Puerto Rico CLE - Energy Law Courses

This is a listing of Energy Law CLE Courses for Puerto Rico. Please make your selection below of Puerto Rico CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Updates on Hot Topics in Environmental Law

    This CLE course will discuss updates in three hot topics in environmental law. First, it will discuss updates in the regulation of PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals”, including details of ongoing litigation and newly promulgated regulations. Second, it will discuss the concept of the 6th Mass Extinction and how worldwide efforts are being made in avoidance of such an event. Third, will discuss updates and progress in the renewable energy industry. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Environmental Ethics and The Law

    There have been seven evolutionary eras since the Earth formed 4.5 billion years ago, and there have been five mass extinctions. We are currently in what many call the eighth era, which is the Anthropocene, that of humans, which may include the sixth mass extinction. To put it into a perspective that is more easily understood, if the past 4.5 billion years are put into one calendar year, life on the planet began with lightning strikes into the so-called, “primordial soup”. Dinosaurs, in their... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Wetlands Law & Policy: From the Federal Clean Water Act to Local Administration

    Wetlands Science and Law became a very important part of general environmental law, primarily beginning with the Industrial Revolution of the 1700s. Wetlands has paramount importance from the mushy area behind a residential backyard to mitigating Global Climate Change. Topics will include, but in legal parlance, not exclusive of: A brief history of Wetlands – Bogs, Fens, Marshes, Prairie Potholes, Bayous, Swamps, et-cetera The history of law and policy General environmental law I... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • PFAS: The Forever Chemicals

    Developed in the 1950s, PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) have been used in the manufacture of non-stick coatings, waterproofing materials, fire-suppression chemicals, and other products. Water supplies and food throughout the world have been found to contain PFAS. Studies have linked PFAS with several forms of cancer and a variety of non-cancerous ailments. Federal and state PFAS regulations have recently been promulgated. Environmental and personal injury litigation has... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Commercial Pace, The New Kid On The Block: The Legal Framework For A New Form Of Commercial Real Estate Financing

    Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Financing (C-PACE) is one of the newest financial tools for property owners and developers in the country. Offering lower interest and longer terms with a super-priority lien, it behaves like a muni bond but can be put into a capital stack. Find out the legal ins and outs of how this is enabled, its legal structure and status, and how you can put it to work for your clients, whether they be private owners, developers, banks, or local governmen... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Fundamental Rights to a Clean, Safe and Healthy Environment: The Case for Green Amendments

    This CLE course introduces an emerging intersection of environmental and constitutional law that proves promising in the field of public interest environmental law and advocacy: fundamental environmental rights. Green Amendments, as they’ve been termed, are self-executing provisions added to the bill of rights section of a constitution that recognize and protect the rights of all people, including future generations, to clean water, clean air, a stable climate and a healthy environment.... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The New Wave of Benzene Litigation: Class Actions

    Benzene personal injury litigation has been around for decades. The plaintiffs in the traditional cases have alleged that their use of solvents, paints, varnishes, and other petroleum-based products have caused them to develop blood cancers. Recently, benzene was found in deodorants, sunscreens, and other personal care products. Subsequently, consumer class action cases were filed in federal district courts in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, South Carol... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • PFAS: The New Contaminant of Enormous Concern

    This CLE lecture will discuss the regulation of a new variety of contaminants, PFAS chemicals, also known as “forever chemicals.” As technology evolves, so must the law. We will discuss PFAS chemicals in the context of the federal and state drinking water regulations, with New York State currently having adopted the strictest of standards. This will include a discussion on the difficulties public water suppliers face in having to achieve these standards. We will also explore th... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Federal and Environmental Agenda: 1 Year Into The Biden Administration

    This course will cover developments in federal environmental policies through the first year of the Biden Administration and likely future legislation, Executive Branch policies and key future court cases. The focus will be on climate change including the development of renewable energy sources, the regulation of the “forever chemicals”, ie, PFAS, Clean Air Act stationary and mobile source regulations, and the Clean Water Act Waters of the United States regulation. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Meteorology and the Law: Hazardous Weather Preparedness and Litigation

