Puerto Rico CLE - All Courses
This is a listing of CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
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Introduction to Franchising Law
This CLE course is designed as a basic course for counsel with limited knowledge of franchise law and will introduce the basic legal considerations in franchising, whether you are representing a franchisor or a franchisee. The course will discuss the legal definition of a franchise, review the federal and state laws governing the franchise relationship, where to find information regarding franchise brands, the dangers of becoming an accidental franchise, and introduce some legal consi... More Info
$751.5General Credits -
Truck Accident Litigation In a Nutshell
This CLE program will provide an overview into important aspects and issues involved in the practice area known as truck accident litigation. These would include: The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, statutory employment, liabilities and defenses in accident cases involving driver and trucking company conduct, loading and unloading, underride collisions, intermodal transportation, negligent hiring, forklift operations, truck driver fatigue, FAAAA preemption, logb... More Info
$1002General Credits -
Navigating the Uncharted Legal Terrain of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that studies the development and implementation of algorithms and software that allow machines to think and act like humans. AI has many different forms, the most popular of which are machine learning like ChatGPT, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics. In general, AI is a rapidly advancing field with a variety of applications. It is used to automate tasks, improve efficiency, and create new opportunities... More Info
$501.2General Credits -
Business Law Strategy & Contract Drafting: Considerations for Maximizing, Monetizing & Preserving Client's Patent Rights
This CLE course will provide information that every business law attorney should know about patent law. During this course, you will learn about why NDA’s are so important, the most important parts of a patent application, things to consider when drafting employment agreements, and also, methods for dealing with patent infringement cost-effectively on e-commerce platforms, including Amazon Seller Amazon Patent Evaluation Express (APEX) Program. More Info
$501General Credit -
Holding The Marijuana Industry Legally Accountable
Today’s marijuana is high in potency and can reach 99% pure delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The THC in marijuana causes the “high,” and leads to addiction, mental illness, violence, crime, traffic deaths, and many health and social problems. Voters were not adequately informed when marijuana legalization was put on ballots. Marijuana use causes a variety of harms not anticipated by the voters. The marijuana industry victimizes people and causes massive damage as did the tobacco and... More Info
$1002General Credits -
Understanding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: How the Law Created Inequity
The phrase “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion” words often heard and even debated - encapsulates efforts to equalize opportunity. Understanding the need or purpose for DEI efforts requires an appreciation for how the law itself embedded inequity. This CLE course will cover the myriad of laws and judicial pronouncements that have embedded inequity in our culture and economy. From the constitution to seminal cases - some taught at a superficial level at grade school and others not taught at a... More Info
$501Ethics Credit -
Is There Any Evidence For This Evidence: What Experienced Trial Lawyers Must Know About The Evidence Code
This CLE program provides practical application of the Evidence Code under Federal Rules of Evidence (with reference to some state codes), including sections on Scope (when rules apply, preliminary questions, limitations on admissibility, etc.). Judicial Notice (when courts can assume the truth of commonly known things); Presumptions (regarding burdens, inferences and presumptions);Relevance (what kinds of evidence is deemed relevant and admissible or when such relevant evidence may no... More Info
$751.5General Credits -
Rudiments of Social Security Disability Practice
This CLE program will review the sequential steps established by the Agency for proving both adult and childhood disability. Each step will be explained per the Agency expectations, with additional comments derived from having presided over adjudications regarding the subject for 25 years. This will include practice tips and practical advice. More Info
$501.1General Credits -
Following the Money: A Primer on Fraudulent Transfer Litigation for the Uninitiated
Collecting debts can become extremely difficult and complicated if the debtor decides to play dirty. Debtors facing large lawsuits may try to make themselves judgment-proof by giving away assets to friends, family and other insiders, leaving little or nothing for the creditor to take. This CLE course examines how to combat and unwind such “fraudulent transfers” under the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act (“UFTA”). Additionally, this course will cover the nuts and bolts of avoidance... More Info
$501General Credit -
Depositions in Motor Vehicle Crashes
In this CLE course, you will learn how to conduct depositions across the country and leverage the defendant as a free expert witness to secure victory in your motor vehicle crash case. You will also discover how to establish the defendant's negligence using the "Holy Trinity" of motor vehicle crashes, and gain access to readily available legal precedents to support your claims in Motor Vehicle crash litigation. This course is taught by an accomplished attorney who has a track record of... More Info
$501.2General Credits