Puerto Rico CLE - All Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Nuts and Bolts of Florida Contracting Licensure

    Yes, you need to be licensed to perform construction contracting in Florida. What does this entail? Who needs to be licensed? What happens if you are not licensed? This CLE course will explain the contractor licensing process in Florida as well as explain who requires licensing, who does not and the consequences for contracting without a license. More Info

    1General Credit
  • What Attorneys Need to Know About Miller Act Payment Bond Claims

    If you are a prime contractor, subcontractor, or supplier on a federal construction project, you NEED to understand the Miller Act and know what your rights are. This includes preserving your rights to payment against the Miller Act payment bond and defending, in the case of the prime contractor, any claim that may be asserted against the bond. This CLE course will explain how the Miller Act preserves your rights to payment under its bond and how to defend that right, particularly agai... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Cyber Risk Management: Legal Data Breach Live

    Intended to allow attendees to actually experience a series of cyber security incidents, this CLE program will re-enact a data breach with direct interaction with the perpetrator. The course will explain how to perform a comprehensive risk assessment, identify causes and evaluate costs of a data breach and explain applicable State and Federal Regulations. The course will review the role of cyber insurance, education, and response planning as well as navigating a real-live cyber breach. To... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • The Inter-Firm Privilege and the Disciplinary Process: How to Protect Your Communications and Not Get Disciplined

    It’s been a season of firsts for New York lawyers. In recent months a New York appellate court issued a landmark decision recognizing, for the first time, that certain communications between lawyers in a law firm may be protected by the attorney-client privilege (known as the inter-firm privilege). Additionally, the New York Court System adopted uniform rules for imposing attorney discipline, which is expected to bring some much-needed consistency to a process that has been known to change d... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Intellectual Property Considerations in Business Transactions

    This CLE Course focuses on the myriad ways intellectual property issues arise in business transactions. The course addresses key IP clauses in M&A agreements (including royalties, ownership, restrictive covenants, and employee issues) and licensing matters (including scope, quality control, assignment, and termination), touching on trademarks, patents, copyrights, and trade secrets. This course also explores the impact of recent legislative developments and case law in the intellectual propert... More Info

    1General Credit
  • What to Say When You Receive a “Help Me!” Call: What Every Attorney Needs to Know About Defending Criminal Matters

    Even if your practice never leads you to the courtroom, every attorney is bound to receive a middle-of the-night “help me!” call from a relative, friend, or acquaintance saying “I’ve been arrested! What should I do?” This CLE Course will arm you with the answers to that question. Join William McDonald, chair of the Criminal Defense department at Campolo, Middleton & McCormick in Long Island, New York, for a primer on how to advise clients about arrests, breathalyzers, and search warrants in t... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Domestic and International Cross Border Practice of Law

    This CLE is designed to alert attorneys on the issues and possible pitfalls related to practicing law in jurisdictions (US or foreign) in which he or she is not licensed. It is designed to alert them as to what to consider before undertaking such representation in a variety of circumstances, some of which will occur from time to time in any practice and some of which involve more out of the ordinary circumstances. The CLE goes through a number of scenarios in which cross border issues arise an... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • Everything Is a Negotiation: Strategies and Ethical Considerations for Attorneys

    All too often, traditional negotiation strategies result in blown up deals, protracted litigation, and destroyed relationships. Since we all negotiate every day, the stakes are far too high to rely on tired tactics that don’t work. Some people believe that effective negotiators are born, not made, but this presentation will prove them wrong. Join Joe Campolo, a law firm managing partner and business owner, as he shares the alternative negotiation strategies he relies on to solve problems and g... More Info

    1.75Total Credits
    0.5 Ethics
  • Finding, Keeping and Preventing Problems with Clients is as Easy as A,B,C

    This unique CLE program by New York Tort lawyer and radio host Kenneth Landau will offer attorneys in all areas of practice over 100 Tips on Finding, Keeping and Avoiding problems with clients. You will learn how to educate clients about how you can be of help to them in resolving or preventing their legal problems. Best strategies for encouraging consultations, giving seminars and billing will also be covered. You will also learn the ten reasons why clients hate lawyers and how to... More Info

    1.6Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • Bankruptcy Law for Family Attorneys

    This CLE course is designed to explain bankruptcy, the process and issues for the Family Law Practitioner. It is an essential beginner course for anyone who wants to learn about bankruptcy law and in particular how it relates to Family cases. The course includes a description of the various chapters, how to file a bankruptcy, the issues and a detailed account of bankruptcy petition and how it affects a divorce case. The course also provides strategies to use Bankruptcy law to benefit their cl... More Info

    2General Credits

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