    Failure to prepare in advance for weather events, either as a result of misinformation or lack of knowledge about how to do so, is the cause of many weather-related lawsuits. Proper preparation in advance of both minor and major weather hazards can protect lives and property and create a more resilient community in the face of a changing climate. This course will present a survey of the field of forensic meteorology, including a discussion of the types of cases on which meteorologist... More Info

    1.2General Credits
  • The Rights of Nature: Theory, Laws, and Emerging Jurisprudence

    This CLE course will introduce lawyers to the concept of creating legally enforceable rights for ecosystems – an emerging area of environmental law which elevates environmental protection to a level comparable to human civil rights laws. This course will examine the legal theory behind “rights of nature” laws, and examine the anatomy of rights of nature laws that have been adopted by municipal governments across the United States. This course will also feature case studies of the enforce... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • The Biden Administration Environmental Agenda

    On his first day in office President Biden ordered many changes to the Trump environmental rules and pledged sweeping changes to the federal environmental and natural resources regulations. These initiatives will cover many areas particularly climate change. We will review the most significant items including climate change, other Clean Air Act initiatives and new directions for Clean Water Act, waste management and Endangered Species Act regulations. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Climate Change Solutions

    New York State enacted a climate change law calling for a significant increase in renewable energy, including 9,000 MW of offshore wind energy. Offshore wind projects are typically very complex and include the involvement of a multitude of government agencies. New York State currently has three major offshore wind energy projects underway. This CLE course will discuss new climate change laws, various stages of offshore wind energy projects, from the regulatory and permitting process,... More Info

    1.1General Credits
  • New Challenges For Brownfield Redevelopment: Emerging Contaminants

    Just when every State in the Country has developed a Brownfield Cleanup Program to facilitate the remediation of contamination commonly found on former industrial sites for new uses, a new class on contaminants called “Emerging Contaminants” or “Forever Chemicals” is further complicating development of these sites. This CLE Presentation will: Review the benefits of Brownfield Cleanup Programs, including financial and liability release incentives; Discuss ongoing issues with Brownfield... More Info

    1.4General Credits
  • The Emerging Environmental Crisis

    This CLE course addresses an interesting new area of environmental law: emerging contaminants in our drinking water. The course will primarily discuss the federal environmental statute that seeks to protect our drinking water supplies, the Safe Drinking Water Act. While there are many contaminants that are regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act, there are new contaminants, called “emerging contaminants” that remain unregulated and are impacting the safety and quality of drinking water sup... More Info

    2.1General Credits
  • Oil, Gas, and Mineral Leasehold Issues

    Landowners hold a distinct advantage over oil companies and over the years, their leases have begun to reflect that. Oil companies have no choice but to acquiesce to increasingly land-owner friendly leases and while many still resist, form leases are becoming a rarity. This CLE course, presented by oil and gas attorney Josh Stein, will explain the most common sources of ambiguity and error which may arise in drafting oil and gas leases, even top leases, and how attorneys can protect cl... More Info

    1.4General Credits
  • Preparing and Reviewing Oil and Gas Title Opinions

    The variety in style and particular client needs have resulted in a lack of standardization amongst title opinions. That, combined with the vast amounts of land in Texas with bad title, has made a well-written, professional title opinion a negotiable instrument in a dispute. This CLE course will explain how these opinions are routinely sold between owners and oil and companies and are then used as the basis for future title opinions, sometimes decades later. Presented by Oil and Gas at... More Info

    1.8General Credits
  • Understanding Easements and Right of Way

    Easements are a critical issue in gas and title examinations. Identifying the locations of easements to avoid obstruction or accidental drilling into a pipeline is crucial as is avoiding issues with surface owners. From the perspective of a title examiner, there are instruments that purport to create easements but aren’t, creating a dangerous situation of wherein an oil company drills within a platted subdivision or near a river. This CLE course will offer a broad overview of easements and the... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Understanding Interests in Oil and Gas Lands and Production

    Precedent is a central principle in the area of law. As such, working in mature areas of law with long established legislation can be beneficial to attorneys. This CLE course will explore the fascinating legal area of oil and gas, which, while relatively young, is a fairly well developed area and yet is uniquely positioned due to the theory of “ownership in place.” The theory stipulates that certain reserves can continue in perpetuity, regardless of how long ago they were established, and that... More Info

    1.3General Credits

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