Puerto Rico CLE - Alternative Dispute Resolution Courses

This is a listing of Alternative Dispute Resolution CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • A Voyage Through the Terrain of NYS Administrative Hearings

    This CLE course is designed to assist new or unfamiliar attorneys and Administrative Law Judges to understand general aspects of New York State administrative adjudicatory proceedings. The itinerary includes instruction on the initial establishment of the New York State administrative hearing process, administrative law judges vs. other judges, the basic skills needed to conduct hearings, the relevant components of a hearing, the roles and functions of the parties and how to implement... More Info

    2.6General Credits
  • Legal Debt Collection: Best Practices in the Current Environment

    Discover methods that work in the debt collection law practice. Learn where the pitfalls are and how to avoid them. This is a basic course for those who are interested in exploring this field of law. In this CLE we will explore the collection legal practice from beginning to resolution. More Info

    1General Credit
  • The New Infrastructure Bill and Your Need to Understand Design-Build and Engineer-Procure-Construct Projects

    Public entities/agencies will want to get funding to work as quick as possible. They will want to avoid the time constraints and design-liability associated with design-bid-build. As a result, there will be a move to design-build (also sometimes referred to as Engineer/Procure/Construct (EPC) projects) in order for these projects to be started as quickly as possible, and to hopefully mitigate exposure for claims. The problem is that the change in legal dynamics associated with desig... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The Ethics and Art of Settlement at Mediation

    This course will focus on the best way for attorneys to benefit from mediation, including presentation, psychology, strategy and the moves that help to get the best results. The course will examine the mediation process and how ethical behavior can ultimately lead to success. The presenter will share his personal views regarding the relevant American Bar Association Model Rules for Attorney Conduct. Having extensive experience representing, both plaintiffs and defendants, the speaker i... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Issues To Consider When Drafting Construction Contracts

    This CLE course will provide insight as to the Issues that should be considered when drafting Construction Contracts. The topics discussed are as follows: Drafting Construction Contracts, Mechanics Liens, Termination, Delay Damages, Liquidated v actual damages, Change Orders, Material escalation costs, Insurance and Bonds, and Dispute resolution. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Successful Negotiations in Presidential History

    Negotiations are sometimes referred to as "the art of the possible". This course, entitled "Negotiations and the Modern Presidency" will utilize US presidential history as a backdrop for analyzing successful, and failed, negotiations and what we can learn from them. Topics to be explored are: Basic principles of negotiation Changes brought about in post-World War II America Negotiations and the civil rights movement Negotiating America's role in the world Negotiating War and Pea... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Evaluating and Negotiating Insurance Bad Faith Cases

    At some juncture during the life of an insurance bad faith case, the parties’ counsel will need to address the potential for settlement of the case. Given the distinctive nature of bad faith claims, assessing the value of such claims presents certain challenges. Likewise, depending on the nature of the claim and the issues involved, counsel for both the policyholder and the insurance company should be mindful of important considerations in trying to reach a mutually satisfactory reso... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Five Critical Developments in Class Action Litigation

    Class action litigation is a constantly shifting and evolving area of jurisprudence. Although class litigation is often amongst the highest stakes of any litigation field, the nature of Rule 23 -which prescribes broad guidelines but few bright line rules -results in divergent and interesting debates, practically and academically. This course will tackle critical recent developments in five different areas of the law related to class litigation-administrative feasibility, Article III ju... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • Navigating Landlord Tenant Disputes in A Post-COVID World

    Like all other aspects of life, COVID has affected the litigation and resolution of disputes between landlord and tenants in New York City area. The enforcement of straight forward lease defaults such as the nonpayment of rent have become more difficult to navigate due to ever changing procedural requirements resulting from numerous Executive and Administrative Orders. This lecture will summarize the current procedural stature of landlord/tenant litigation in the Civil and Supreme Co... More Info

    1.3General Credits
  • Front Loading the Litigation: The Keys to Pretrial Advocacy

    Today cases are won or lost in the pretrial process. In their book, Pretrial Advocacy, Authors Reuben Guttman and JC Lore refer to the pretrial process as “front-loaded.” Guttman and Lore explain that changes to the standards governing pleading, class certification, discovery, summary judgment, and experts -- along with the advent of electronic information including social media – have changed the face of litigation. In this CLE, Guttman and Lore will highlight: The key evidentiary an... More Info

    1.5General Credits

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