Puerto Rico CLE - All Courses
This is a listing of CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
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Litigation Support Services Performed by Forensic Accountants
Lawyers, judges, and juries often struggle with complex accounting, valuation, and business issues. Therefore, forensic accountants can provide valuable services to litigants and their attorneys. These services can range from interpretive analysis, to investigations, to damages analysis and more. In this course, attendees will learn various types of litigation support services, learn the impact of a forensic accountant on all stages of a litigation, and listen to a case study with r... More Info
$501General Credit -
Gambling: The "Secret" Addiction
Recent studies have shown that there has been a dramatic increase in impairment due to alcoholism, drug addiction and mental health disorders among members of the legal profession. The statistics are compelling and clearly indicate that 1 out of 3 attorneys will likely have a need for substance use or mental health services at some point in their careers. What about that “other” addiction – Gambling ? The United States Supreme Court, in Murphy vs. NCAA, held that sports gamblin... More Info
$501.1General Credits -
Words Matter: America’s Reckoning With Race Through the United States Supreme Court
America has a long history with race. This seminar will evaluate that history through the words of the United States Supreme Court with the goal of determining how America came to this moment of racial reckoning. Further, this seminar will evaluate racial buzz phrases and how to best move toward racial reconciliation. More Info
$501.3General Credits -
Starting Your Own Firm & Scaling It
If you are interested in starting your own firm but do not know what it entails or where to begin, this lecture will provide you with essential advice and tips. Attorney Matthew Rappaport will walk you through the entire process from launching your own firm (including how to leave your old firm) and traps to avoid when you launch your new firm. This CLE presentation will guide you on how to approach dealing with your first clients and how to scale your business efficiently and effect... More Info
$501.2General Credits -
Anatomy of a Dental Malpractice Action
The focus of this course is dental malpractice civil lawsuits. We will look at recent malpractice trends such as frequency, awards and types of claims against dentists. Topics will include the standard of care, informed consent and informed refusal. We’ll explore reasons why patients sue their dentists. Tort reform will be surveyed, particularly limits on non-economic and special damages. Because dental malpractice actions typically do not have a high monetary value, the course wi... More Info
$751.8General Credits -
Federal Court A-Z: Everything You Wanted to Know About Federal Court
This CLE course will introduce the inexperienced lawyer to the ins and outs of federal court litigation and provide the experienced litigator with a timely refresher. We will deal with each of the central topics in litigating a case in federal court, paying particular attention where necessary and providing helpful tips and tricks along the way. This course will examine all facets of litigating a case in federal court, from first filing to final verdict. We invite you to join us on t... More Info
$751.5General Credits -
COVID-19 Fraud and Recent Trends in False Claims Act Litigation
A whistleblower or qui tam action can provide financial rewards to individuals who have information that a healthcare company/individual has committed fraud waste or abuse against the government. The primary statutes under which this relief may be sought are the federal and state False Claims Acts (“FCAs”). In addition to the FCAs, in California there is a statute which allows relief to be sought when the same fraud, waste and abuse, is committed against Californian private insurance c... More Info
$501General Credit -
No One Makes It Out Unscathed: The Effects of Trauma, Stress and Burnout On Our Lives
Attorneys hopefully recognize that like many other professionals, their lives are filled to the brim with stress. It’s important to be proactive in dealing with it. The consequences of shrugging it off can be catastrophic - not only for them but for their family, staff and friends. And then there’s trauma. The ramifications of trauma aren’t discussed as frequently as those of stress and thus, for many attorneys, trauma is a topic in need of attention. Trauma can be secondary or vicario... More Info
$501General Credit -
Navigating New York State No-Fault (PIP) Insurance Coverage: A Claimant Perspective
The increased resistance by the insurance companies in paying claims has added to the complexity of the no-fault laws and regulations. Since the New York State no-fault insurance system began, the original framework has transformed many times and has become difficult for attorneys and medical providers to navigate. This CLE lecture is intended simplify these complexities by addressing landmark no-fault cases, recent fee schedule changes current in effect, filing successful arbitration... More Info
$501General Credit -
The Importance of Security and Integrity Issues within the Virtual ADR Process
Teleconferencing and videoconferencing are hot topics in today's environment. Legal professionals are using this form of communication now more than ever, which heightens the exposure to cybersecurity threats. This program will provide attendees with in-depth look into the use of technology in conducting arbitrations and mediations virtually. Judge DiBlasi will discuss how the process works, security measures for virtual ADR, tips on how to best protect yourself when on-line during thi... More Info
$501General Credit