s procedural changes. This third lecture deals with HSTPA’s changes to rent regulation and just what it means that under HSTPA, rent reg... More Info
$501General Credit -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
The Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act: Substantive Changes to Statewide NY Landlord-Tenant Law
In this first of three lectures on New York’s Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act (HSTPA), renowned commentator and lecturer Dov Treiman examines the changes made to the substantive law of landlord-tenant relations, effective throughout New York State, applicable to both residential and commercial tenancies. Mr. Treiman carefully distinguishes between those laws that are commercial in application and those that are residential in application, as well as those laws that are applicable o... More Info
$501General Credit -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Crimmigration: Where Criminal Law Collides with Immigration Law
Crimmigration is a term that gets thrown around frequently in the legal field and revolves around the intersection of Criminal law and Immigration law. This CLE course is designed to educate the non-specialist lawyer on the basics of this subset of law. Whether you’re an Estates lawyer and your out of country business client has reached out to you because his son got a DUI. Now the client is worried that it will affect the sons student visa and wants reassurance. You will als... More Info
$751.5General Credits -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Family Meetings and Legacy Planning
Family Meetings: They are not what you might think they are! For a family to get started, your role may be critical! The key to a family's success is family education and trust-building through an organized and prioritized family meeting process. Family education is life-long-learning together! Families must have family meetings, build trust, choose interdependence, and practice group decision making. Many traditional estate plans increase the likelihood of wealth and family erosion. What can... More Info
$501General Credit -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Planning for Business Exits from C Corporations: Intra-Family Business Transactions and Other Developments
Lower C corporation income tax rates have increased attention to the Code Sec. 1202 exclusion for gain on the sale of stock. Learn how the Code Sec. 1202 exclusion works, how it applies when a business changes from another entity to a C corporation, how it affects a C corporation’s business structure, and how it compares to other business exit strategies. Also, learn how to move from corporate status to a partnership once the tax benefits of being a C corporation has run its course. Rev... More Info
$501General Credit -
On-DemandCD/DVD/USB, Online, iOS/Android App
Basics of New Jersey Real Estate Closing Procedures
You are a newly admitted New Jersey attorney. You have never handled a residential real estate closing before. A potential client is referred to you seeking representation in the purchase of a new home, and the sale of a current home. This CLE course will cover the basics of handling a residential real estate closing whether you are representing a Buyer or Seller. More Info
$501General Credit