Puerto Rico CLE - All Courses
This is a listing of CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
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Resolving Real Estate Disputes Through Negotiated Settlements
The CLE program will address the resolution of real estate disputes through negotiated settlements. The road to any negotiated settlement is often tied to pending litigation or the threat of litigation. The focus will be on real estate disputes between: individual owners as tenants in common; two estates that own as tenants in common; between corporate entities where ownership is through a jointly owned LLC; and between disputed claimants to ownership of a property where the owner is deceased.... More Info
$501.3General Credits -
Liabilities Of Individuals For Their Business’s Debts
This CLE program will review the circumstances under which stockholders, or officers, directors, members or partners, of a corporation, LLC or LLP can be held personally liable for debts owed by a business they own or operate, by (1) agreement (guarantee); (2) judicial decision, or (3) statute. The program will include a review of the judicial doctrines of piercing the corporate veil; breach of fiduciary duty upon insolvency; the corporate opportunity doctrine, and the duty of loyalty and fair... More Info
$501General Credit -
What All Lawyers Need to Know about US Banking Law
Bank regulatory issues can crop up in any lawyer’s practice, whether or not the lawyer represents a bank or has a client who is a counterparty to a bank on a transaction. This CLE program will provide an overview to general practitioners of the complexities of the US banking system and its applicable laws and regulations in order to familiarize them with subjects as who the relevant regulators are and what do they do, how banks are formed and what are they permitted to do, and transaction-rel... More Info
$751.8General Credits -
Investing in the Cannabis Industry 101
The Cannabis industry is arguably the fastest growing industry in the United States, if not globally. Opportunities abound both with respect to hemp and marijuana, but it’s critical to understand the landscape and nuances that are unique to the industry when considering investment or transactions in the space. Join Brent Johnson, CEO of Hoban Law Group (a leading global law firm dedicated exclusively to the Cannabis space), as he provides a high-level overview of the Cannabis industry, inves... More Info
$501General Credit -
Mergers & Acquisitions in the Cannabis Industry
The Cannabis industry is arguably the fastest growing industry in the United States, if not globally. Opportunities abound both with respect to hemp and marijuana, but it’s critical to understand the landscape and nuances that are unique to the industry when considering transactions in the space. Join Brent Johnson, CEO of Hoban Law Group (a leading global law firm dedicated exclusively to the Cannabis space), as he provides a high-level overview of the Cannabis industry, conducting mergers... More Info
$501General Credit -
The Unreal New State of New York State Real Estate Law
This CLE course covers recent developments in New York Real Estate Law, including foreclosure defense litigation, actions in commercial and residential tenant proceedings, and recent legislative enactments that affect landlords and tenants. This CLE will also include recent rulings under the new tenant laws passed in January, and recent appellate rulings in foreclosure cases. More Info
$751.5General Credits -
The Intersection of Elder Law and Estate Planning
Elder law is the practice of several different but intersecting areas of law. This CLE course, presented by attorney Aaron Futterman, will offer a comprehensive overview of elder law and estate planning and the legal issues as they relate to matrimony, personal injury, trusts, real estate, social security, taxes, and debtor/credit law. The course will also explain its impact on Medicaid, Medicare, guardianship, and veterans’ benefits. Recent updates, especially related to changes in the tax la... More Info
$501General Credit -
Dying for a Laugh: Lessons Learned from Lawyers in Mental Illness and Substance Abuse
This important CLE program will take a look at famous people suffering from mental illness and substance abuse and how it relates to the Legal Profession. The statistics dealing with lawyers and law students regarding Mental Illness and Substance Abuse are eye-opening. Compared to the normal population, lawyers and law students suffer from these conditions at an alarming rate, and need to be addressed. Mr. Tagtmeier also provides his insights from suffering from depression and alcoholism, an... More Info
$501Ethics Credit -
Land Use and Zoning Boot Camp
Navigating the land use and zoning process can be a challenging task no matter which side of the table you sit on. In this intensive guide to the fundamentals of land use and zoning law, you will walk through the approval and appeal processes, in addition to obtaining practical information on impact fees, affordable housing policies and other pressing land use matters. Take the confusion out of the land use and zoning process! More Info
$1002.1General Credits -
Stranger Than Fiction 2.0: True Crime Legal Issues
The popular demand for true-crime content continues to be a sustained force in the entertainment industry. But as production companies and networks push the boundaries to distinguish themselves from the crowd, clients need advice to ensure that they don’t take on unnecessary risk while chasing the next big hit. Topics include: Tips for negotiating law enforcement access agreements What to know when obtaining materials from law enforcement Managing the risk of defamation and right of... More Info
$501General Credit