Immigration Law Bundle - Pennsylvania CLE

We have selected our most popular lectures and bundled them together into our Immigration Law Bundle. This Bundle contains 6 Credit Hours of CLE Lectures - Including 2 Credit Hour of Ethics.

CLE Courses Available on DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App and Live Webinars!

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Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures
Save $101
Only $199
Save $101
Courses priced individually at $300
  • Includes 3 Ethics

Immigration Law Bundle Includes:

  • $50

    Visas and "Green Card" Options for Research Scientists

    General Credits: 1

    Several visa and "green card" (permanent residence) categories are available to Research Scientists. Selecting which works best for your client depends on multiple factors, including whether the individual is sponsored for the visa/green card, their level of success, and whether they are able to pr...

  • $50

    The Foundations of Asylum Law

    General Credits: 1

    This CLE course is designed for attorneys who are new to immigration, and specifically the practice of asylum law. The course will cover the basic requirements of asylum law and what is required for a respondent in EOIR court or an applicant in with USCIS including the basis of asylum law in the Im...

  • $50

    Ethical Considerations Regarding Hourly Billing and More

    Ethics Credits: 1

    This CLE program offers a comprehensive overview of essential billing practices for attorneys. The course is designed to equip participants with a thorough understanding of fundamental billing procedures, the governing rules and regulations related to billing in the legal field, and practical time-...

  • $50

    Federal & State Ethics Rules For Immigration Lawyers & Other Multijurisdictional Practices Areas

    Ethics Credits: 1

    In federal practice areas like immigration, determining which rules apply can be complicated. The tribunal might have its own rules, and the practice itself is multijurisdictional in nature. This program will help lawyers determine which rules apply and also compare and contrast the federal and s...

  • $50

    Cybersecurity, Data Protection and AI Ethics: Identifying and Avoiding Common Pitfalls

    Ethics Credits: 1

    This CLE course explores the current cybersecurity risk landscape in the context of the ABA Model Rules on maintaining competency. It examines how technology affects the security and privacy of client communications, information management, billing, and the supervision of law firm personnel. The co...

  • $50

    Immigration 101: Overview of U.S. Immigration Law

    General Credits: 1

    This CLE program offers an essential overview of U.S. immigration law, providing participants with a solid foundation to understand this dynamic legal field. The course will cover key aspects of immigration law, starting with nonimmigrant (temporary) visas, including their various categories, eligi...

Credit Hours
of CLE Lectures

CLE Your Way, Anywhere!
DVDs, Audio CDs, USB Stick, Online & iOS/Android App included at no extra charge!

Course Media Options
Only $199
Save $101
Courses priced individually at $300

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