Puerto Rico CLE - All Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • The Patent Process for the Curious: What Lawyers Need to Know

    As trusted advisors, lawyers are often asked many questions about legal matters outside their area of practice. One area of law that most lawyers do not have any experience with is patent law, and in particular, the patent prosecution process. Patent prosecution requires a special license which in turn requires passing its own exam and an undergraduate degree in a science or engineering. Because it is such a specialized area of practice, with about only 40,000 active practitioners in the US... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Ethical Considerations for Counseling IRC Section 1031 Exchanges

    This CLE course will highlight the Rules of Professional Conduct as they may intersect with 1031 Exchanges. The presentation will include: competency, scope of representation, conflict of interest issues and selection considerations of the Qualified Intermediary. Throughout the presentation, case-studies will be discussed. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • International Joint Ventures: Problems, Solutions and Approaches

    This CLE course provides an overview of the legal aspects of cross-border joint ventures (JVs). It covers the basic “nuts-and-bolts” of JVs, such as purpose, capital contributions, governance and management, veto rights and minority protections, profit distributions, transfer restrictions, exit strategies and dispute resolution, but aims to do so specifically in the cross-border or international context. That means also addressing cultural and foreign law issues, repatriation of profit... More Info

    1.6General Credits
  • Discovery in a Tractor Trailer Case

    What do you do when a major truck crash case calls your office? This CLE will walk you through the critical steps that must be taken immediately to ensure a successful recovery in the truck crash litigation. Along the way, the CLE will address court orders seeking the restriction of movement of exigent evidence, as well as templates for the preservation of vital documents, and how to use Freedom of Information Act requests to your advantage. More Info

    1General Credit
  • NFL Contract Advisors: So You Want to Be An Agent

    A big part of sports law is getting agents ready for the obligations of managing high-profile clients. And that’s where lawyers come in. NFL Contract Advisors covers NFLPA certification requirements, agent eligibility, standards of conduct and prohibited actions; key points of agent-player contracts and player-team contracts, and the NFL’s personal conduct policy. And most importantly, we’ll look at some recent episodes of “bad client behavior” in the NFL (aka – The 3 AM Phone Call). S... More Info

    1.7General Credits
  • I Want the Truth! How to Use Impeachment Effectively In Court

    This CLE course will provide an overview of how to do effective impeachment of a witness under the Federal Rules of Evidence. This course will provide an analysis of the relevant rules of evidence, the major methods of impeachment, and how do conduct an effective impeachment of a witness. This course will also provide real world examples of impeachment during a trial. More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Meteorology and the Law: Hazardous Weather Preparedness and Litigation

    Failure to prepare in advance for weather events, either as a result of misinformation or lack of knowledge about how to do so, is the cause of many weather-related lawsuits. Proper preparation in advance of both minor and major weather hazards can protect lives and property and create a more resilient community in the face of a changing climate. This course will present a survey of the field of forensic meteorology, including a discussion of the types of cases on which meteorologist... More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • Man Your Battle Stations: Construction Claims & Successful Resolution

    You may have known this moment was coming. There were plenty of indications along the way as the work proceeded. You may have instructed your client to keep the right kind of records and compose the right kind of letters as the work proceeded, and hoped your instructions were followed. Or, you may have been introduced late to the project and now are faced with the familiar “it is what it is” when it comes to how your client has handled the situation and the available documentation. E... More Info

    2.7General Credits
  • Counsel’s Role in Adopting, Implementing & Enforcing a Code of Ethics

    What exactly is a code of ethics? Are they policies? By-laws? Suggestions? Are they enforceable? To whom do they apply? Regardless of what type of organization you belong to, most today have some form of ethical code they adopt and claim to abide by, especially given that they are represented by a small cadre of individuals under the scrutiny of both stakeholders and the larger population. This CLE course will explain the role of attorneys in the creation, adoption and implementation of... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • E-Discovery Primer for the Luddite and Anti-Technology Practitioner

    This CLE course will cover E-Discovery basics and process. The program will focus on the Federal Rules which impact E-Discovery, data preservation and the litigation/legal hold, a review of the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) and early case assessment, document gathering and review, including forensics, document collection, processing, predictive coding, review, and analysis. The topics of social media and attorney due diligence will also be discussed. There will be an ove... More Info

    1.5General Credits

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