Puerto Rico CLE - Business Law Courses

This is a listing of Business Law CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • From NFTs to Andy Warhol to New Legislation: Current Developments in Copyright Law

    Do NFTs really raise new copyright law issues? This CLE course features a panel of seasoned speakers who will explain why they do. What is the Supreme Court going to do with the Warhol case? Is there a circuit split in the embedding cases heading for the Supreme Court? Don't miss this annual summary of developments in case law and legislation for a concise presentation on these and other topics. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Building a Successful Solo Mergers and Acquisitions Practice

    This CLE program will focus on the tools needed to add a successful mergers and acquisition practice in your firm.. Take a step-by-step look at key issues including: what is an M&A practice, flowcharts, checklists, practice tips, software suggestions and client management hints. More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • Issues To Consider When Drafting Construction Contracts

    This CLE course will provide insight as to the Issues that should be considered when drafting Construction Contracts. The topics discussed are as follows: Drafting Construction Contracts, Mechanics Liens, Termination, Delay Damages, Liquidated v actual damages, Change Orders, Material escalation costs, Insurance and Bonds, and Dispute resolution. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • How Lawyers Can Represent Brokers Beyond Their State Licensing

    Brokers want to make deals throughout the nation, and chafe at the idea that their single state license will limit their ability or right to legally work on deals in other states. License portability-which is NOT license reciprocity-will allow this to occur, when the broker cooperates with a licensee of the state where the property is located. However, different states have different limitations on just what these out of state brokers can legally do. Learn how to find, inter... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Cyber Security Compliance Trifecta: Recent Revisions to Three Important Security & Privacy Standards

    Cybersecurity compliance concerns have emerged as a forefront issue for both large and small enterprises. Revisions of three important standards or requirements were published recently and will have far reaching cybersecurity compliance implications. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released Spec. Pub 800-53 (Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations), the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council published PCI-DSS 4.0, and... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • Legal Ethics: Dos and Don’ts for Attorney Advertising

    This CLE program will discuss the ethics rules as they relate to the oft-confusing issues of lawyer marketing, advertising and solicitation. What’s the right balance of advertising, social media, video and client engagement to grow your practice. What’s the difference between and advertisement and a solicitation and why does it matter? Can I practice under a Trade Name? Learn how to best comply with the rules and review the latest ethics opinions. More Info

    2Ethics Credits
  • What Happens To Your Practice If You Die Or Become Disabled

    What happens to your practice and your family if you die or become disabled? This is a practical CLE program that focuses on the preventive steps to ethically comply with your obligations to your clients, protect your family and to recover the value of your practice. This seminar is designed to raise awareness and increase preparedness in the event of a catastrophic occurrence in your life. It is designed primarily for solo and small firms. More Info

    1.2Ethics Credits
  • Basics of Patents: Are You Protected? Fundamentals of US Patents and Inventorship

    An increasing proportion of the value of a company resides in its intellectual property. This makes protection of intellectual property of great importance to company owners, be they sole proprietors or stockholders. Learn the basic ideas of patent law and inventorship in the United States, including what is a patent claim, who should be named as the inventor, what must be disclosed in a patent support its claims, and how patent claims are used in the marketplace. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Advanced 1031 Exchange Topics: Reverse and Improvement Transactions

    The course will take a closer look at some advanced aspects of 1031 Exchanges, namely Rev. Proc. 2000-37 - Reverse Exchanges. Different forms of “parking” transactions will be discussed, including improvement exchanges. Additionally, 1031 Exchanges often give rise to Partnership issues – various strategies for consideration will be covered. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Bitcoin: Time For Lawyers To Take A Byte

    The economic impact of digital evolution is a reality of our daily lives. Over the past decade, the “Internet of Things” replaced the “Internet of Information.” Today and since the emergence of blockchain technology, we are seeing a sweeping wave of the “Internet of Value” gradually taking over the web and yielding in its wake a transformation of our economic systems deeper than the first two waves combined. Open a magazine, nowadays, and you’re bound to find an article discuss... More Info

    1.1General Credits

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